Public Notice Published In THE CLAREMORE DAILY PROGRESS, Claremore, Rogers County, Oklahoma, JULY 15, 2018. Pursuant to Title 19, O.S. Section 866.1 to 866.36 a public hearing will be held by the CITY OF CLAREMORE-ROGERS COUNTY Metropolitan Area Planning Commission on, TUESDAY AUG 7, 2018, at 4:00 p.m. in the CLAREMORE CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 104 S. MUSKOGEE, Claremore, Oklahoma to hear the application of: LARRY ROCK LEGAL: THE WESTERLY 29 FEET OF LOT 5 AND ALL OF LOT 6 IN BLOCK 8 OF FARLEY ADDITION TO THE CITY OF CLAREMORE, ROGERS COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE RECORD PLAT THEREOF. ADDRESS: EAST OF 1807 W. DUPONT, Claremore, Ok. CASE# CZ-2018-05 The Present Zoning is: RS-2 Zoning Requested: RD Those who may have an interest in the above described matter may appear and be heard. ROGERS COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY, Agent for Larry Rock, Applicant BY: s/ Dave Faulkner (LIC. #1284)