NOTICE The City of Rushville Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing to consider the following petition for Variances from the City of Rushville Zoning Ordinance. 18-V-18, 18-V-19, 18-V-20,&18-V-21: the applicant, Hamilton Designs, LLC, on behalf of Rush County Schools, is seeking variances from the Rushville Zoning Ordinance: Article VIII, Section D, to continue to allow the non-conforming use of on-site parking, Article XI, Section B, 1(b), to continue the non-conforming use of a school in an R-1 Single Family Residential District, Article III, Section B, 4(d), to exceed the allowable lot coverage of 30% and Article III, Section B, 4 (b), to allow a front setback of three feet from the required 25 feet. The address is 1201 Lions Path. The public hearing will be held in the City Council Chambers, 270 W. 15th Street, on Wednesday, July 18, 2018 at 7:00 PM and is open to the public. You may inspect the file and the legal description of the property at City Hall prior to the hearing. Written objections filed with the Planning and Zoning Office prior to the hearing will be considered, and oral comments concerning the proposal will be heard. The hearing may be continued as may be found necessary. If you have any questions, please contact Rushville City Hall at (765) 932-3735 or email at City of Rushville Planning and Zoning Office Carmen Clark, Deputy Director RR-175 July 3 hspaxlp