Whiffing STATE OF INDIANA SS: COUNTY OF BOONE IN THE BOONE SUPERIOR COURT I CAUSE NO. 06D01-1804-PL-000469 CHRIS L. SHELBY, as Personal Representative of the Estate of JOHN CHARLES WHIFFING, Petitioner, vs. EMILY WHIFFING, JOHN C. WHIFFING, JR., THE ESTATE OF JUNE MARIE (SCHUMACHER) WHIFFING, THE ESTATE OF RICHARD MORRIS WHIFFING, THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM HARVEY WHIFFING, THE ESTATE OF HAZEL WHIFFING, THE ESTATE OF TINA WHIFFING, THE ESTATE OF CHERRY WHIFFING, THE ESTATE OF CAROLINE WHIFFING, THE HEIRS OR DEVISEES OR SPOUSES OF ANY OF THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS, KNOWN OR UNKNOWN, ALIVE OR DEAD. NOTICE OF QUIET TITLE ACTION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN AND TO ALL THOSE CLAIMING INTEREST IN REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREINAFTER 1.Petitioner has filed on the 18th day of April, 2018 a COMPLAINT TO QUIET TITLE to real estate described hereinafter. 2.The Court shall hear the above matter on August 29, 2018, at 8:30 a.m. which is more than thirty (30) days after the last publication of notice. 3.That the Defendants who are designated as UNKNOWN are listed above in the caption. 4.The real estate is described as follows: The south half of the southwest quarter of Section 26, Township 19 North, Range 1 West, containing 80 acres, more or less. The southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 26, Township 19 North, Range 1 West, containing 40 acres, more or less. The west half of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 26, Township 19 North, Range 1 West, containing 20 acres, more or less, except a tract 150 foot square for use as a water tank for the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad. Lot No. 1 of fractional Section 26, Township 19 North, Range 1 West, containing 30.55 acres, more or less. Lot No. 1 of fractional Section 27, Township 19 North, Range 1 West, containing 65.69 acres, more or less; except therefrom, commencing at a point where the Indian Reserve Line crosses the east line of said Section 27, and run thence south 12 rods, more or less, to a point in the north line of the C.C.C. and St. L. Railroad right of way, thence northwesterly along north right of way line to its point of intersection with the Indian Reserve Line, thence east along said Indian Reserve Line to the place of beginning, containing 1 acre, more or less, and leaving after said exception 64.69 acres, more or less. Also a part of the fractional southeast quarter of Section 27, Township 19 North, Range 1 West, described as follows: Commencing 29-1/8 rods south and 33-2/5 rods west of the northeast corner of said fractional southeast quarter, said point being at the point of intersection of the Indian Reserve Line and the south line of the C.C.C. and St. L. Railroad right of way, thence west 46-3/5 rods, more or less, along said Indian Reserve Line to its point of intersection with the west line of the east half of said fractional southeast quarter, thence north 29 rods, more or less to a point in the south right of way line of the C.C.C. and St. L. Railroad, thence south 64 1/2 degrees east along said south right of way line to the place of beginning containing 4.22 acres, more or less. Except however the following described real estate, to-wit: A part of the south half of the southeast quarter of Section 26, Township 19 North, Range 1 West, of the Second Principal Meridian located in Center Township, Boone County, Indiana, and being more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the northeast corner of the west half of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 26, Township and Range aforesaid, proceed south 1 degree 05 minute 11 seconds east along an existing fence line for a distance of 1312.91 feet to the section line, thence south 89 degrees 20 minutes 20 seconds west for a distance of 646.92 feet along said section line; thence north 65 degrees 31 minutes 13 seconds west for a distance of 106.70 feet along the north right of way line of the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad; thence proceed along the limited access right of way fence of I65 on a curve whose cord bears north 9 degrees 37 minutes 33 seconds west for a distance of 1274.89 feet (radius 9291 feet); thence north 88 degrees 50 minutes 0 seconds east with the quarter quarter line for a distance of 932.47 feet to the point of beginning, containing 25.03 acres, more or less, subject however to all public highways, legal rights of way and easements of record. Containing in all herein described and after said exception 214.43 acres, more or less, except therefrom the right of way of the C.C.C. and St. L. Railroad as the same is now located over and across the above described real estate. Subject to legal highways, rights of way and easements located in Center Township, Boone County, Indiana. 5.The purpose of this action is to quiet title to said real estate. 6.The name and address of the Personal Representative and counsel representing the Petitioner is: Chris L. Shelby SHELBY LAW, PC 116 N. West Street PO Box 743 Lebanon, IN 46052 Dated: 05/17/2018 Jessica J. Fouts /s/ CLERK, BOONE SUPERIOR COURT I CHRIS L. SHELBY, #123-06 SHELBY LAW PC 116 N. WEST STREET PO BOX 743 LEBANON, IN 46052 TELEPHONE: (765) 482-1370 FACSIMILE: (765) 482-9065 TLR-303 5/24, 5/31; 6/7 hspaxlp