INVITATION TO BID CITY OF WEATHERFORD 12 Water Line Along B.B. Fielder Road Between Patriot Avenue and South Main Street Notice is hereby given that the City of Weatherford is now accepting bids for the construction of a 12 Water Line Along BB Fielder Road Between Patriot Avenue and South Main Street. All bids must be sealed and clearly marked SEALED BID #2016-003 12 WATER LINE ALONG B.B. FIELDER ROAD BETWEEN PATRIOT AVENUE AND SOUTH MAIN STREET and returned to the Chief Financial Officer, 303 Palo Pinto Street, Weatherford, Texas 76086 prior to 2:00 PM, October 19, 2015, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud at the City of Weatherford, Council Chambers, 303 Palo Pinto, Weatherford, Texas. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids received. The project generally consists of the installation of 6,635 linear feet of 12 water line and associated valves, hydrants and appurtenances. The Contract Documents, including plans, for this project will be available beginning at 8:00 AM on Monday, October 5, 2015. The Plans and Contract Documents may be examined without charge or purchased for seventy-five dollars ($75) at the office of the City of Weatherford Department of Engineering, 917 E. Eureka Street, Weatherford, Texas, 76086, (817) 598-4033. A bid bond in the amount of five percent (5%) of the bid, issued by an acceptable surety, shall be submitted with each bid.