NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS Notice is hereby given that public hearings will be held before the Goshen Board of Zoning Appeals for the City of Goshen, Indiana, on the 24th day of July, 2018, in the Council Chambers, Police and Courts Building, 111 East Jefferson Street, Goshen, Indiana. The public hearings will begin at 4:00 pm and will proceed in the order listed. DEVELOPMENTAL AND USE VARIANCES Petitioner:Gerardo Rios and Erika Rios Petition:Developmental variance to allow building coverage of 41% where 35% is permitted for the construction of a 502 SF deck. Location:207 S 9th Street and zoned Residential R-1 District. Petitioner:Jonathan and Sherrie Byler Petition:Use variance to allow grazing and pasturing in an R-1 District, for up to four (4) horses, ten (10) cattle, twenty (20) hens, and one (1) rooster with 0' setbacks adjacent to residential use or zoning, where grazing and pasturing is a Conditional Use permitted only in an A-1 District. Location:310 Hackett Road and zoned Residential R-1 District. Petitioner:William Morelock Petition:Developmental variance to permit a 12' x 16' shed with a front setback (north) of 24' where 35' is required and to allow open parking in the front yard setback along Kercher Road where a 35' setback is required. Location:902 E Kercher Road and zoned Residential R-1 District. Petitioner:The City of Goshen Parks Department Petition:Use variance to permit a Parks office in an Industrial M-1 District, where offices are permitted in the Commercial B-2, B-3, and B-4 Districts and conditional uses in the B-1 and PUD Districts, and a developmental variance to permit a parking lot with front parking/driving aisle setbacks of 10' along Jackson and 9th Street, where 25' and 30' are required, respectively, and a side yard (west) parking/driving aisle setback of 57' where 60' is required adjacent to residential use/zoning. Location:523&524 E Jackson Street and zoned Industrial M-1 District Petitioner:Mark&Patricia Crowder Petition:Use variance to permit a family care home with three residents and on-site caretakers in a B-1 District where family care homes are conditional uses in the Residential R-1, R-1S, R-2, and R-3 zoning districts. Location:209 Denver Street and zoned Commercial B-1 District. Petitioner:Elliott Anne, LLC Petition:Developmental variances to allow a rear building setback of 12' where 20 is required for a 40,000 SF building expansion, and to allow 27 on-site parking spaces where 45 on-site parking spaces are required, with the balance provided off-site. Location:1722 Eisenhower Drive N and zoned Industrial M-1 District. Lori Lipscomb, Recording Secretary Board of Zoning Appeals 204 E. Jefferson Street, Suite 4 Goshen, IN 46528 July 14 hspaxlp