(Published in The Norman Transcript June 10, 17, 24, 2018, 3t) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF CLEVELAND COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA CSK PROPERTIES, LLC, Plaintiff, vs. JIMMIE TAYLOR; et al., Defendants. Case No. CJ-2018-481 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: JIMMIE TAYLOR; The UNKNOWN SPOUSE, IF ANY, OF JIMMIE TAYLOR, TAKE NOTICE that you have been sued by Plaintiff CSK PROPERTIES, LLC (”Plaintiff”) and that you must answer the Petition of Plaintiff on file in said cause on or before the 23rd day of July, 2018, which is at least forty-one (41) days from the date of first publication of this Notice, or the allegations of said Petition will be taken as true and judgment in rem rendered against you, establishing the Plaintiff as owner and holder of a good and valid mortgage lien and entitling Plaintiff to foreclose upon and sell by Sheriff’s Sale the following described real property located in Cleveland County, Oklahoma, to-wit: A tract of land being a part of the East Half (E/2) of the Southeast Quarter (SE/4) of Section 8, Township 10 North (T10N), Range 1 East (R1E) of the Indian Meridian, Cleveland County, Oklahoma, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast Corner of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 8; Thence South 89º 24’ 32” West a distance of 328.61 feet to the Point of Beginning; Thence North 00º 35’ 28” West a distance of 661.43 feet to a point; Thence South 90º 00’ 00” West a distance of 325.50 feet to a point; Thence South 00º 01’ 57” West a distance of 664.83 feet to a point; Thence North 89º 24’ 32” East a distance of 332.72 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 5.01 acres, more or less, and being subject to all easements and rights of way or record; all of which you will take due notice. Witness my hand and official seal this 5th day of June, 2018. MARILYN WILLIAMS Cleveland County Court Clerk BY: S/ Carol Frazier Deputy Court Clerk (SEAL) APPROVED: s/ Gary L. Giessmann Gary L. Giessmann, OBA #11318 NASH, COHENOUR, KELLEY & GIESSMANN, P.C. 4101 Perimeter Center Drive, Suite 200 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 Telephone: (405) 917-5000 Fax: (405) 917-5005 Email: garyg@nashfirm.com Attorneys for Plaintiff