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(First Published July 29, 2018) INVITATION TO BID SEALED BIDS for construction of VILLA HEIGHTS SANITARY SEWER REROUTE&STREAMBANK STABILIZATION for CITY OF JOPLIN, MISSOURI will be received by the CITY OF JOPLIN, MISSOURI until 2:00 P.M., August 21, 2018 and then publicly opened and read aloud at Public Works Department, 602 S. Main Street, 4th Floor, Joplin, Missouri. The Project generally consists of the open-trench replacement of approximately 156 L.F. of 8-inch diameter gravity sewer, 1 manhole, concrete curb&gutter, rip-rap armored embankment, seeding, and the miscellaneous appurtenances thereto for a complete and functioning collection system and stabilized streambank. Copies of the plans and specifications are on file and may be examined at the office of ALLGEIER, MARTIN&ASSOCIATES, INC., Consulting Engineers, 7231 East 24th Street, Joplin, Missouri. To obtain DIGITAL Plans and Specifications, please log on to www.amce.com, website for Allgeier, Martin and Associates, Inc., click on the tab marked "Plan Room" and insert Project Number 5884715. Digital download cost is $20.00 which may be paid online via a credit card. Hard copy Plans and Specifications may be secured for a non-refundable fee in the amount of $50.00 per set from the Issuing Office of Allgeier, Martin and Associates, Inc., located at 7231 East 24th Street, Joplin, MO 64804 or by telephone at 417.680.7353. PLEASE NOTE: It is the sole responsibility of all planholders, whether or not they have received digital downloads or paper copies of the plans and specifications, to return to the Allgeier Martin website Plan Room (www.amce.com) periodically to check for Addenda which may have been posted. Neither the Owner nor Engineer have any responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or sufficiency of bid information obtained from sources other than as indicated in these documents. Obtaining these documents from any other source(s) may result in incomplete and inaccurate information and may also result in failure to receive any addenda, corrections, or other revisions to these documents that may be issued and to be placed on the planholder's list. The Owner reserves the right to waive any informalities or minor defects or to reject any or all bids and to re-advertise and to rebid. Each Bidder must deposit with his bid, security in the amount of five percent (5%) of his base bid, which is subject to conditions provided in the Instructions to Bidders. Attention of the Bidder is particularly called to the requirements as to conditions of employment to be observed, and that the Bidder must comply with the payment of hourly wage rates, including all fringe benefits, as established by Sections 290.210-340, RsMO, as amended in 1993, pertaining to the prevailing hourly rate of wages and including fringe benefits, as established by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations of the State of Missouri. A copy of the determination is provided within the Supplemental General Conditions. Bidders on this work will be required to comply with the City of Joplin's Affirmative Action Program set forth in City Council Resolution No. 81-57, Sections VI and VII. No Bidder may withdraw his bid within ninety (90) calendar days after the actual date of the opening thereof. Bidders with questions concerning this Invitation may contact Garrett Wagner, E.I., Blake Watson, E.I., or Chris Erisman, P.E., Allgeier, Martin and Associates, Inc., 7231 East 24th Street, Joplin, Missouri 64804, (417) 680-7200 City of Joplin, Missouri David Hertzberg, Director of Public Works (157)

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