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CITY OF CAMANCHE CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 5, 2015 The City Council of the City of Camanche, Iowa met in regular session September 15, 2015 at 6:00 P.M. at Camanche City Hall. Present on roll call: Mayor Fahlbeck, presiding, and the following named council members: Willis, Lind, Varner, and Wruck. McManus was absent. Also present were City Administrator Roth, City Attorney Donnelly, and department heads Houzenga, Schutte, Hilgendorf and City Clerk/Treasurer Jindrich. A moment of silence was observed. Mayor Fahlbeck led the Pledge of Allegiance. Moved by Willis, second by Varner to approve the agenda. On roll call – all ayes. Fahlbeck read a “Proclamation for Drive the Great River Road Month – September 2015. Garner Hall – Clara Wiebers turned in a petition with 113 names asking that the demolition of Garner Hall be placed on the ballot. She was told by the county auditor to turn the petition into Roth. Clara stated that Paula Moore, with the State Historical Preservation, would like to send someone to see if the building is worth saving. She has copies of deeds that stated that if Garner Hall was not going to be a community building anymore; it would go back to the original owners. Fahlbeck would like to get copies of those deeds. Donnelly would like to look at the deeds. Clara was wondering why everything is being put on that side of the tracks. What happens if the train blocks the tracks? She was told only a few pieces will be in the new building. Roth stated that the City of Camanche cannot do a public opinion referendum. Wruck stated that people are looking for a larger place to hold family functions. Bonnie McManus was wondering how many firefighters live on the river side of the tracks. Schutte said there are at least 4 with 2 being paramedics. Schutte stated that part of the grant was to get some equipment in the new building – the doors are not high enough to the old building. Charlie Blount feels it should be up to the city to do what they wish with the property. Moved by Willis, second by Varner to approve the consent agenda which covered the following items: approve minutes from the council meeting held September 1, 2015; approve Abstract No. 640 which includes the following: CARQUEST AUTO PARTS OIL FILTER FOR MOWER 30.96 CLINTON HERALD CIVIL SERV ADS,LEGAL PUBLICATION 974.65 CLINTON PRINTING COMPANY 4 PART CIVIL CITATIONS 296.00 CITY OF CLINTON 28E SEWER CONTRACT 23,000.00 CLINTON NATIONAL BANK FED/FICA TAX 9,397.60 CL CO AREA SOLID WASTE YARD WASTE DISPOSAL 316.36 COLLECTION SERVICES CTR GARNISHMENT 138.46 CULLIGAN DISPENSER RENTAL 10.00 DORSEY & WHITNEY LLP LEGAL SERV-TAX ABATEMENT 4,540.00 ECONOMY PLBG/HEATING INC SERVICE AIR COND-GARNER HALL 109.31 EASTERN IA LIGHT & POWER SECURITY LIGHTING 37.20 ELECTRICAL ENG & EQUIP CO 7TH AVE GENERATOR REPAIR 3,117.80 FASTENAL COMPANY CABLE TIES-CAMANCHE DAYS 8.03 GALE ONE BOOK 20.80 GATEWAY DOOR COMPANY 40129-INSTALL ROLLERS,HINGES 226.23 GENERAL BOOK COVERS BOOK JACKETS 134.65 HARTZ LOCK COMPANY PADLOCKS 141.24 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICE BATTERY,CIRCUIT BREAKER 95.82 INGRAM BOOK COMPANY BOOKS 906.81 J & C ENTERPRISES SEPTEMBER COLLECTION 154.00 JIM'S FAB WELD TARP ON TRUCK #17 25.00 KYLE KING DEDUCTIBLE/COPAYMENT 5.82 LECTRONICS INC RADIO MAINTENANCE 222.50 LESLIE ELECTRIC DOCK LIGHTS,FLASHER 201.00 LIBRARY PETTY CASH POSTAGE,GAS,CRAFT SUPPLIES 177.90 LOW MOOR AG SERVICE INC PRAMITOL 191.92 MASTERCARD BIKE RACK,MEDICBATTERIES,VACUU 905.42 TOM MCMANUS BACKHOE INSTALL HYDRANT-CITY PARK 525.00 MEDIACOM INTERNET 450.00 MERCY MEDICAL CENTER-CLIN PHARMACEUTICALS FOR AUG 2015 84.00 MEREMA BROTHERS INC BELTS-CEMETERY MOWER 147.52 MICROMARKETING LLC CDS 87.00 MIDAMERICAN ENERGY CO STREET LIGHTING 3,543.67 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY PUMP LEVEL RATE TRANSDUCER 975.00 MUNICIPAL FIRE & POLICE MUNICIPAL PENSN 7,986.86 PAULS DISCOUNT HOSE,DECON,WASP SPRAY 147.44 POSTMASTER MAIL 3RD QTR WATER/SEWER BILLS 454.59 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC CYLINDER RENTAL 65.10 PREMIER LINEN/UNIFORM TOWELS,RUGS,MOP HEADS 147.46 PRESTO-X-COMPANY PEST CONTROL 89.00 QUALITY CONCRETE CONCRETE-BIKE RACK,CENT PARK 183.00 RIVER CITY DISPOSAL LLC SOLID WASTE/RECYCLING 22,659.00 SHIVE-HATTERY ENGINEERS ENG SERV-DUNN ROAD REHAB 3,964.42 TREASURER STATE OF IOWA AUGUST SALES TAX 260.65 UTILITY EQUIPMENT COMPANY 24 RADIO READ METERES 4,568.66 VERTEX CHEMICAL COMPANY 95 GALLONS HYPOCHLORITE 140.60 WITT'S SMALL ENGINE PRIMER BULB-WEED EATER 12.00 1ST GATEWAY CREDIT UNION 1ST GATEWAY CU 844.00 PETERSEN SANITARY INC PORTABLE TOILETS-PARKS 390.00 KELTEK INCORPORATED BLUE LIGHT 76.95 XOP NETWORKS FIREBAR 10/1-12/31/15 600.00 OPENEDGE CREDIT CARD SERVICES 100.84 STATE HYGIENIC LABORATORY SAMPLE ANALYSIS 187.50 MAYER, LONERGAN & ROLFES ATTORNEY SERVICES-AUGUST 2015 1,310.10 MABAS DIV 30 MABAS DUES 175.00 ILLOWA 3RD STREET CRACKSEALING 9,840.00 BASE CAFETERIA MONTHLY 43.75 CITY OF CAMANCHE 3RD QTR WATER/SEWER BILLS 322.08 PLATINUM SMART INC. PIS15-3205-IT SUPPORT 1,431.40 VERIZON WIRELESS01 CELL PHONES-POLICE 221.40 PLATINUM LEASING LEASE-SERVER AND PHONE SYSTEM 1,289.00 XEROX BUSINESS SERVICES COPIER MAINTENANCE 62.51 LINDA RUNGE DEDUCTIBLE/COPAYMENT 514.66 GLOCK PROFESSIONAL INC ARMORER'S COURSE-DETERMANN 250.00 JUDY DELL MULCH,LANDSCAPE FABRIC-TREES 25.65 BOONSTRA HEATING SERVICE CALL-FIRE DEPT 75.00 OUTDOOR FITNESS INC. EXERCISE EQUIPMENT 5,746.00 DEPOSIT REFUNDS REFUND DATE 09/09/2015 504.34 PAYROLL CHECKS PAYROLL CHECKS ON 09/02/2015 706.06 PAYROLL CHECKS PAYROLL CHECKS ON 09/11/2015 31,332.37 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLAIMS TOTAL: 115,382.29 GENERAL FUND 52,015.08 LIBRARY FUND 4,518.61 PARKS FUND 8,569.41 CEMETERY FUND 1,653.83 ROAD USE FUND 18,663.77 POLICE & FIRE PENSION FUND 575.00 WATER UTILITY FUND 9,271.49 SEWER UTILITY FUND 29,682.51 LANDFILL/GARBAGE FUND 22,975.36 Receive and approve the City Clerk/Treasurer’s Report for August 2015 which had receipts of: General - $114,752.87, Library - $11,393.58, Parks - $7,637.34, Cemetery - $4,158.92, Road Use - $61,611.49, Employee Benefit - $8.43, Police & Fire Pension - $17.92, Perpetual Care - $300.00, Debt Service - $34.25, Washington Blvd. Enhancement - $146,496.04, Water Utility Fund - $2,466.32, Sewer Utility - $4,170.04, Landfill/Garbage - $1,561.78 for a total of $354,608.98; receive, accept and place on file the August 2015 Police and Fire Reports; receive, accept and place on file the minutes from Park and Rec. meeting held September 1, 2015; set Saturday, October 31, 2015 from 6-8 as Trick-or-Treat. On roll call – all ayes. The Professional Engineering Services for Storage Bldg. /Community Center was tabled. Collective Bargaining Agreement – Fahlbeck wanted to thank the committee. It was a long process. It went from mediation to arbitration. It was settled a week before it went to arbitration. Wanted to thank the police and fire departments for their efforts. Moved by Lind, second by Wruck to approve the Resolution Approving a Collective Bargaining Agreement for the Camanche Police and Fire Bargaining Unit for FYE 2016 and 2017. On roll call – all ayes. Moved by Varner, second by Wruck to accept the resignation of Mike McManus from the council effective 09/09/2015. On roll call – all ayes. Roth stated there are two options. The council can the fill the vacancy by appointment with the majority of the council. A resident can then file a petition calling for a special election. The council has 60 days to decide what they want to do. They can wait until after the general election and fill the seat then. They would have to hold a special meeting. A lot of people have taken out papers. There will be a surplus of candidates. It was the consensus of the council to wait until after the general election. Donnelly reported that the closing was held on the vacant lots behind the old city hall. Now that the collective bargaining contract is finished, he can move forward with the other employment matters. Roth reported that Solchenberger looked at the issue of a drop-off on 9th Street behind Lyondell. They put a barricade on it. Shive Hattery will decide what needs to be done. Roth also said that the trees have been planted in the parks. Terry and Judy Dell have been mulching and watering them. With coordinating the Christmas decorations and the trees, they have gone above and beyond the call of duty. He has been working on the newsletter and the job descriptions. He and the city clerk will be gone Thursday and part of Friday next week to the League of Cities meeting in Cedar Rapids. Fahlbeck would like to appoint Marv Lind to be the liaison for Park and Recreation until McManus’s council seat is filled. He wanted to point out that there is a deep drop off around a culvert on Dunn Road – around the corner from the bus barn. Hilgendorf will look into it. Willis wanted to say that the lights that are on the poles on the bypass are not very bright at all. Hilgendorf stated they put those on there on a temporary basis. He has talked to the DOT about signs – like that one that is at Washington Blvd. and Hwy 67. The city will buy them, install them and the DOT will reimburse us for them. He will be ordering them tomorrow. Wruck would like the council to have a copy of the newsletter before it is printed. He would like to thank the mayor for sticking with negotiations. Blount was concerned who the moderator was going to be for the candidates’ forum. Fahlbeck said the chamber usually sets it up. Blount was wondering who makes up the questions. The reason he is asking is he thought the questions were biased. Judy Dell was wondering if the public could write down questions and have them asked. Roth will check with Nathan. Blount said the children are our future and he feels the candidates should talk to the high schoolers. Jim Robertson was wondering how much the city spent on collective bargaining. Jindrich stated that all the bills are not in yet - $23,000 so far. He is concerned that the replacement police officer item on the agenda had been scratched again. Fahlbeck would like to see a full council present to make that decision. If it’s a 2-2 tie, then it dies. Gary Tucker was wondering why the city can’t go back to the previous election where McManus was elected and use the next highest vote getter. Fahlbeck commented that we are so close to the present election. He would rather wait to use that. Willis wanted to make everyone aware that they can still make decisions even though it may be a 2-2 vote. Bob Duncan was curious if CRDC is looking into getting someone in the old Stampede building. Roth reported that CRDC has been out there. It is not easy to market it because of all of the small buildings. Roth will check with CRDC to see if it is listed with the State. Amber Metzger commented that the Camanche sign looks great. She was wondering what is being done on the abandoned house next to her. Donnelly stated a certified letter has been sent to Fanny May. We are trying to find who the property servicer is. Fahlbeck read an invitation to the Fall Kick-Off for September 29, 2015 from 6:30-8:30 in Central Park. At 7:07 P.M., being no further business, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. Kenneth A. Fahlbeck Mayor Sheryl L. Jindrich City Clerk/Treasurer Published: September 28, 2015 --- CAMANCHE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION SEPTEMBER 21, 2015 The Annual meeting of the Board of Education of the Camanche Community School District was held on September 21, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. in the Board Room of the Administration Building. The attendance was recorded as follows: Directors Jim Boysen, Peg Wolf, Molly Jess, Brad Weber, Larry McDonald, and Mike Dunn. Director Jeff Swalve was absent. Also in attendance were Superintendent Tom Parker, Business Director-Board Secretary/Treasurer Roxanne Aude, Principals Neil Gray, Justin Shaffer, and Chuck Wiebenga, John Rohlf from the Clinton Herald and Tia Nauman and Jean Morgan. The agenda was approved as presented. The minutes from the August 17, 2015 meeting were approved and placed on file. The Secretary/Treasurer’s monthly reports, Hot Lunch and Activity Account reports were presented and placed on file. Director Boysen moved to accept the warrants issued by the Secretary during the month of August and to allow payment of the bills, seconded by Director McDonald. Motion carried unanimously. 10 GENERAL FUND 4IMPRINT SUPPLIES 226.50; 95 PERCENT GROUP INC TEXTBOOKS/SOFTWARE 280.50; ACCO EQUIPMENT 2.60; ACME TOOLS SUPPLIES/TOOLS 656.74; ALLIANCE PUBLISHING & MARKETING, INC WORKBOOKS 716.28; ALLIANT ENERGY NATURAL GAS 427.93; AMERICAN RED CROSS SUPPLIES 190.00; B4 BRANDS SUPPLIES 132.39; BADRICKS SERVICE AND SALES SERVICE/REPAIR PARTS 70.80; BATTERIES PLUS #130 SUPPLIES 395.80; BLICK ART MATERIALS SUPPLIES 26.64; BRADFIELD'S COMPUTER SUPPLY TECH SUPPLY/ COMPUTERS 1,923.00; BRINKMAN BUILDING CENTER MAINT REPAIRS 85.50; BUCKLEY, SARAH REIMBURSEMENT 19.06; BURGER KING FOOD PURCHASE 8.24; CAMANCHE DISPOSAL COMPANY DISPOSAL 498.00; CAMANCHE HOT LUNCH FUND FOOD PURCHASE 272.62; CANDLELIGHT INN FOOD PURCHASE 244.93; CASEY'S GENERAL STORE FOOD PURCHASE/FUEL 32.54; CDW GOVERNMENT INC TECH SUPPLIES/EQUIPMENT 101.72; CENGAGE LEARNING TEXTBOOKS 1,597.35; CENTURY LINK PHONE SERVICE 1,195.82; CHESS USA SUPPLIES 46.52; CHILIS FOOD PURCHASE 43.77; CITY OF CAMANCHE WATER 0.00; CLINTON FLORAL SHOP SUPPLIES 33.50; CLINTON HERALD COMPANY NOTICES/CLASSFIEDS 334.85; CLINTON PRINTING COMPANY PRINT SUPPLIES 336.00; COMFORT INN - ALL HOTEL 98.35; Continuum Retail Energy Services, LLC NATURAL GAS 2,169.76; COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES DUES/ FEES 25.00; CULLIGAN BOTTLED WATER 34.75; CUMMINS CENTRAL POWER, LLC. REPAIRS 7,966.03; DAVE'S APPLIANCE REPAIR REPAIRS/SERVICE 66.00; DECKER EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 198.66; DELL MARKETING LP TECHNOLOGY 5,324.11; DES MOINES REGISTER SUBSCRIPTIONS/NOTICES 324.03; DEWITT OFFICE CENTER SUPPLIES 4,805.86; DOWE, GREG SERVICES 550.00; DOWNTOWN AUTO CLINIC SERVICE REPAIR 395.07; DREY, EMILY REIMBURSEMENT 19.38; EASTERN IOWA TIRE REPAIR PARTS/TIRES 4,118.54; EDUCATIONAL DESIGN, LLC SUPPLIES 69.00; F.I.R.S.T SUPPLIES 900.00; FASTENAL COMPANY SUPPLIES/PARTS 695.02 FELTS, SHAWN SERVICE 200.00; G & K SERVICES CLEANING SUPPLIES 32.00; GATEWAY SUPPLY LTD MISC SUPPLIES 11,219.56; GENESIS HOME MEDICAL EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 3,354.75; GLOBAL GOV ED .COM TECH SUPPLIES/COMPUTERS 307.35; GOPHER SUPPLIES 579.03; GREAT AMERICA FINANCIAL SERVICES COPIER LEASE 800.44; HARBOR FREIGHT TOOLS USA, INC. SHOP SUPPLIES 871.83; HARRINGTON, HOLLY REIMBURSEMENT 17.23; HARTZ INC. REPAIRS /SERVICES 11.40; HILLYARD/ DESMOINES SANITARY SUPPLY SUPPLIES/SERVICES 3,255.46; HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES MAINT SUPPLIES 797.88; HOSPITAL FUND INSURANCE TRANSFER 105,145.17; IA HIGH SCHOOL MUSIC ASSOC. MEMBERSHIP 175.00; IA PUPIL TRANSPORTATION ASSOC REGISTRATION 275.00; IASBO REGISTRATION FEES 213.00; IMPERIAL LANES RENTAL 303.71; INQUIREHIRE SERVICES 540.00; IOWA COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK RELAY 624.00; IXL LEARNING SUBSCRIPTION 49.00; JETHRO'S BBQ FOOD 25.00; JUDGE, DONNA REIMBURSEMENT 18.93; K & K HARDWARE SUPPLIES/PARTS 39.83; KELLY HEATING & OIL CO, INC FUEL 1,778.42; KENDRICK GENERAL PEST CONTROL 115.00; KIDS FIRST ACADEMY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 14,324.44; KOHLS DEPARTMENT STORE UNIFORMS 113.38; KWIK TRIP INC GASOLINE 521.82; LAMINATOR.COM,INC SUPPLIES 154.93; LECTRONICS, INC SERVICES 47.00; LEGO EDUCATION SUPPLIES/EQUIPMENT 349.95; LEXIA SOFTWARE 19,340.00; MANGLER, LYNN REIMBURSEMENT 99.56; MAR-GEE PLASTICS & TROPHIES SUPPLIES 76.00; MASTERWORKS PRESS SUPPLIES 200.00; MAYER-JOHNSON LLC SUPPLIES 399.00; MEDICAL ASSOCIATES PHYSICALS 125.00; MERCHANT, SHAUNA REIMBURSEMENT 18.97; MESS, DAVID REFUND 26.79; MIDAMERICAN ENERGY ELECTRICITY 18,237.33; MIDWEST BUSINESS PRODUCTS COPIERS/PRINTERS 116.76; MIDWEST TECHNOLOGY PRODUCTS SUPPLIES 558.70; MIDWEST WHEEL PARTS 204.19; MINDWARE SOFTWARE 189.90; MISSISSIPPI BEND AEA PRINT SERVICES 601.80; NASCO SUPPLIES 612.22; NATIVE WOODS SUPPLIES 705.00; NEFF COMPANY SUPPLIES 757.80; NELSON, JULIA REIMBURSEMENT 3.67; NIGHTWATCH SECURITY SERVICES SERVICES/REPAIRS 210.00; O'REILLY AUTO PARTS REPAIR PARTS 107.60; PAETEC LONG DISTANCE SERVICE 226.83; PARKER CASSIDY SUPPLY SUPPLIES 212.41; PEPPER & SON INC., J.W. SUPPLIES 1,175.88; PITNEY BOWES RENTAL 282.18; PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC-463 SUPPLIES 2,865.74; PREMIER AGENDAS,INC. AGENDAS 1,622.00; PREMIER PARTS REPAIR PARTS 10.87; PUBLISHERS MARKETING SERVICE SUBSCRIPTION 129.60; RECREATION SUPPLY CO EQUIPMENT 3,380.28; REGALIA MANUFACTURING FLAGS 242.10; RESERVE ACCOUNT POSTAGE 2,000.00; RK DIXON COMPANY RISO LEASE 305.23; SAFETY-KLEEN SHOP DISPOSAL 665.82; SALLYS OLD FASHION FOOD 8.77; SCHOLASTIC MAGAZINES SUBSCRIPTION/ SUPPLIES 334.81; SCHOLASTIC, INC SUPPLIES/ACCESS 26.21; SCHOOL BUS SALES SUPPLIES/PARTS 174.16; SCHOOL SPECIALTY SUPPLIES 958.73; SEARS SUPPLIES/EQUIPMENT 291.16; SHERWIN WILLIAMS MAINT SUPPLIES 253.71; SMITH FILTER CORPORATION FILTER 1,461.32; SOFTCHOICE CORPORATION TECH SUPPLIES 9,114.00; STANDARD STATIONERY SUPPLY CO SUPPLIES 178.37; STAPLES ADVANTAGE SUPPLIES 726.29; STATE HYGIENIC LABORATORY SERVICE 12.50; SUPPLYWORKS SUPPLIES 636.75; SYNCB/ AMAZON BOOKS/PERIODICALS 4,618.99; TADPOLE ADAPTIVE LLC SUPPLIES 299.00; TOTAL TRUCK SERVICE/REPAIRS 1,673.86; TRUCK COUNTRY OF IOWA SERVICE /REPAIR PARTS 59.86; US CELLULAR CELL PHONES 69.60; VAN METER INC. MAINT. SUPPLIES 275.15; WALMART COMMUNITY FOOD SUPPLIES/SUPPLIES 467.67; WALSWORTH PUBLISHING CO. YEARBOOK PUBLISHING 4,996.46; WELLNESS COUNCILS OF AMERICA SUPPLIES 41.50; WELLS FARGO FINANCIAL COPIER LEASE 173.41; WEST MUSIC SUPPLIES 171.70; WILKENING, MISTY REIMBURSEMENT 22.98; WINKEL, PARKER & FOSTER, CPA PC AUDIT SERVICES 10,750.00; Fund Number 10: 277,425.86 22 MANAGEMENT FUND CORE-VENS AND COMPANY INSURANCE 9,024.00; Fund Number 22: 9,024.00 21 ACTIVITY FUND 4IMPRINT SUPPLIES 520.51; ADCRAFT PRINTWEAR CO SUPPLIES 9,635.65; ARES SPORTSWEAR UNIFORM 873.62; BAKER, JENNIFER REFUND 30.00; BELLEVUE BASKETBALL DUES/FEES 250.00; BELLEVUE CSD FEES 70.00; BLOCK, ANGIE OFFICIAL 65.00; BLOMME, ANNETTE REFUND 30.00; BOS ELECTRIC SUPPLIES/LABOR 1,686.05; BP GAS - ALL GAS 12.57; BSN SPORTS INC UNIFORM/SUPPLIES 330.00; BUFFALO WILD WINGS FOOD PURCHASE 56.97; CAMANCHE SCHOOLS GENERAL FUND REIMBURSEMENT 4,917.54; CARLEY, RAY OFFICIAL 160.00; CASEY'S GENERAL STORE FOOD PURCHASE/FUEL 128.78; CLARK, ALEC OFFICIAL 160.00; CLIFF KEEN ATHLETICS SUPPLIES 1,597.08; CLINTON HIGH SCHOOL FEES 50.00; CLINTON PRINTING COMPANY PRINT SUPPLIES 104.00; CULLIGAN BOTTLED WATER 42.35; DAKTRONICS SOFTWARE 17,971.00; DAYS INN - ALL HOTEL 582.56; DELANO STATION BREAK GAS 80.01; DRISCOLL, MITCHELL OFFICIAL 90.00; EASTERN IA PROPANE SUPPLIES 178.00; EDUCATIONAL THEATRE ASSOCIATION SUPPLIES/FEES 75.00; EDWARDS, MATTHEW OFFICIAL 160.00; ENDRESS, JASON OFFICIAL 135.00; FAREWAY STORES, INC. FOOD SUPPLIES 700.77; FARNER-BOCKEN CO. RESALE SUPPLIES 3,000.24; FETT, TERI OFFICIAL 65.00; FIRRELL, GARY REFUND 30.00; FRANKLIN, THOMAS REFUND 30.00; G BAKER DISTRIBUTING RESALE SUPPLIES 1,875.68; GARIEN, DUANE OFFICIAL 90.00; GRAY, NEIL REIMBURSEMENT 7.00; HARCOURT OUTLINES, INC. SUPPLIES 130.54; HEBDON, MARK OFFICIAL 100.00; HENDRICKS, STACY REFUND 30.00; HIBBETT SPORTS SUPPLIES 452.56; HOMAN, KIM REFUND 30.00; HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES MAINT SUPPLIES 28.75; HYVEE INC FOOD SUPPLIES/SUPPLIES 224.84; IA HIGH SCHOOL SPEECH ASSOC FEES 75.00; IMPERIAL LANES RENTAL 156.50; IOWA HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC DIR ASSOC DUES/FEES 70.00; JACOBS, KELLY REFUND 30.00; JENKINS, THOMAS OFFICIAL 90.00; JIMMY JOHNS -ALL FOOD PURCHASE 23.48; KEITH & CO. RESALE APPAREL 132.30; KINKAID, STACY REIMBURSEMENT 30.00; KLINEFELTER, BLAIR OFFICIAL 160.00; LAMMERS, COURTNEY REFUND 30.00; LARUE DISTRIBUTING INC SUPPLIES 83.10; LISBON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS REGISTRATION 60.00; MADDIE, STEVE OFFICIAL 100.00; MAQUOKETA ATHLETIC BOOSTERS DUES/FEES 280.00; MAQUOKETA HIGH SCHOOL FEES 80.00; MCMANUS, MIKE REIMBURSEMENT 30.00; MIDDENDORP, MATT REFUND 30.00; MINK, ELIZABETH OFFICIAL 330.00; MONKS GRILL FOOD 73.85; MORGAN, JOHN OFFICIAL 160.00; MORROW, NICOLE REFUND 30.00; MT. OLYMPUS HOTEL 44.90; MURPHY, JOEL OFFICIAL 160.00; ONEILL, SUSAN REFUND 30.00 OTHER PLACE, THE FOOD 40.06; POND, MIKE OFFICIAL 160.00; POWERS, CHRIS OFFICIAL 100.00; REUTER, JANEEN REFUND 30.00; RIVERDALE HIGH SCHOOL DUES/FEES 90.00; RK GRAPHICS SUPPLIES/SERVICES 2,396.00; ROWSON, MIKE OFFICIAL 135.00; RUBEL, JOHN OFFICIAL 90.00; SCHULTZ, ROB REFUND 30.00; SCHULTZ, TARA REFUND 30.00; SEESER, STACY REIMBURSEMENT 30.00; SHINDIGZ SUPPLIES 78.54; SINGEWALD, SEAN OFFICIAL 160.00; SLOAN, TIM OFFICIAL 160.00; SQUIERS, BOB DUES/FEES 125.00; STAPLES ADVANTAGE SUPPLIES 443.04; SUBWAY- ALL FOOD PURCHASE 34.02; SUPER 8 HOTEL 340.44; SYNCB/AMAZON BOOKS/PERIODICALS 552.00; TELECKY, KYLE OFFICIAL 160.00; THEISEN, JOE OFFICIAL 107.42; TIPTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS REGIST. FEE 80.00; UNIVERSITY OF DUBUQUE SCHOLARSHIP 175.00; VARSITY SPIRIT FASHIONS UNIFORMS 4,084.50; VINTON-SHELLSBURG HIGH SCHOOL DUES/FEES 75.00; WALMART COMMUNITY FOOD SUPPLIES/SUPPLIES 809.41; WILDEN, RAY OFFICIAL 135.00; WILTON COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT ENTRY FEES 70.00; WISCONSIN DELLS PARKING 33.06; Fund Number 21: 59,829.69 81 TRUST & AGENCY FUND DECKER, LINDA REIMBURSEMENT 50.00; DOLLAR GENERAL CORPORATION SUPPLIES 36.20; ST AMBROSE UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIP 500.00; TRI-STATE TRAVEL SERVICES 8,400.00 Fund Number 81: 8,986.20 33 LOSST/SAVE BECKWITH COMMERCIAL ROOFING ROOF REPAIRS 1,725.00; BRADFIELD'S COMPUTER SUPPLY TECH SUPPLY/COMPUTERS 13,890.00; CARPETLAND USA SUPPLIES 3,610.00; DOMESTIC PLUMBING CO SERVICE/REPAIRS 14,287.52; HARTZ INC. REPAIRS/SERVICES 612.42; HILLYARD/DESMOINES SANITARY SUPPLY SUPPLIES/SERVICES 2,529.50; HUGUNIN SEWER & PLUMBING SERVICE/REPAIRS 399.00; LECTRONICS, INC SERVICES 1,138.00; LESLIE ELECTRIC SERVICES/REPAIRS 9,749.14; MILLENNIUM TECHNOLOGY OF IOWA TECHNOLOGY 230.00; NIGHTWATCH SECURITY SERVICES SERVICES/REPAIRS 1,680.00; NORTHWEST MECHANICAL, INC. HVAC REPAIR/SERVICE 663.53; QUALITY CONCRETE CONCRETE 736.00; S.A.A.F.E. SERVICE/REPAIR 18,652.00; UNITED RENTALS RENTAL 717.97; Fund Number 33: 70,620.08 36 PPEL FUND SIMPLEXGRINNELL FIRE ALARM SYSTEM 16,406.83; Fund Number 36 :16,406.83 71 HOSPITAL INSURANCE FUND PRIME BENEFIT SYSTEM SPLIT/FLEX FUNDING 10,342.70; Fund Number 71: 10,342.70 61 HOT LUNCH FUND ADCRAFT PRINTWEAR CO SUPPLIES 238.82; BERNARD FOOD INDUSTRIES FOOD SUPPLIES 568.86; CHRISTOFFERSON, MONA REIMBURSEMENT 37.45; CULLIGAN BOTTLED WATER 353.10; DIMMICK, ELSIE REIMBURSEMENT 50.97; EARTHGRAINS BAKING COMPANIES, INC FOOD SUPPLIES 1,614.89; FOX RIVER FOODS FOOD SERVICE 23,344.62; G & K SERVICES CLEANING SUPPLIES 440.71; MASON, ANGIE REFUND 36.40; NUTRISLICE SERVICE 1,200.00; PRAIRIE FARMS DAIRY MILK PRODUCTS 1,347.26;RONNFELDT, JULIE REIMBURSEMENT 64.98; SHOES FOR CREWS SUPPLIES 825.36; STAR FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT & REPAIR SERVICE/REPAIR/EQUIP 273.00; US. FOODS FOOD SUPPLIES/SUPPLIES 2,502.72; WALMART COMMUNITY FOOD SUPPLIES/SUPPLIES 209.77; Fund Number 61: 33,108.91 Grand Total: 485,744.27 Superintendent Parker updated the Board on committee progress. The Human Resource Committee typically begins work after the holidays and is primarily focused on negotiations with staff. The Planning Committee will commence with the first meeting of the District Leadership Team (DLT), which will conduct its first meeting after the Board approves the School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC) membership. The Policy Committee typically begins work after the holidays and is focused on updating school district policies. The Project Committee typically begins work in the second semester and is focused on identifying and prioritizing projects needing to be done around the district. Superintendent Parker informed the Board that the IASB Convention will be on November 19th in Des Moines and that the IASB Orientation Workshops have been scheduled in the area. Superintendent Parker reminded the Board that the official student count day is October 1, 2015. Business Director Aude informed the Board that the Auditor’s visit went well. Also, that the Certified Annual Report (CAR), Special Education Supplement (SES), and the Annual Transportation Report had all been filed with the Department of Education. Business Director Aude also informed the Board that a support agreement is being considered with Northwest Mechanical which would lend technical support to the maintenance department with the automated HVAC system. Principals Gray, Wiebenga, and Shaffer updated the Board of the various activities that have been happening in their perspective buildings. Business Director Aude presented the Annual Treasurer’s Report. Director Wolf moved to approve to request increased allowable growth and supplemental aid for negative special education balance in the amount of $28,262.81, seconded by Director Jess. Motion carried unanimously. Superintendent Parker reviewed the Camanche Community School District’s C-Plan. Director McDonald moved to approve Roxanne Aude as the Board Secretary/Treasurer, seconded by Director Wolf. Motion carried unanimously. President Dunn administered the Oath of Office. Director Weber moved to appoint Jerry Van Scoy as legal counsel for the 2015-2016 school year for the Camanche Community School District, seconded by Director Wolf. Motion carried unanimously. Director Weber moved to designate the Clinton National Bank and Bankers Trust Company as official depositories of the Camanche Community School District for 2015-2016 for $10,000,000 each, seconded by Director Jess. Roll call vote: Weber=yes, McDonald=yes, Dunn=yes, Wolf=yes, and Jess=yes. Director Boysen abstained from the vote. Motion carried. The abstract of votes was reviewed which showed the following votes cast: Jim Boysen=40, Jean Morgan=44, Tia Nauman=41, and Brad Weber=39. Superintendent Parker and the current Board of Directors extended their gratitude and appreciation to Molly Jess and Jeff Swalve for their years of service. The meeting was adjourned at 8:11 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Roxanne L. Aude Board Secretary/Treasurer Michael Dunn Board President Organizational Meeting Board Secretary Aude called the organizational meeting to order at 8:13 p.m. Roll call was taken: Directors Boysen, Wolf, Morgan, Weber, Nauman, McDonald, and Dunn were present. Board Secretary Aude administered the Oath of Office to Directors Boysen, Nauman, Morgan, and Weber. Board Secretary Aude asked for nominations for the office of president. Director McDonald nominated Director Dunn for the office of president, seconded by Director Wolf. There were no further nominations. Director Boysen moved to cast a unanimous vote and have the nominations closed, seconded by Director Weber. Roll call vote: Directors Weber=yes, Nauman=yes, McDonald=yes, Dunn=yes, Boysen=yes, Wolf=yes, and Morgan=yes. Motion carried. President Dunn asked for nominations for the office of vice-president. Director McDonald nominated Director Boysen for the office of vice-president, seconded by Director Wolf. There were no further nominations. Director McDonald moved to cast a unanimous vote and have the nominations closed, seconded by Director Wolf. Roll call vote: Directors Wolf=yes, Boysen=yes, Dunn=yes, McDonald=yes, Nauman=yes, Weber=yes, and Morgan=yes. Motion carried. President Dunn made the following committee assignments: Human Resource Committee: Dunn, McDonald, Weber Planning Committee: Morgan, Nauman, Wolf Audit Committee: Boysen, McDonald, Morgan Policy Committee: Boysen, Nauman, Wolf Projects Committee: Dunn, McDonald, Weber Director Weber nominated Director Wolf as the Board’s delegate for the IASB Delegate Assembly, seconded by Director Boysen. Motion carried unanimously. Director McDonald nominated Director Dunn as representative to the County Conference Board, seconded by Director Weber. Motion carried unanimously. Director McDonald moved to set the Board Goal Setting meeting for October 27th at 6:00 p.m., seconded by Director Wolf. Motion carried unanimously. Director Weber moved to approve the action in regards to the classified personnel recommendations (resignations of Drew Barker as substitute bus driver; Mari Sanders as elementary special ed. associate), seconded by Director Boysen. Motion carried unanimously. Director Boysen moved to approve the resignation of Erin Scholtfeldt as head varsity softball coach, seconded by Director Wolf. Motion carried unanimously. Director Weber moved to hire Vern Deters as head varsity softball coach, seconded by Director Wolf. Motion carried unanimously. Director Boysen moved to hire Nicole Schmidt as head 9/10 softball coach, seconded by Director Morgan. Motion carried unanimously. Director Wolf moved to approve the list of extra class assignments for the 2015-2016 school year totaling $59,400, seconded by Director Nauman. Motion carried unanimously. Director Weber moved to approve the list of salary lane changes for the 2015-2016 school year totaling $10,775.70, seconded by Director Wolf. Motion carried unanimously Director Boysen moved to approve the open enrollment application request of Clinton resident, Brielle Bitler, grade K (2015), to attend classes in the Camanche School District beginning the 2015-2016 school year, seconded by Director Wolf. Motion carried unanimously. Director Boysen moved to approve the open enrollment application request of Central Clinton resident, Kameryn Callahan, grade 1 (2015), to attend classes in the Camanche School District beginning the 2015-2016 school year, seconded by Director Wolf. Motion carried unanimously. Director Weber moved to approve the open enrollment application request of Clinton resident, Faith Striley, grade 7 (2015), to remain in the Camanche School District beginning the 2015-2016 school year, seconded by Director Boysen. Motion carried unanimously. Director Weber moved to approve the open enrollment application of Clinton resident, Dakota Handy, grade 10 (2015), to remain in the Camanche School District from the 2015-2016 school year, seconded by Director Boysen. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 8:37 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Roxanne L. Aude Board Secretary/Treasurer Michael Dunn Board President Published: September 28, 2015.

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