ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID Sealed Proposals in duplicate from Qualified General Contractors will be received by the Awarding Authority, Cullman City Schools, 301 1st St. NE, Cullman, AL 35055, Monday, November 2, 2015 until 2:00 p.m. local time, for: CULLMAN HIGH SCHOOL FIRE ALARM REPLACEMENT CULLMAN CITY SCHOOLS Engineer/Architect Job No. 1558 At such time the bids will be opened and read. Drawings and specifications may be examined at the Cullman City Schools office and the Office of Stewart Engineering, Inc., 300 E. 7th St., Anniston, AL 36207 Prior to issuance of plans and specifications, all Contractors must provide evidence that they are properly licensed for the classification of work for this project and that they are qualified to perform this project, as determined by the Owner and its representatives. Evidence shall be in the form of a copy of current license clearly indicating all classifications and in good standing with the State Licensing Board for General Contractors. Qualified General Contractor Bidders may obtain up to two (2) sets of drawings and specifications from the Engineer/Architect upon receipt of deposit check in the amount of $150.00 per set made payable to Stewart Engineering, Inc. General Contractors will then be placed on Official Bidders List. Additional sets of drawings and specifications will be available to qualified General Contractors and others for the cost of printing and handling. Addenda and other bidding information will be issued only to General Contractor Bidders on the Official Bidders List who received their sets directly from the Engineer/Architect General Contractors who obtain drawings and wish to withdraw from the Bidders List must do so in writing to the office of the Engineer/Architect prior to bid date, otherwise deposit will be forfeited. Deposit will be refunded in full on sets issued to each General Contractor Bidder submitting a bonafide bid, upon the return of documents in good, reusable condition within ten (10) days after receipt of bids. Bids received from General Contractors who are not on the Official Bidders List may not be accepted or opened. Stewart Engineering, Inc. makes no guarantee for plans and specifications obtained by Contractors and Vendors from sources other than the printed contract documents provided by our firm. Contractors and Vendors who base their pricing from contract documents obtained from other electronic sources, either in part or whole, do so at their own risk. Bids must be submitted on proposal forms furnished by the Engineer/Architect either with the original contract documents or by addendum. General Contractors shall not use Proposal Forms created by use of electronic scan or other electronic means. All bidders bidding in amounts exceeding that established by the State Licensing Board for General Contractors must be licensed under the provisions of Title 34, Chapter 8, Code of Alabama, 1975. The Bidder must display current General Contractor's License Number on the outside of the sealed envelope in which the proposal is delivered or it will not be considered by the Engineer/Architect or Owner. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive technical errors if, in the Owner's judgment, the best interests of the Owner will thereby be promoted. In awarding the Contracts, preference will be given to Alabama resident contractors and a nonresident bidder domiciled in a state having laws granting preference to local contractors shall be awarded the Contract only on the same basis as the nonresident bidder's state awards contracts to Alabama contractors bidding under similar circumstances. Cullman City Schools Awarding Authority Stewart Engineering, Inc. Engineer/Architect October 14, 21 and 28, 2015