(Published in the Stillwater News Press September 16, 2015 1t) BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA APPLICANT: TREY RESOURCES, INC. RELIEF SOUGHT: CHANGE OF OPERATOR UNDER POOLING ORDER NO. 618063 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 19 NORTH, RANGE 1 WEST, PAYNE COUNTY, OKLAHOMA Cause CD 201504460 NOTICE OF HEARING STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All persons, owners, producers, operators, purchasers and takers of oil and gas, and all other interested persons, particularly in Payne County, Oklahoma, and more particularly: 4B Properties, LLC; American Energy-Woodford, LLC; BKP, LLC; Blue Quail; BNW Inc.; Boone Operating, Inc.; Calyx Energy LLC; Carl Nick; Coates Family Trust; Curtis Meade; Michelle Meade; David Frick; Linda Frick; DBS Enterprises; Devon Energy Production Company, LP; Donald R. Kirchner; Ed Kaiser; Eubank Family Trust, George David and Virginia Harrison Eubank; Eubank Family Trust, Jeffrey Harrison Eubank; Fred Wheatley; George A. Hoke, Jr.; Glory A. Stevens; Gregory L. Weeks; Jeff Brueggen; John Rowe; John Winn; Jose Paredes; Kathy Templeton; L&M Associated Partners, Inc.; Lance Hansen; Stephanie Hansen; Legacy Oil&Gas; Mike Moyer; N&N Investments; Nick Hayes; Octagon Energy Corporation; Paige Covington aka Virginia Paige Covington; Paula Means; Piper Cleveland; Red Fork (USA) Investments, Inc. dba Redfork Energy; Richard Burnam; Rose DeGuilio; Roy T. Hoke; Sallie E. Nicholson; Sandubrae Investments; SLT Dakota Operating, Inc.; Stan Templeton; Tammy Burnam; TipTop Energy Production Company, LP; TW Land Services, Inc.; VHE Ventures, L.P.; Claud Emmons; Elsie G. Emmons; Gay Harsha; Harold C. Emmons; Mark Harsha; and T.C. Emmons; if living or deceased, dissolved or liquidated, the known and unknown successors, heirs and assigns, immediate and remote, of any and all of the above named parties. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Applicant is requesting that the Commission enter an Order amending Order No. 618063 dated November 13, 2013, which pooled oil and gas interests in the Mississippian, Misener-Hunton and Woodford common sources of supply for the 640-acre drilling and spacing unit consisting of Section 2, Township 19 North, Range 1 West, Payne County, Oklahoma, so as to delete Red Fork (USA) Investments, Inc., as unit Operator, and to designate Trey Resources, Inc. as the Operator for all wells drilled, or to be drilled, under the terms of such Order. Except as amended hereunder, Order No. 618063 is to remain in full effect. IT IS ORDERED AND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that this Cause will be heard before an Administrative Law Judge on the Initial Hearing Docket at the Corporation Commission, Jim Thorpe Building, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, at 8:30 a.m. on the 6th day of October, 2015, and that this Notice be published as required by law and the Rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that Applicant and interested parties may present testimony by telephone. The cost of telephonic communication shall be paid by the person(s) requesting its use. Interested parties who wish to participate by telephone shall contact Applicant or Applicant's attorney, prior to the hearing date, and provide their name and telephone number. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be heard. For information concerning this action, contact Trey Resources, Inc., P.O. Box 50272, Midland, Texas 79710; Telephone: (432) 570-6898; or John E. Lee, III, Wright&Associates, P.C., 1800 Canyon Park Circle, Suite 201, Edmond, Oklahoma 73013; Telephone: (405) 844-7000. CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA BOB ANTHONY, CHAIRMAN DANA L. MURPHY, VICE CHAIRMAN J. TODD HIETT, COMMISSIONER DONE AND PERFORMED THIS 11TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2015. BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: PEGGY MITCHELL, Commission Secretary