Borrowing Trouble
Bruce Stulting
Anxiety is a common problem in the lives of many people. Some worry needless about things in the past that cannot be changed. Others worry about future events over which they have no control and which might not even happen. All this is doing borrowing trouble and and distracting our attention from the present.
This type of anxiety is due to a lack of faith. Jesus said, “Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” (Mat. 6:34). He is telling us that we should not borrow trouble from tomorrow. No one can function if he tries to anticipate all the problems tomorrow may bring. Each day presents its own challenges, its own troubles and opportunities.
By implication, Jesus is also saying that we should not borrow trouble from yesterday either, an even more foolish act. All of us have lived through some unhappy exp erie nces; we have seen things happen to our loved ones; we have made some mistakes. And now, in the present moment we keep borrowing trouble from yesterday and adding it to tomorrow’s troubles, and we find ourselves under a heavy burden that won’t allow us to focus on today.
As followers of Jesus Christ we are to deal with today as best we can. Deal with it honorably and wisely. But remember, our life is in God’s hands. Our Heavenly Father knows us — He knows our needs. Pete recommends, “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you” (1 Pet. 5:7).
church of Christ
1380 Fish Hatchery Rd.
Huntsville, TX 77320
(located 2 miles east of SH 30 on FM 2821)
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