INVITATION TO BID: The M&H Land holding Farm, 203 Ideuma Road, Unadilla, NY is seeking bids for the construction of 27,100 ft. of high tensile fence. Prospective bidders will receive a bid package which contains a bid sheet with instructions to bidders, sample contract, plans and specifications. Bid packages may be obtained by contacting the Otsego County soil and water conservation district, 967 county highway 33 Cooperstown, NY 13326, 607-547-8337 ext. 4. Prospective bidders MUST be in attendance for the full group site showing at 11 AM on Wednesday, October 28, 2015 at the M and H landholding farm. Failure to attend will result in the rejection of your bid. Sealed bids must be clearly marked "M&H land holding bid" and will be excepted on behalf of the landowner at the Otsego County soil and water conservation district office at 967 County Highway 33 Cooperstown, NY until 3 PM on Friday, November 6, 2015 where they will be publicly opened and read.