DOCUMENT 00 11 13 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Project&Location: Location #1: North Decatur High School: #18-21-4764 3172 IN-3, Greensburg, IN 47240 Location #2: South Decatur High School: #18-22-4778 8885 IN-3, Greensburg, IN 47240 Owner&Location: Decatur County Community School Corporation (Administration Building) 2020 N Montgomery Rd, Greensburg, IN 47240 Bid Date&Time: The Decatur County Community School Corporation will receive sealed Bids until 1:00 P.M. local time on June 28th, 2018 (at the Decatur County Community School Corporation Administration Building, address above), for the restoration of sections of roofing at North Decatur High School and South Decatur High School as detailed in the Contract Documents. All Bids received at such place, date and time will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids received after such time will be returned to the respective Bidder unopened. Pre-Bid Meeting: A Mandatory Pre-bid Conference will be held on June 21st, 2018 @ 10:00 am starting at the North Decatur High School, (address listed above), for the purpose of reviewing the scope of work, project specifications and drawings, bid documents, bidder qualifying requirements and a tour of all proposed roof areas. The pre-bid meeting will then move to the South Decatur High School address for the same site visit. Questions regarding the project will be clarified by the Consultant listed below. Project Manuals / Bid Documents shall be available on or after June 21st, 2018 and may be obtained with a refundable deposit of $50.00 at the location listed below, or at the Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting: Moisture Management 9855 Crosspoint Blvd. - Suite 100 Indianapolis, Indiana 46256 (317) 577-0910 Bidding Instructions and Information: Bids shall be properly and completely executed on Indiana State Board of Accounts, Form 96, Revised 2013. Bidders shall also complete the Supplementary Bid Forms (included in the contract documents). Submit all original Bid Information and two (2) complete copies. Complete the entire Bid Form(s), including the Non-Collusion Affidavit, and the Bidders Financial Statement information as part of Indiana Form 96. Bidders are required to include a Bid Bond or certified check in the amount of 10% of their Bid Price. Bidder receiving awards shall be required to provide acceptable surety in the form of a Performance Bond and Labor and Materials Payment Bond in the amount of 100% of the contract. Include the cost of all bonds and insurance in the bid amount. Each bid must be accompanied by a signed and completed Non-Discrimination Affidavit (or MBE-1) in accordance with any applicable Minority Business Participation Policy and Rules. Each bid envelope shall be individually marked "Roofing Bid": Decatur County Community School Corporation, (North Decatur High School and South Decatur High School separately) Attention: Mrs. Weedie Smith. The name of the Roofing Contractor and the Project Name shall be clearly indicated. Bids are to be in effect for 60 days. Project Description: Complete roof restoration on North Decatur High School and South Decatur High School as indicated in the Construction Documents. The contract will be awarded to the best responsible qualified bidder(s). Faxed bids will not be accepted. Construction Schedule: Work under this contract can commence upon July 5th, 2018. Timely completion of the work specified is an essential condition of this contract. Work is to be completed by November 2nd, 2018. The Decatur County Community School Corporation reserves the right to reject any and all bids; is not obligated to accept the lowest or any other Bid; and may waive any formalities in bidding procedure. The Decatur County Community School Corporation does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, or individuals with disabilities, including limited English proficiency, in its programs or employment policies as required by the Indiana Civil Rights Act (I.C. 22-9.1), Title VI and VII (Civil Rights Act of 1964), the Equal Pay Act of 1973, Title IX (Educational Amendments), and Section 504 (Rehabilitation Act of 1973). Date: Friday, June 1st, 2018 By: Weedie Smith&Board of Trustees, Decatur County Community School Corporation GDN-180 June 7, 14 hspaxlp