Channel: Tribune Democrat: Announcements
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Notice for Newspapers Notice is hereby given that I have, as the owner (or with the owner's consent) of the property commonly described as the address of 4921 E. 450 South, Whitestown, IN, and legally described by the attached legal description, have filed a petition before the Whitestown Plan Commission, which petition requests a Concept Plan for the said property in order to: develop and construct an industrial use building consisting of approximately 156,160 SF. The building may include offices, laboratory, manufacturing and/or warehouse and/or distribution operations. This petition, File # PC18-028-CP, will come for hearing at 6:30 pm in the Whitestown Municipal Complex, 6210 Veterans Dr, Whitestown, IN 46075, on July 16, 2018. In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, if anyone wishes to attend the public hearing on the above referenced matter and is in need of reasonable accommodation in order to hear, present evidence, or participate in the proceedings at the public hearing on this matter, please contact the Town Planner so accommodation can be made. The petition and file on this matter is available for examination by contacting the Town Planner at (317) 732-4535 or email at planning@whitestown.in.gov. Comments regarding this petition may be submitted at any time. Information to be considered in the Staff Report and distributed to the WPC members in advance of the meeting must be received seven (7) days prior to the hearing and must be sent to planning@whitestown.in.gov or Whitestown WPC, Whitestown Municipal Complex, 6210 Veterans Dr, Whitestown, IN 46075. Petitioner: PPC PS Holdings, LLC by Brian J. Tuohy, Attorney 50 S. Meridian Street, Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 (317) 638-2400 LEGAL DESCRIPTION A part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 18 North, Range 1 East, and a part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 25, Township 18 North, Range 1 East of the Second Principal Meridian, situated in Worth Township, Boone County, Indiana, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 18 North, Range 1 East and run thence North 713.08 feet along an existing fence; thence East 648.70 feet along an existing fence; thence North 619 feet along an existing fence to the Half Section line and center of public road 450-S; thence East 362.20 feet following the Half Section line and center of public road 450-S; thence South 283 feet; thence East 510 feet; thence South 317 feet; thence West 218 feet; thence South 730.75 feet to the Quarter-Quarter Section line; thence West 1309.05 feet following the Quarter-Quarter Section line and an existing fence to the place of beginning, containing 30.395 acres, more or less. EXCEPTING THEREFROM: Part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26 and a part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 25, both in Township 18 North, Range 1 East, Worth Township, Boone County, Indiana, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of said Quarter-Quarter Section in Section 26 being South 1 degree 12 minutes 51 seconds West (assumed bearing) 284.94 feet from the Northeast corner thereof; thence South 89 degrees 39 minutes 23 seconds East 187.37 feet to a point being South 1 degree 12 minutes 51 seconds West, parallel with said East line 283.00 feet from the North line of said Quarter-Quarter Section in Section 25; thence South 1 degree 12 minutes 51 seconds West, parallel with said East line 317.00 feet; thence North 89 degrees 39 minutes 23 seconds West 509.95 feet; thence North 1 degree 12 minutes 51 seconds East, parallel with said East line 317.00 feet to a point being South 1 degree 12 minutes 51 seconds West 283.00 feet from the North line of said Quarter-Quarter in said Section 26; thence South 89 degrees 39 minutes 23 seconds East 322.58 feet to the point of beginning, containing 1.364 acres in Section 25 and 2.347 acres in Section 26, more or less. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM: Part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 18 North, Range 1 East, Boone County, Indiana, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Quarter-Quarter Section; thence North 1 degree 06 minutes 21 seconds East along an existing fence line 713.24 feet to an existing fence corner; thence South 89 degrees 12 minutes 10 seconds East along an existing fence line, 648.29 feet to an existing fence corner; thence South 1 degree 15 minutes 37 seconds West 707.73 feet to an iron pin set on the South line of said Quarter Quarter Section; thence North 89 degrees 41 minutes 32 seconds West along said South line 646.43 feet to the point of beginning, containing 10.558 acres, more or less. TLR-400 7/4 hspaxlp 1458499

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