Public Notice Notice of Adoption of Resolution Subject to Permissive Referendum PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Franklin- Treadwell Board of Fire Commissioners adopted a resolution authorizing the expenditure of a maximum amount of $30,000 from the Fire District's apparatus reserve fund, a capital reserve fund, for the replacement of Treadwell Fire Department's 1998 Chevrolet ambulance due to ongoing mechanical and structural failures. Said replacement will consist of a used Ford, 4WD ambulance, in excellent condition, with 9,000 actual operational miles. Final cost for this purchase will be no more than $30,000. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the aforsaid resolution, adopted on August 11, 2015, is subject to permissive referendum and will not take effect for 30 days, from this date, or until a referendum is held in the event the requisite number of petitions subscribed and acknowledged by electors within the Franklin- Treadwell Fire District's jurisdiction in opposition to such expenditure are submitted to the Clerk of the Board within 30 days of the date of this notification of the adoption of said resolution. A copy of the resolution and form petitions are available by contacting the Franklin-Treadwell Fire District, P.O. Box 151, Franklin, NY 13775. 607-434-5762 or 607-829-5600. By Order of The Franklin- Treadwell Board of Fire Commissions August 24, 2015 Clyde Kellogg Clerk of the Board