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LEGAL NOTICE Default has been made in the conditions of a mortgage made by Donald B. Williams a single man and Kimberly J. Weber, to NBD Mortgage Company, Mortgagee, dated December 30, 1992 and recorded January 6, 1993 in Liber 927, Page 784 Grand Traverse County Records, Michigan. Said mortgage is now held by Federal National Mortgage Association, by assignment. There is claimed to be due at the date hereof the sum of Twenty Thousand Seven Hundred Forty-Eight and 74/100 Dollars ($20,748.74), including interest at 8.625% per annum. Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage and the statute in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at public vendue at the place of holding the circuit court within Grand Traverse County, Michigan at 10:00 AM on JULY 18, 2018. Said premises are located in the Township of Mayfield, Grand Traverse County Michigan, and are described as: Part of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 19, Town 25 North, Range 11 West, more fully described as: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Section 19; the North 89 degrees 48 minutes 30 seconds East, 1281.44 feet, along the North line of said Section 19; the South 00 degrees 07 minutes 44 seconds East, 1310.28 feet, along the West one-eighth line of said Section 19 to the North one-eighth line of said Section 19; the South 00 degrees 20 minutes 31 seconds East, 258.00 feet, along said West one-eighth line to the Point of Beginning; the South 00 degrees 20 minutes 31 seconds East, 265.00 feet, along said West one-eighth line; the North 89 degrees 56 minutes 08 seconds East, 432.29 feet, parallel with the North one-eighth line of said Section 19 to the centerline of County Road 633; the North 09 degrees 16 minutes 40 seconds West, 268.46 feet, along said centerline; the South 89 degrees 56 minutes 08 seconds West, 390.59 feet parallel with the North one-eighth line of said Section 19 to the Point of Beginning.Subject to right of way for County Road #633 over the Easterly 33 feet thereof. The redemption period shall be 12 months from the date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in accordance with MCLA 600.3241a, in which case the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date of such sale. If the property is sold at foreclosure sale, pursuant to MCL 600.3278, the borrower will be held responsible to the person who buys the property at the mortgage foreclosure sale or to the mortgage holder for damage to the property during the redemption period. Dated: June 18, 2018 File No. 18-004145 (06-18)(07-09) June 18, 25, July 2, 9, 2018-4T495013

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