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____________________________________ LEGAL NOTICE ____________________________________ FIRST UNITED BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, Plaintiff, vs. GERALD L. BIRT; UNKNOWN SPOUSE, IF ANY, OF GERALD L. BIRT; UNKNOWN TENANTS, IF ANY, OF 14661 COUNTY ROAD 3585, ADA, OKLAHOMA, Defendants. CJ-2015-00127 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION Case No. CJ-2015-00127 HONORABLE JUDGE Gerald L. Birt, Unknown Spouse, if any, of Gerald L. Birt and Unknown Tenants, if any, of 14661 County Road 3585, Ada, OK, being all of the Defendants and persons holding or claiming interest or lien in the subject property. Take notice that you have been sued by Plaintiff, First United Bank and Trust Company, and that you must answer the Petition of said Plaintiff on file in said cause on or before November 15, 2015, or the allegations of said Petition will be taken as true and judgment rendered against you, awarding the Plaintiff a first mortgage lien upon the following described real estate situated in Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, to-wit: A tract of land in the S/2 and NE/4 SW/4 of Section 36, Township 4 North, Range 6 East, Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point 30 feet West of the Northeast corner of said S/2 NE/4 SW/4; thence South and parallel with the East line of said S/2 NE/4 SW/4 a distance of 208 feet; thence West and parallel with the North line of the S/2 NE/4 SW/4 a distance of 1129 feet, that point being the Southeast corner of the Richard E. and Opal O. Stoltz tract; thence North a distance of 208 feet along the East boundary line of said Stoltz tract; thence East along the North line of the S/2 NE/4 SW/4 a distance of 1129 feet to the point of beginning; for the sum of $198,658.01, with 4.87500% interest per annum thereon, or as adjusted by the Note and Mortgage, from the 1st day of February, 2015, until paid; said abstract and title expense; corporate advances, if any, escrow advances, if any; the further sum of a reasonable attorney’s fee, and the costs of said suit and foreclosing your interest in the property and ordering said property sold with or without appraisement as Plaintiff may elect, all of which you will take due notice. WITNESS my hand and official seal in Pontotoc County County, Oklahoma, this 16th day of September, 2015. Karen Dunnigan, Court Clerk By: P. Weaver Joanne Lafontant-Dooley, OBA # 30143 Klatt, Augustine, Sayer, Treinen & Rastede, P.C Attorney for Plaintiff 5909 NW Expressway, Suite # 274 Oklahoma City, OK 73132 Telephone: (405) 470-1398 Facsimile: (319) 232-6341 OKupdates@klatt-law.com

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