Notice is hereby given that
Wright-Mix Materials Solutions, LLC; P.O. Box 358, Dorton, KY 41520, has filed an application with the Energy and Environment Cabinet to construct the necessary engineered fill to raise the elevation of portions of the property above the Base Flood Elevation to facilitate the construction of industrial facilities. The property is located at 363 Wurts Road, Wurtland, KY fronting on Wurts Road and bound by the Wurtland Wastewater Treatment Plant on the west and extending easterly to E.D.C. Drive in the Wurtland Riverport, and located in the floodplain of the Ohio River. Any comments or objections concerning this application shall be directed to: Kentucky Division of Water, Surface Water Permit Branch, Flood Plain Management Section, 300 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601. Phone:
(502) 564-3410
Published: August 4, 5 & 6, 2018