IN THE CIRCUIT COURT NO. __ FOR CLARK COUNTY STATE OF INDIANA IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF: Michael P. Creagh PETITIONER and Melanie M. Creagh RESPONDENT CASE NO. 10C04-1805-DC-000259 SUMMONS (For Dissolution of Marriage) TO RESPONDENT: Melanie M. Creagh ADDRESS: 660 Redwood Dr., Clarksville, IN 47129 1.You are hereby notified that an action has been filed against you in the Court above. 2.The nature of the action is stated in the Petition which is attached to this Summons. 3.It is suggested that you consult with an attorney of your choice regarding this matter. 4.You must answer the Petition in writing to be filed with the Court within twenty (20) days (or twenty-three (23) days if this Summons was received by mail), or judgment will be entered against you. The following manner of service is hereby designated: X Acknowledgment Dated: May 31, 2018 /s/Susan Popp CLERK, Clark County Circuit Courts hspaxlp