Public Notice In compliance with 327-IAC-15-5 (Rule 5) notice is hereby given that construction for Market Street from Heath Street to Front Street in the City of Logansport, Eel Township, Cass County, Indiana, is scheduled to commence in June 2019 and construction should be completed by November 2020. This project is located in Sections 25&26, Township 27 North, Range 1 East. The City of Logansport is submitting a Notice of Intent to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management of the intent to comply with the requirement of 327-IAC-15-5 to discharge storm water for construction activities for the above mentioned project. Storm water from this project will discharge through the existing City of Logansport municipal sewer systems, which ultimately discharge to the Wabash River. Any questions or comments should be directed to First Group Engineering Inc. Attn: Jeff Brechbill, PE, Address: 5925 Lakeside Boulevard, Indianapolis, IN 46278 Telephone: (317) 290-9549, Email: L-261 7/27 hspaxlp 1466121