Legal Advertisement The regular meeting of the New Albany City Plan Commission will be held on Tuesday, July 17th, 2018, at 7:00 p.m., in Assembly Room (Room 331) City-County Building, New Albany, Indiana, at which time a Public Hearing will be held to consider the following petitions: Docket P-02-18: David Ruckman, for Summit Springs IN LLC requests a Preliminary Planned Unit Development District (PUDD) to permit mixed use, including restaurant/event center, office/medical, nursing home, single family and high rise tower in the R-1, Suburban Residential, R-2, Urban Residential district and OS (ss), Open Space (steep slope), at 2303-2307 State Street, 220 Woodbine Drive and 2301-2320 Fawcett Hill Road. Docket C-01-18: David Ruckman, for Summit Springs IN LLC requests a Primary Plat approval for a 17 (17) lot subdivision in a PUDD, Planned Unit Development District, at 2303-2307 State Street, 220 Woodbine Drive and 2301-2320 Fawcett Hill Road. Written suggestions and/or objections to said dockets may be filed with the New Albany City Plan Commission, Room 329, City-County Building, New Albany, Indiana, 47150, on or before the date of said meeting. Interested persons desiring to present oral comments on the proposals shall be given the opportunity at the above-mentioned time and place. Said Public Hearing may be continued from time to time as may be found necessary by the Commission. Any individual that may require reasonable accommodation to attend this meeting, or to comment upon any docket listed herein, may do so by contacting the New Albany City Plan Commission at (812) 948-5333 (Voice) or Indiana Statewide Relay 1-800-743-3333 (Hearing Impaired). Scott B. Wood, Director&Secretary New Albany City Plan Commission Date: July 3, 2018 Publish: July 7, 2018 hspaxlp