Water Conservation - Tips for Outdoors
Lawns generally prefer thorough and less frequent watering. This promotes deeper root growth which establishes a more drought tolerant lawn.
Install rain shut-off devices on irrigation systems and adjust sprinklers to eliminate coverage on pavement. Check sprinkler heads regularly to make sure they are working properly. For plants that need more water, use a hose or watering can to give them additional water.
Prevent evaporation of water by watering lawns early in the morning and avoiding windy days. Use drip irrigation systems for bedded plants, trees, or shrubs and use low-angle sprinklers for lawns.
By covering pools and spas, this can save the equivalent of your pool/spa volume each year!
Harvest the rain. Buy a rain barrel or a cistern and collect the water from your gutters to water your plants.
Taller grass shades the soil beneath it therefore enabling the soil to hold moisture longer by preventing evaporation. Leaving lawn clippings on the lawn instead of bagging helps hold moisture as well.
Use lots of mulch around your shrubs and trees. It will retain moisture, reduce run-off, moderate soil temperatures, and help with weed control.
North Texas Groundwater Conservation District