CITY OF GREENSBURG BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Variance Notice is hereby given that the City of Greensburg Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a meeting on Tuesday, July 17, 2018, at City Hall, 314 W. Washington Street, Greensburg, Indiana. The Public Hearing is regarding a Variance from the provisions of the Greensburg Code of Ordinances. The Permitted Exception involves the following considerations: Decatur County Commissioners, 150 Courthouse Street, Greensburg, Indiana, is requesting a variance as allowed in the City of Greensburg Code of Ordinances more specifically 155.090 (A)(1) Development Standards for Parking for the construction of the new jail. The property is located at 601 S. Ireland Street, Greensburg, Indiana 47240 and more described as follows: A part of the northwest quarter of Section Eleven (11) Township ten (10) North of Range nine (9) East of the Second Principal Meridian more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the half section line 6.73 chains North of the center of said Section 11; thence west, parallel with the south line of the northwest quarter of said section 11, 560.56 feet; thence north, parallel with the half section line 600 feet; thence east, parallel with the south quarter section line 560.56 feet to the half section line; thence south along the half section line 600 feet to the place of beginning, containing 7.72 acres. (Deed Record 82, page 502; Map No. 95-10-9-11.24-#200) ALSO: A part of the northwest Quarter of section 11, Township 10 North, Range 9 East, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the half section line 1043.52 feet North of the center of said section and being the Northeast corner of a tract of land heretofore conveyed to the School City of Greensburg, by WP Neel and wife; thence West 560.56 feet along the North line of the said school property; thence North parallel with the half section line 310.83 feet; thence East parallel with the South line 560.56 feet to the half section line; thence South along said half section line 310.83 feet to the place of beginning, containing four (4) acres. (Deed Record 88, page 425, Map No. 95-10-9-11.24-#100) ALSO: A part of the Northwest quarter of section eleven (11), Township Ten (10) North, Range Nine (9) East, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the half section line 1354.35 feet North of the center line of said Section and being the Northeast corner of a tract of land theretofore conveyed to the said Greensburg Community School Corporation by the said WP Neel as set out in Deed Record 88, page 425 in the office of the Recorder of Decatur County, Indiana; thence West Five Hundred Sixty and 56/100 feet (560.56) along the North line of said tract; thence North parallel with the half section line three hundred ten and 83/100 (310.83) to the place of beginning and containing four acres (4). Containing in all tracts, 15.72 acres, more or less. The property is now zoned "R-2" One or Two Family Residential District. Written suggestions or objections to his request may be filed with the Board of Zoning Appeals, at or before, said meeting, and will be heard at the time and place specified. Said meeting may be continued from time to time as may be necessary. Interested persons desiring to present their views upon this case, either in writing or verbally, will be given the opportunity to be heard at the above-mentioned time and place. Kathryn L Reynolds Building Official City of Greensburg GDN-218 7/6, 13 hspaxlp 1460035