(Published in The Norman Transcript June 28, July 5, 12, 2018, 3t) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF CLEVELAND COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF: DIXIE EHLENFELDT (now THOMAS), Petitioner, and EDMOND EHLENFELDT, Respondent. Case No. FD-2012-28 ORDER AND NOTICE SETTING HEARING The State of Oklahoma to: Edmund Ehlenfeldt You are notified that Dixie Ehlendfeldt (now Thomas) has filed a Motion to Modify Joint Custody and Child Support before the above named Court. A hearing on the Motion to Modify Joint Custody and Child Support is set for 3:00 p.m. on the 14 day of August, 2018, in the Cleveland County Courthouse before the Honorable Michael Tupper. YOU ARE, THEREFORE, NOTIFIED THAT THE COURT WILL HEAR THIS MOTION AT THE TIME AND PLACE ABOVE SHOWN WHERE YOU WILL HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE PRESENT AND AN OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD AT SAID TIME AND PLACE INCLUDING THE RIGHT TO OBJECT TO THE MOTION TO MODIFY JOINT CUSTODY. YOUR FAILURE TO APPEAR AT THIS HEARING MAY RESULT IN GRANTING PETITIONER’S MOTION AND A JUDGMENT AGAINST YOU IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that on the 14 day of August, 2018 at 3:00 o’clock p.m. this matter will be heard in the courtroom of the undersigned Judge, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard. Signed this 26 day of June, 2018 S/ Michael D. Tupper THE HONORABLE MICHAEL TUPPER Judge of the District Court