NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Avon Plan Commission Notice is hereby given of a public hearing to be held by the Avon Plan Commission on Tuesday, July 24, 2018 at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers at the Town Hall located at 6570 East U.S. Highway 36, Avon, Indiana 46123 to consider the application of DPR 18-12 Lazaro Commercial Suites, a request for approval of a development of a 17,250 square feet office/manufacturing/warehouse building. The property is a 2.15 -acre parcel in the Town of Avon, Section 12, Township 15N, Range 1E, Parcel Number(s) 32-10-12-103-001.000-031 located at 8447 Kingston Street. Interested persons may appear and be heard at this public hearing. A copy of this application, legal description, and all plans pertaining to this project are on file and available for examination prior to the hearing in the office of the Planning and Building Department at the Town Hall at 6570 East U.S. Highway 36, Avon, Indiana 46123 between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. Written comments on this development plan application may be filed with the Secretary of the Avon Plan Commission at the above address and all comments will be considered by the Avon Plan Commission. AVON PLAN COMMISSION Avon, Indiana HCF-525 July 11 hspaxlp