Public Notice Published In THE CLAREMORE DAILY PROGRESS, Claremore, Rogers County, Oklahoma, AUGUST 5, 12, & 19, 2018. IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR ROGERS COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA CHRISTOPHER MESSICK, Petitioner, vs. KATY SUE MCHENRY, Respondents. Case No. FP-2013-27 Judge Lara Russell ORDER AND NOTICE OF MODIFICATION OF CUSTODY, VISITATION AND CHILD SUPPORT ACTION STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: KATY SUE MCHENRY YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT Christopher Messick has filed his Motion to Modify Custody, Visitation and Child Support in the District Court in and for Rogers County, Oklahoma. You have been sued by the above-named Petitioner and you are directed to file a written Response to the petition in the office of the Rogers County Court Clerk within forty-five (45) days from the date of the Publication. Within the same time, a copy of your Response must be delivered or mailed to the attorney for the petitioner. UNLESS YOU RESPOND to the Motion within the time stated, judgment will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Motion. If you have any cause to show why the above-mentioned modification should not be granted by the Court, it is necessary that you appear and present the same as stated above. You may seek the advice of an attorney on any matter connected with this suit or your Response. Such attorney should be consulted immediately so that a Response may be filed within the time limit stated above. s/ Lara M. Russell Judge of the District Court Ricki M Replin, OBA #7508 Attorney for Petitioner 5200 South Yale International Tower, Suite 200 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74135 (918) 492-3481 (918) 492-3074 (facsimile)