LEGAL NOTICE DUKE ENERGY INDIANA, LLC Public notice is hereby given to affected property owners pursuant to 170 IAC 4-9-4(f) that within two (2) to six (6) weeks of the date of this notice, weather permitting, Duke Energy Indiana, LLC will be performing vegetation management as part of its power line maintenance program in the area described below. As part of this project, one of its contractors that employ qualified utility line clearance tree workers will be trimming and/or removing trees and brush to clear the lines of vegetation in order to provide safe and reliable electric service. Existing easements will also be cleared of vegetation to the easement edges even if not done previously. Vegetation management will be performed in/near the towns of Edwardsport and Plainville on or near streets identified below: SR 358 from Edwardsport Generating Station to N300W; N300W between SR 358 and W900N; jog east to N275W; N275W between W900N and W850N; jog east to N250W; N25W between W850N and W800N; jog east to N225W; N225W between W800N and W650N; jog east approx. 0.25 mi; continuing south approx. 0.75 mi to W550N; jog east to N175W; N175W between W550N and W450N; jog east to 1510 W450N The date this notice is published initiates the two (2) week period for calculating implied consent by an affected property owner under 170 IAC 4-9. If you have any questions you may contact the Duke Energy Vegetation Management toll free number, 866-385-3675. Duke Energy Indiana, LLC Vegetation Management Department hspaxlpJuly 27, 2018