LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS LONG LAKE TOWNSHIP GRAND TRAVERSE COUNTY LONG LAKE TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that the Long Lake Township Planning Commission will hold three public hearings at its regular meeting on Tuesday, July 24, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. The public hearings will be on proposed amendments to the Long Lake Township Zoning Ordinance #109, adopted August 10, 2010, as amended and on a conditional land use request. The hearings will take place at the Long Lake Township Hall, 8870 North Long Lake Road, Traverse City, MI 49685. The proposed text amendments and the conditional land use proposal described below are the topic of the public hearings: ZOA 07-18-01 - A proposal to amend Zoning Ordinance #109, as follows: (1) amend Sections 3.6 and 3.20 to amend the definition of Essential Services and to add a definition for Solar Energy Systems, On-Site and (2) add Paragraph f, On-Site Solar Energy Systems, under Section 4.6 ACCESSORY BUILDINGS AND USES, Subsection 2, Accessory Uses, to create regulations for the placement of on-site solar energy systems. ZOA 07-18-02 - A proposal to amend Zoning Ordinance #109, as follows: amend Section 20.2 LAND USE PERMITS to allow for any of the following as determined by the Zoning Administrator: as-built survey after construction is completed, a registered survey with a land use application prior to construction, a site report during construction, or site inspections by the Zoning Administrator at any point during the construction process. CLU 07-18-01/SPR 07-18-03 - A proposal from applicant Nick Farrugia to add a 1,000 gallon above ground fuel tank in addition to the existing fuel tanks at Long Lake Grocery, property ID #28-08-009-040-01, Sec. 9, T27N R12W, Long Lake Township, Grand Traverse County, commonly addressed as 9374 N. Long Lake Road, parcel is zoned Low Density Residential (LDR). A copy of the entire text of the proposed Zoning Ordinance amendments and the conditional land use application is available for public inspection at the Long Lake Township Hall, 8870 North Long Lake Road, Traverse City, MI 49685, during regular office hours, Tuesday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and may be viewed at Individuals may make public comment, in person, at the public hearing or written and/or faxed (231-946-4573) or emailed to Comments will be received until 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 24, 2018. Address comments to: Pam Cuthbert, Chairman, Planning Commission, Long Lake Township Hall, 8870 North Long Lake Road, Traverse City, MI 49685. Written comments may also be submitted at the public hearing. Leslie Sickterman, Planner Long Lake Township IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO ATTEND THE PUBLIC MEETING AND REQUIRE SPECIAL ASSISTANCE, PLEASE CONTACT CAROL HOFFMAN, TOWNSHIP CLERK AT (231)946-2249, (T.D.D. 231-922-4412) PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED MEETING DATE. July 9, 2018-1T497075