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ADVERTISEMENT FOR COMPETITIVE SEALED PROPOSALS CITY OF HUNTSVILLE, TEXAS The City of Huntsville is requesting sealed Proposals for the construction of Elkins Lake Dam Lift Station Relocation Project (COH Project # 17-11-09). Sealed Proposals, marked “Competitive Sealed Proposal for Project #17-11-09, Elkins Lake Dam Lift Station Relocation Project”, must be delivered to City of Huntsville at 1212 Avenue M, Huntsville, Texas 77340, no later than 2:00 p.m., July 3, 2018 to be accepted. The Proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud at this time and place. Proposals received after this time will be returned unopened. Address Proposals to Lee Woodward, City Secretary on behalf of Owner. Advertisement and information for the Project can be found at the following websithttp://construction.freese.com and https://www.huntsvilletx.gov/bids.aspx Contract Documents may be downloaded or viewed free of charge at this website. It is the downloader’s responsibility to determine that a complete set of documents, as defined in the Instructions to Offerors, are received. Printed copies of the Contract Documents may be purchased at the Freese and Nichols, Inc. website for the cost of printing. The cost for printed Contract Documents is not refunded. This website will be updated periodically with Addenda, lists of interested parties, reports or other information relevant to submitting a Proposal for the Project. Printed copies of the Contract Documents and Geotechnical Report may be examined free of charge at the following addresses: Engineer Owner Freese and Nichols, Inc. City of Huntsville 10497 Town and Country Way, Suite 600 448 State Highway 75 North Houston, Texas 77024 Huntsville, Texas 77320 Jeremy Gaston, P.E. Y.S. Ramachandra, P.E., City Engineer Ph: (832) 456-4762 Ph: (936) 294-5760 Hours Available: 8a.m. to 5p.m. Hours Available: 8a.m. to 5p.m. A non-mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference for the Project will be held on June 21, 2018, at 1:00 p.m. at 448 State Highway 75 North, Huntsville, Texas 77320. Offerors must submit an acceptable Bid Bond with their Proposal as a guarantee that the Offeror will enter into a contract for the Project with the Owner within 15 days of Notice of Award of the Contract. The security must be payable to City of Huntsville in the amount of 5 percent of the proposed Contract Price. Offeror must execute the Contract, bonds and certificates of insurance on the forms provided in the Contract Documents. The Owner will consider the qualifications of the Offerors and the proposed Contract Price when evaluating Proposals to determine which Offeror, in the opinion of the Owner, will provide the best value to the Owner. Process for evaluation and ranking of the Proposals are explained in detail in the contract document. The City may shortlist and interview contractors prior to award of contract. If the City deems it necessary to hold interviews, shortlisted contractors will be contacted by July 6, 2018 for interviews to be held on July 19, 2018. Lee Woodward, City Secretary

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