ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS The City of New Albany, Indiana Sewer Board does hereby invite sealed bids for the Basin 14 Sanitary Sewer Improvements. Sealed bids will be received in the City Controller's Office, City-County Building, Room 323, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany, IN 47150, until 9:00 AM (Eastern Time) on August 9th, 2018 and will be publicly opened and read aloud at the Sewer Board regular meeting scheduled to start at 9:15 AM (Eastern Time) that day in the third floor assembly room (Room 331). The Work of the Project includes the installation of a 360,000 gallon wet weather sanitary sewer equalization basin utilizing approximately 1,708 lineal feet of 72-inch diameter sanitary sewer pipe, plus 313 lineal feet of 15-inch diameter sanitary sewer, sanitary manholes, excavation and grading, site restoration, gravel access drive and appurtenant work. Those desiring to bid may review or obtain copies of the Contract Documents, including drawings, specifications, and bid forms, at the Lynn Imaging ePlanroom at or at Lynn Imaging, Inc., 11460 Bluegrass Parkway, Louisville, KY 40299, PH: 502-499-8400. Questions for the Engineer should be directed to Wes Christmas, PE of Clark Dietz, Inc., 319 Pearl Street, New Albany, Indiana 47150, PH: 812-725-8595, Documents are also available for review at the New Albany Wastewater Treatment Plant, 38 West 10th Street, New Albany, IN 47150, PH: 812-948-5320. Bids are to be submitted on the forms furnished within the contract document project manual with the required bond and/or check, properly executed in accordance with the directions contained in the Instructions to Bidders. A pre-bid conference will be held prior to the Bid opening on Thursday, August 2nd, 2018 at 1:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) in the conference room at the wastewater treatment plant located at 38 W 10th Street, New Albany, IN 47150 to familiarize Bidders with this Project. All prospective bidders are asked to attend the meeting. The Contract will be awarded on the basis of the lowest responsive, responsible bid and the criteria defined in the Bid Form and Instructions to Bidders. The Sewer Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids or waive any informality or technicality in any bid. Published by the authority of the City of New Albany, Indiana Sewer Board. hspaxlp