Channel: Tribune Democrat: Announcements
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REGULAR CINCINNATI CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT CINCINNATI CITY HALL MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2015 AT 7 P.M. Mayor Pro tem Rick Long called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Council members Wireman, Shady, Long, Clinkenbeard, and McIntire responded to roll call. Communications: City Hall will be closed on October 30th. Starting next month until April 1st Council Meetings will meet at 6:00 pm. Approve agenda: Wireman motioned to approve the agenda; Clinkenbeard seconded; vote: all ayes. Motion carried. Approve consent agenda: Wireman motioned to approve consent agenda; Clinkenbeard seconded; vote: all ayes. Motion carried. Public Comments: A. McClure. Public Hearing for Ordinance #260, Posting Location: no comments. i. First reading: Wireman motioned to approve the first reading of Ordinance #260, Shady seconded; vote: Wireman: aye, Shady: aye, Long: aye, Clinkenbeard; aye, and McIntire; aye. Motion carried. ii. Motion to suspend further readings of Ordinance #260: Shady motioned to approve suspending further readings of Ordinance #260, Clinkenbeard seconded; vote: Wireman: aye, Shady: aye, Long: aye, Clinkenbeard; aye, and McIntire; aye. Motion carried. iii. Final motion for adoption of Ordinance #260: Shady motioned to approve Ordinance #260, Clinkenbeard seconded; vote: Wireman: aye, Shady: aye, Long: aye, Clinkenbeard; aye, and McIntire; aye. Motion carried. Wireman motioned to approve Resol #15-36, fixing date for a meeting on the proposition to authorize a Loan and Disbursement Agreement and the issuance of Notes to evidence the obligations of the City thereunder, Clinkenbeard seconded, vote: Wireman: aye, Shady: aye, Long: aye, Clinkenbeard; aye, and McIntire; aye. Motion carried. Wireman motioned to approve construction application from L. Blades with an extension of one year on the condition that he stubs out the water and sewer lines out of the building, Clinkenbeard seconded; Vote: all ayes. Motion carried. Wireman motioned to approve a two year tax abatement for R. Woods, Long seconded; Vote: all ayes. Motion carried. S Graves spoke for J. Mullenix and advised Mullenix’s dog had been attacked by a stray dog. Council advised in cases of loose dogs being threatening to call the Sheriff. The Sheriff has advised if threatened by stray dog a homeowner can shoot the dog. Long motioned to approve Danley Construction for concrete pad and sidewalks with the stipulation that work must be completed by October 20th (barring weather delays), Shady seconded; Vote: Wireman, Shady, Long, and Clinkenbeard ayes, McIntire abstained due to conflict of interest, prior business relations. Motion carried. Wireman motioned to remove any reference to a permit section from the Livestock Ord #230; Shady seconded, vote: all ayes. Motion carried. The Council discussed the possibility of having a 2016 Fall Festival. The Council would like any and all interested volunteers to attend the November 9th Council Meeting at City Hall at 6:00 pm. Please call the City Clerk with any questions. Shady motioned to table the health care discussion/vote until November meeting; Wireman seconded; Vote: Wireman, Shady, Long, and Clinkenbeard ayes, McIntire abstained due to conflict of interest, familial relations. Motion carried. Wireman motioned to approve Resol #15-37, City Council Meeting Rules, Shady seconded, vote: Wireman: aye, Shady: aye, Long: aye, Clinkenbeard; aye, and McIntire; aye. Motion carried. Shady motioned to approve clerk opening a Municipal Supply account; Wireman seconded; Vote: all ayes. Motion carried. Wireman motioned to approve VFD to apply for matching grant of $6,939, Clinkenbeard seconded, Vote: Wireman, Shady, Long, and Clinkenbeard ayes, McIntire abstained due to conflict of interest, business relations. Motion carried. Wireman motioned to approve VFD use of drop box at old City Hall to be used for donations, Shady seconded, Vote: Wireman, Shady, Long, and Clinkenbeard ayes, McIntire abstained due to conflict of interest, business relations. Motion carried. Wireman motioned to approve clerk opening a Quill account; Wireman seconded; Vote: all ayes. Motion carried. Shady motioned to set trick or treating hours for Saturday, October 31st from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. The fire trucks will be out for safety and candy will be given away at the firehouse; Wireman seconded; Vote: all ayes. Motion carried. Long motioned to table the discussion of blackboard and school type items until the November meeting so clerk can research if we can sell those items and process of selling; Shady seconded; Vote: all ayes. Motion carried. Shady motioned to approve J. Lynch to be retained, after his seasonal hours are completed, as a backup/on call employee as needed at $8.00/hour, Clinkenbeard seconded; Vote: all ayes. Motion carried. Wireman motioned to approve Resol #15-38, Amend Salary, Shady seconded, vote: Wireman: aye, Shady: aye, Long: aye, Clinkenbeard; aye, and McIntire; aye. Motion carried. Wireman motioned to approve sending City Clerk to training, with mileage to be included; Shady seconded; Vote: Wireman, Shady, Long, and Clinkenbeard ayes, McIntire abstained due to conflict of interest, familial relations. Motion carried. The council discussed the upcoming ECIC meeting. The council discussed ways to improve revenue/cut expenses. Posted At the Following Locations: City Hall Community Center Business at 100 W Pleasant Volunteer Fire Department REGULAR CINCINNATI CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT CINCINNATI CITY HALL MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2015 AT 7 P.M. Department Reports; VFD: One fire call. The call was a mutual aid with Centerville and Cincinnati VFD covered Centerville FD while Centerville was on the call. Chief attended a meeting with surrounding area VFD personnel and radio communications were discussed. Decals have been put on new FD truck. The old fire truck has officially been put up for sale and they are asking $10,000. They would like to thank all those who came to the spaghetti dinner. Parks and Community: Perry and Lynch put up new 25 mph signs around the park. Cemetery: Black dirt has finally been found and delivered. When mowing is done for the season we will have a work day. Work day has now been scheduled for October 31st with a rain date of November 7th. Volunteers should meet at the cemetery at 9:00 am. There are still memorial flags for sale for $175. Please contact the city clerk for purchase or questions. Water & Sewer: The water leak on Vine has been fully fixed. Roads: Perry and Lynch will be working on roads to get them ready for the upcoming winter season. Shady made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Wireman seconded. Vote: all ayes. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:09 p.m. /s/Attest: Melissa McIntire, City Clerk /s/Rebecca Clark, Mayor September 2015 Expenses Paid: Appanoose County Sheriff law enforcement for September $100.00 Chariton Valley Planning & Development annual contribution $360.00 Alliant Energy August - October $4,707.64 Daily Iowegian minutes $239.18 All Flags new flags $65.25 Appanoose County Public Health shots for VFD $330.00 Card Services shop supplies $62.34 Hills Sanitation September garbage service $55.00 Iowa Prison Industries speed limit signs $51.60 L & W Quarries rock and chips $360.38 Lockridge shop supplies $21.71 Centerville Municipal Waterworks stop box $61.20 Days Inn motel for training for ops manager $268.76 Payroll Checks employees $4,799.09 United States Treasury Fed 941-August $1,078.38 IPERS July contribution $729.87 Midwest Environmental Services testing $618.00 DMACC training for ops manager $900.00 Pioneer Products VFD expenses $788.60 RRWA water purchased September $1,917.65 Selix Lawn Care cemetery mowing $1,200.00 MedCompass VFD physicals $1,802.00 UnityPoint drug testing VFD/new hires/random 111.00 USPS stamps/certified letters/overnight docs $94.98 Windstream internet/phone August-September $152.40 Mercy Medical Center drug testing $56.00 Sales & Associates bond $100.00 Total Expenses: $21,031.03 September 2015 Revenues by Fund: General $3,319.45 Special $5,345.28 Proprietary $12,637.83 Total Revenues: $21,302.56 Runs 1x October 23rd, 2015

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