IFB: MDI-SAB-18-B-0011 NOTICE TO GENERAL CONTRACTORS PROJECT VALUED BY THE STATE ARMORY BOARD, OVER $150,000 Notice is hereby given that sealed bids for the CONSTRUCTION OF A ROOF REPLACEMENT AT THE LOGANSPORT ARMORY, 912 S. CICOTT STREET, LOGANSPORT, IN 46947 for the Indiana Army National Guard will be received by the State Contracting Officer, 2002 S. Holt Road, Stout Field, Building #5 Room 303, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46241-4839, until 2:00 o'clock PM (Eastern Daylight Savings Time) on Thursday, August 16, 2018 at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud, at Building 5, Stout Field, Indianapolis, Indiana. Any bid received after the designated time, for any reason, will be returned unopened. Proposals shall be submitted on the proper bid form and delivered in sealed envelopes bearing the name and address of the bidder, all as described in the Instruction to Bidders, which accompanies the specification. A Bid Bond made payable to the State Armory Board, State of Indiana, must be enclosed with the bid. Said bond shall be in the minimum amount of five (5%) percent of the maximum bid including all additive alternate bids. All bidders must be Certified Contractors, hold a Valid Certificate of Qualification 1761.01 from the Certificate Board, Room 467, Indiana Government Center, 402 West Washington Street, Indianapolis, Indiana, at the time of bid opening. Certification with the Department of Transportation does not meet the above mentioned requirement for pre-qualification. The bidder must be qualified in the classification of the prime contract. The contract for this work shall be awarded or rejected within sixty (60) calendar days from the date of opening bids. Funds are presently available for this acquisition. The State Armory Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Note: Contracts resulting from this solicitation will be required to conform to I.C. 4-13-18 (Contractor's Employee Drug Testing). Note: In accordance with I.C. 4-13-16.5-2, the following goals are established for this construction: MBE 7%, WBE 5% and IVBE 3%. Contractors interested in bidding and/or reviewing this project may purchase complete Contract Documents at Blueprint Specialties, 1500 Union Street, Lafayette, Indiana 47904, 765-742-6976 for $30 plus shipping. Contract documents will not be mailed. Electronic files may be viewed via Blueprint Specialties online plan room at www.bpsplanroom.com. They can be viewed or for $25.00 a PDF can be downloaded from Keystone Architecture/Cordogan Clark online plan room, www.cordoganclarkplanroom.com. A set may also be reviewed at Stout Field, 2002 S. Holt Road, Bldg 5, 3rd Floor, Indianapolis, Indiana. A Pre-Bid Meeting for this project will be held at the LOGANSPORT ARMORY, 912 S. CICOTT STREET, LOGANSPORT, IN at 9:30 AM (Eastern Daylight Savings Time) on July 26, 2018 for all interested bidders. Information on this page can also be found through Access Indiana @ http://www.in.gov/sab/, State Armory Board Indiana National Guard bid posting at agency. Dated this 10th day of July, 2018 STATE ARMORY BOARD, acting by and through The Adjutant General, COURTNEY P. CARR Major General, INARNG The Adjutant General L-245 7/19, 26 hspaxlp 1462933