Reaching Out To You Ministry Bishop k.d. Davis, Sr. Pastor
From the Heart of Bishop k. d. Davis, Sr.
“Just A Word To The Youth Of Our City!”
Have you ever been called CHICKEN? Why Chicken? Why not something else? The array of nicknames available seems in-exhaustive. We have seen and heard many of them. The person who displays flamboyant dress styles that include loud colors, plus mix matches may be called a “Peacock”. The person who is a tell-tale may be called a “Rat”. A person who eyes a target and pounces immediately may be called a “Hawk”. A good friend may be called a “Dawg”. A sneaky distrustful person may be called a “Weasel”.
To be continued…
Youth You Are Somebody … And This Will Be A Good Year!
The Country Bishop k. d. -- I Believe God!
Pick up and read the Corsicana Daily Sun and share it with someone.
Listen to YOUTH CHAT on KAND 1340AM
With Your Host: ANA THOMAS
8:00 A. M. until 9:00 A.M.
This Sunday August 19, 2018 @ 10:30 A.M. is
For more information 903-874-4873
Reaching Out To You Ministry
Sixth Avenue Baptist Church
125 S. 5th Street, Corsicana, Texas 75110 Overseer/ Bishop k. d. Davis, Sr. Pastor Evangelist C. Dawson