IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE SECOND JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WAYNE COUNTY, ILLINOIS IN THE MATTER OF SKILLET FORK RIVER OUTLET UNION DRAINAGE DISTRICT OF WAYNE, WHITE, AND HAMILTON COUNTIES, ILLINOIS NO. 70-MC-5 NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Notice is hereby given to adult owners of land in the Skillet Fork River Outlet Union Drainage District of Wayne, White, and Hamilton Counties, Illinois, that an Annual Meeting will take place on Thursday, November 12, 2015, at 8:30 a.m. at the law offices of Fyie & Hawkins, 115 N.E. Third Street, Fairfield, Illinois 62837. Given under my hand and seal at Fairfield, Illinois, this 5th day of October, 2015. s/ Sharon L. Gualdoni SHARON GUALDONI Clerk of the Circuit Court of Wayne County, Illinois and ex-officio Clerk of Wayne and Edwards Counties, Illinois FILED OCT 5 2015 s/ Sharon Gualdoni CIRCUIT CLERK, WAYNE CO., IL.