(Published in The Norman Transcript October 17, 24, 2015, 2t) NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE Case No. CJ-2015-363 Notice is given that on the 18th day of November, 2015, at 10:00 oclock a.m., in Rm 200 of The Cleveland County Office Building, 201 S. Jones, Room 200 (2nd Floor), Norman, Oklahoma 73069, Cleveland County, Oklahoma, the Sheriff of said County will offer for sale and sell, with appraisement, for cash, at public auction, to the highest bidder, all that certain real estate in Cleveland County, Oklahoma, to-wit: LOT NINE (9), IN BLOCK FOUR (4), OF LOCKHOMA ESTATES, BEING A PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE/4) OF SECTION THREE (3), TOWNSHIP TEN (10) NORTH, RANGE THREE (3) WEST OF THE INDIAN MERIDIAN, MOORE, CLEVELAND COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF. Subject to unpaid taxes, tax advancement by Plaintiff for taxes, insurance premiums, and expenses necessary for the preservation of the subject property, if any, said property having been duly appraised at $93,000. Sale will be made pursuant to a Special Execution And Order Of Sale issued in accordance with judgment entered in the District Court of Cleveland County, Oklahoma, in Case No. CJ-2015-363, entitled FIRST UNITED BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, vs. KEVIN R. MESSER AND TONI MESSER, HUSBAND AND WIFE; UNKNOWN TENANTS, IF ANY, OF 2924 POPLAR DRIVE, MOORE, OKLAHOMA, being all of the Defendants and persons holding or claiming interest or lien in the subject property. Joe Lester, Sheriff Cleveland County Oklahoma BY: C. Suttle Joanne Lafontant-Dooley, OBA #30143 Klatt, Augustine, Sayer, Treinen & Rastede, P.C. Attorney for Plaintiff 5909 NW Expressway, Suite #274 Oklahoma City, OK 73132 Telephone: (405) 470-1398 Facsimile: (319) 232-6341 jlafontant@klatt-law.com OKupdates@klatt-law.com