ESTATE NOTICE Notice is herby given that Letters Testamentary in the Estate of ELIZABETH M. DEMEDAL, late of New Castle Pa, have been granted to JOCELYN OLEKSA of 240 Summers School Road, Morgantown, West Virginia 26508. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment; those having claims should present same for payment to the above named Executrix, or to: ANGELO A. PAPA, ESQUIRE Attorney at Law 318 Highland Avenue New Castle, PA 16101 Legal: September 2, 9, 16, 2015 ESTATE NOTICE Letters of Administration in the ESTATE OF MICHAEL DOUG MANOS, a late resident of Edinburg, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, have been granted to MATTHEW J. MANOS, 1015 Beckford Street, New Castle, PA 16101, to whom all claims should be presented, and those indebted to said estate make payment without delay to the Administrator, or his attorney named below. Anthony Piatek, Esq. 414 N. Jefferson Street New Castle, PA 16101 Legal: September 2,9,16 2015 NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 7 OF 2015 TOWNSHIP OF SHENANGO LAWRENCE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA NOTICE is hereby given of the intention of the Board of Supervisors of Shenango Township, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, to adopt an Ordinance for the purpose of making various changes, clarifications and amendments to Ordinance No. 1 of 2001 Township of Shenango Zoning Ordinance; repealing certain existing regualtions concerning telecommunication towers and antennae and accessory equipment, new and revised definitions pertaining to wireless communication facilities; location, placement, construction and maintenance of wireless communication facilities, regulations of such facilities within the public rights of way and outside the public rights of way and outside the public rights of way and proving for enforcement, providing for purposes of findings of fact related to the adoption of the amendment. Said Ordinance shall be adopted at the regularly scheduled meeting to be held at the Shenango Township Municipal Building, 1000 Willowbrook Road, New Castle, PA 16101, at 6:00 P.M. prevailing time, on Thursday, September 10, 2015. Albert D. Burick, III Supervisor Secretary/Treasurer Shenango Township Municipal Building 1000 Willowbrook Road New Castle, PA 16101 Legal: August 26, September 2, 2015