TAX COLLECTOR'S NOTICE I have received the tax warrant of the Roxbury Central School and will collect taxes September 1st, 2015 through November 2nd, 2015. No interest will be charged until after September 30, 2015. Beginning October 1st. and through October 31st, 2015, 2% will be charged. Beginning November 1st and through November 2nd, 2015, 3% will be charged. Times and places for collecting taxes will be as follow: At Roxbury Town Hall: Wednesdays September 9th&23rd (12PM to 5:30 PM) Any payment sent by mail postmarked no later than Nov. 2nd, 2015 will be accepted. The list of taxes remaining unpaid after Nov. 2nd, 2015 will be returned to the County Treasurer. After Nov. 2nd, 2015 taxes should be paid directly to Delaware County Treasurers Office. For the period of Nov. 1st through November 30th, 2015, 3% will be charged. Joan Moore School Tax Collector Roxbury Central School Roxbury, NY 12474