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October 12, 2015 The regular meeting of the Board of Education of the Centerville Community School District was held October 12, 2015 at 6:30 P.M. in the board room of the Administration Office, 634 North Main, Centerville. Call to order and roll call. President Marty Braster called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. Roll call to determine quorum was taken as follows: Present: Marty Braster, Larry Heffron, Steve Hoch (on speaker phone-left meeting at 8:45 P.M.), Brooke Johnson, Angela Ocker, Joe Sharp, and Travis Yeomans. Absent: none. Also present were Superintendent Tony Ryan and Board Secretary Linda Henderson. Welcome Visitors Mr. Braster welcomed visitors. Approve Agenda It was moved by Travis Yeomans and seconded by Joe Sharp to approve the agenda as stated. Motion carried unanimously. Approve Minutes of Previous Meetings Marty Braster stated the September 28 minutes needed amended on “Discuss Policy 204” on last sentence deleting “with a slight variance”. It was moved by Brooke Johnson and seconded by Travis Yeomans to approve September 28 minutes as amended on item “Discuss Policy 204, last sentence to read “After reading the school attorney’s interpretation of policy 204, it was consensus of the board members present to interpret the policy and allow certified board members to substitute teach per Iowa Code 279.71.” Motion carried unanimously. Old Business Discuss Updates on Exterior Construction Summer Project Estes Construction Project Manager Dick Larson updated the board on the exterior construction summer project: Concrete: Complete with some punch items to be completed. Masonry/Roofing: On target to be completed by end of month. Roofing: Waiting on metal on para-tip caps, downspouts at Lakeview and metal at Central. Doors: Will be completed by Thursday with two doors to be replaced at J.H. and punch items to be completed. A walk through was completed last week with StruXture architects, Dick, Tim and Tony. Steve Hoch inquired about the rain damage whether payment had been made by roofers. Mr. Larson indicated roofers will be paying for any damages out of pocket for any of the rain damage. Discuss and Approve Resolution to Establish a Date for the Public hearing of the Renewal of the Instructional Support Levy Mr. Ryan stated after review of the change in the Instructional Support Levy on changing the term from five years to two years, it is recommended to republish a public hearing with the information of school board intentions. Page 2 October 13, 2015 It was moved by Larry Heffron and seconded by Joe Sharp to approve the Instructional Support Resolution and set November 9, 2015 at 6:30 P.M. for the public hearing of the renewal of the Instructional Support Levy. Roll call vote: Ayes: Larry Heffron, Steve Hoch (on speaker phone), Brooke Johnson, Angela Ocker, Joe Sharp, Travis Yeomans, and Marty Braster. Nays: none. Motion carried unanimously. Discuss Updates on Progress with Installation of New Scoreboards Mr. Fisher stated the scoreboard at Paul Johnson Athletic Field is in place and working; looking at building or ordering inside panels for Lakeview gym scoreboards; did not anticipate moving fiber to north side of the Lakeview gym with a rack for better service; and will be invoicing advertisers. Approve Updates to High School Media Center Aide Job Classification System Mr. Ryan stated after further reflection of the school board’s discussion September 14, it is recommended to move the High School Media Secretary to an Aide at Level IV classification and update the job description as presented at a previous school board meeting. It was moved by Larry Heffron and seconded by Travis Yeomans to offer Sheila VanBlaricon a contract for 2015-16 school year from Secretary, Level I, $14.25 maximum wage, 7.5 hours/day, 186 days=$19,878.75 and longevity pay at 3.5% x 7.5 hours/day x $14.25=$697.50 to Aide, Level IV, $17.000 maximum wage, 7.5 hours/day, 186 days=$23,715.00 and longevity pay at 3.5% x 7.5 hours/day x $17.00=$837.00 retroactive to August 24, 2015. Motion carried unanimously. It was moved by Brooke Johnson and seconded by Angela Ocker to ask “A” team to work with Sheila VanBlaricon on improving the job description for High School Media Center Aide to accurately reflect the media center aide’s duties if looking for a new person in this position. Motion carried unanimously. New Business Approve Personnel Business Procedures 1. Resignations It was moved by Larry Heffron and seconded by Travis Yeomans to approve the resignation from Rich Parker as J.H. Athletic Director effective at the end of the 2015-16 athletic seasons pending finding a suitable replacement. Motion carried unanimously. It was moved by Joe Sharp and seconded by Angela Ocker to approve the retirement from Phoebe O’Connor as Payroll Clerk effective March 31, 2016 and payment for any unused flex leave, flex bank, sick leave and vacation pay on April 20, 2016. Also the board would like to thank Mrs. O’Connor for her 20 years to the district with a letter of commendation and a lifetime activities pass. Motion carried unanimously. It was moved by Angela Ocker and seconded by Brooke Johnson to approve the resignation from Rita Susin as Cafeteria Kitchen Manager effective October 15, 2015. Also approve Holly Hutton’s recommendation to issue Rita Susin a life time activities pass for her 18 years to the district. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Transfers - There were no transfers. Page 3 October 13, 2015 3. Employment/Contracts Mr. Ryan stated the Lakeview Yearbook position was negotiated and approved by administrators and C.E.A. for the 2014-15 school year. Tino Terrones has been doing the work for several years. Mr. Terrones identified he was not paid for Lakeview Yearbook sponsor in the 2014-15 school year. This was brought to Mr. Ryan’s attention just recently and would recommend the contract for Tino Terrones for the 2015-16 school year and a stipend for payment for services for the 2014-15 school year in another board item. It was moved by Brooke Johnson and seconded by Larry Heffron to approve contracts for: Matt Kovacevich – continuing contract for 2015-16 J.H. Co-Baseball, step 2, $7.25 per hour, 32 days, total wage $1,708.00, effective May 18, 2016; Tino Terrones – Lakeview Yearbook Sponsor, step 8, salary $1,027.60; Julie Caraccio – Lakeview Student Council Sponsor 50%, step 1, $250.00, replacing Lindsey Pettibone. Janet Stevens – J.H. 8th Girls Basketball, step 13, $7.25 per hour, total wage $2,987.75, 54 days, replacing Lauren Jones; Shirley Bentley – Preschool Sp. Ed. Aide Specific, Level II, step 1, $8.45 per hour, 4.25 hours per day, Tuesday/Fridays, new position; Shirley Bentley – Preschool Sp. Ed. Aide Specific, Level II, step 1, $8.45 per hour, 4 hours per day, Monday/Thursday, new position; Corinna Ballanger – contract adjustment on step 2 to step 5, Level II, $9.65 per hour, 7 hours per day, effective October 13; and Susan Bragga – contract adjustment on 7 hours per day to 7.25 hours per day, retroactive to August 25, 2015. Motion carried unanimously. It was moved by Brooke Johnson and seconded by Travis Yeomans to approve lane changes for: Haley Bishop BA, step 7, $43,353 to BA+12, step 7, $44,580 Courtney Hawkins BA, step 13, $50,715 to BA+12, step 14, $53,169 Randy Marcussen BA, step 13, $50,715 to MA, step 14, $55,623 Motion carried unanimously. It was moved by Travis Yeomans and seconded by Brooke Johnson to approve volunteer agreements for: Brad Brauman – K-2 Watchdog Volunteer Buffy Hurley – Drill Team Volunteer Mary Louise Mathews – K-2 Volunteer Robert Repp – K-2 Watchdog Volunteer James Studer – K-2 Watchdog Volunteer Carl Underwood – Drill Team Volunteer Tonya Vandermark – K-2 Volunteer Tracy Vandermark – K-2 Watchdog Volunteer Motion carried unanimously. Approve Payment for FY15 Lakeview Yearbook Services Mr. Ryan recommended paying a stipend to Tino Terrones for Lakeview Yearbook sponsor that was added to Schedule D for the 2014-15 school year. This service was formerly a “duty as assigned”. The payment to the employee was innocently overlooked by CEA and the district due to the uniqueness of the task going from a duty as assigned to a paid position. It was moved by Larry Heffron and seconded by Joe Sharp to approve paying a stipend to Tino Terrones for Lakeview Yearbook sponsor in the amount of $970.44 for the 2014-15 school year. Motion carried unanimously. Page 4 October 13, 2015 Approve Payment for Summer Facility Construction Project It was moved by Steve Hoch and seconded by Brooke Johnson to approve payment for summer facility construction project to: StruXture Architect Sept. 2015 Fixed Fee $ 3,875.98 StruXture Architect Sept. 2015 Architect Hourly Fee-Evans Mason Alt #1 $ 1,427.50 Frank Millard & Co., Inc. Roof #1 $165,338.00 Evans-Mason, Inc. Masonry #4 $138,893.89 Christner Contracting Inc. Doors #2 $ 41,385.04 Estes Construction Project Manager #6 $ 42,590.00 Motion carried unanimously. Discuss Dates for Legislator Dinner Meeting It was the consensus of the board to schedule December 2 at 6:00 P.M. at Lakeview Cafeteria for the legislative dinner meeting with legislators and area school boards. Discuss Processes for Background Checks for Volunteers and Employees The board reviewed IASB Special Report dated June 26, 2013, past board meeting discussions and office practice on background checks for volunteers. It was decided to continue the practice of volunteers each year completing a DCI SING form even though they had completed the fingerprint card and DCI form the previous school year. Discuss Support Staff Salary Committee Mr. Braster presented a handout for support staff salary committee to review: 1) Committee members: representatives of board, support staff, administration and teachers. 2) Consider salaries on comparable positions on Iowa Workforce Information Network and IASB website. 3) Evaluate any need and benefit to create one or more additional job categories For example: Technology Assistants Identify any other positions that don’t fit on schedule but should. 4) Consider the following: Address fact that staff at maximum wage can earn less in spite of raise. Situations when aides arrive at school but students do not attend that day. Degree of any board/management discretion in applying schedule. 5) Estimate financial impact of any recommended modifications to the salary schedule and suggest timeframe for implementation. 6) Related: Assess method used to determine compensation for positions that are not on support staff salary schedule and not based on collective bargaining, i.e. student advisors. Mr. Ryan stated he will email Angela and Steve dates they could meet. Board members suggested considering: break down of criteria of salary and adjustment of salary schedule each year Approve Recruitment Initiative for Certified Librarian Board members discussed administrators’ having an action plan on recruiting a librarian, compensation, such as hiring bonus, moving expenses, or paying for courses for employee to receive librarian certification at Board of Educational Examiners. Approve Communication Methods with School Board Attorney Mr. Ryan stated there is a request of having the school board authorizing the board president to contact the school board attorney on some topics. In the past there have been joint conference calls with the school attorney, board president and superintendent. The method of communication was successful and provided support for dialog between the board president and superintendent. It is recommended to continue with joint conversations when situational needs arise. Page 5 October 13, 2015 After much discussion it was moved by Larry Heffron and seconded by Brooke Johnson to approve Board President Marty Braster to have direct contact with the school board attorney on these four criteria: closed sessions, exempt sessions, administrator evaluations and administrator contract and bring information back to the full board. Vice President Joe Sharp offered to sit in on the conversations. Mr. Braster stated he appreciated the offer but as school board president he will report back to the board on discussions with school board attorney. Motion carried with Steve Hoch voting nay. Also Mr. Braster stated if the school board attorney needs to be consulted by the superintendent then the board president or a board member should be present. Mr. Ryan stated he has reported to the board president on discussions with board attorney when deemed necessary. Mr. Braster stated a board member should be present on these discussions. Mr. Ryan stated at last meeting he asked if there were any concerns with what he is doing and was told there were no concerns. Mr. Braster stated he wanted clarity. Mr. Heffron stated he would like to think about this topic. Steve Hoch left meeting at 8:45 P.M. Discuss Local Purchasing Mr. Braster stated per board policy 705.1 Purchasing and Bidding gives guidelines on purchases, such as if items costing $10,000, then bids are to be requested. Mr. Braster asked board if they wanted to provide guidelines below the $10,000 amount such as receiving more than one bid for items. Mr. Yeomans stated we could create a PM program. After much discussion it was decided to leave the purchasing and bidding per board policy and to add PM program as future agenda item. Discuss Long Term Facility Planning Mr. Ryan stated StruXture Architects is compiling information from community meetings and will have more information in a couple weeks. Mr. Sharp stated community members involved in the public meetings should be invited to attend when StruXture Architects’ reports on the findings to the board. Discuss School Finances and Enrollment Preliminary Indicators Mr. Ryan reviewed preliminary official enrollment at 1,339.2 down 23.6 students. Mr. Heffron asked if the 23.6 students could be broken down by grade level. Also Mr. Ryan reviewed unspent authorized budget report an financial information on expenditures, unspent authorized carryover budget, unrestricted cash balance and solvency ratio. A spreadsheet of information was handed out. Discuss IASB Dividend Revenue Check Mr. Ryan stated EMC/IASB annual safety group dividend check was received in the amount of $17,393.56. Discuss IASB District Director Vacancy Board members received information on Iowa Association of School Boards District Director #8. The current District #8 Director Joan Corbin, Pella Community School District, has been nominated for IASB President-elect; should she be elected the District #8 position will be open. This is a three year term and meets 11 times per year. Statement of Candidacy form needs to be returned by October 16, 2015. Approve 2015 IASB Legislative Priorities Since not all the information was printed, Mr. Braster asked board members to log in to IASB website to review all the legislative priorities. Board members are to email superintendent by end of day on Wednesday the 2015 IASB Legislative Priorities. Approve Support Staff handbook Changes It was moved by Brooke Johnson and seconded by Larry Heffron to approve the 2015-16 Support Staff Handbook changes as stated. Motion carried unanimously. Page 6 October 13, 2015 Approve Fundraising Calendar It was moved by Brooke Johnson and seconded by Travis Yeomans to approve the fundraising calendar as stated. Motion carried unanimously. Approve Adding Bowling as a Sponsored Sport Mr. Fisher recommended to add Boys’ and Girls’ Bowling as a sponsored sport. Currently there are 26 students who wish to participate. Students would practice on Tuesdays and Thursday afternoons from 3:45-5:15 p.m. The season starts on November 9th and the state qualifying meet is on February 16. Dawn Schwering, representative from the bowling alley, has determined they would like to receive $1,000 for lane rental and shoe rental during the season. Mr. Ryan stated he will need to discuss with CEA representative the placement of this sport on Schedule “D”. It was moved by Brooke Johnson and seconded by Travis Yeomans to approve adding bowling as a sponsored sport. Motion carried unanimously. Approval of Sports Official’s Contracts It was moved by Angela Ocker and seconded by Brooke Johnson to approve the sports officials’ contracts as stated. Motion carried unanimously. Reports Mrs. Schofield stated Lakeview staff on C4K team recently attended workshop last week. Mr. Fisher updated the board on Homecoming festivities. Mr. Kaput stated he will be presenting price quote at the next meeting to purchase two servers: district server and Administration Bldg. server. Mr. Ryan reminded board of IASB Board Member Orientation workshop October 14 at Mt. Pleasant. Board members are to meet at 3:30 PM at the Administration Building. Joe Sharp stated he’d like to attend and would meet the rest of board at Mt. Pleasant. Also Mr. Ryan stated Department of Education will be bringing 45 staff along with 15 school staff for Centerville being a pilot school in Differentiated Accountability Program. Mr. Braster handed out suggested topics for: November 2 work session-Balancing District Educational Resource Needs and Financial Goals and November 9 board meeting-Strengthening the District Staff-Administration-School Board Communication. Presentation of Invoices and Approval of Payment It was moved by Travis Yeomans and seconded by Brooke Johnson to approve the invoices and salary per diem as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Adjourn It was moved by Larry Heffron and seconded by Angela Ocker to adjourn at 10:00 P.M. Motion carried unanimously. GENERAL FUND A TECH, INC SERVICES 270.00 ABRAHAMSON, JANET REIMBURSE 7.99 AD-EXPRESS/IOWEGIAN ADVERTISING 1,433.27 ALLIANT ENERGY UTILTIES 19,325.45 APP. CO. AUDITOR SERVICES 3,213.59 APP. CO. DAY CARE TUTION 6,080.00 ARAMARK SERVICE 319.35 BECKER & ASSOCIATES, LLC., MARK J. ANNUAL RENEWAL 1,500.00 Brown, Marchelle Mileage 16.80 BROWN, NATALIE MILEAGE 18.84 CARQUEST OF CENTERVILLE SUPPLIES 1,265.96 CARSON, SONJA MILEAGE 23.92 CAYLOR, KYM MILEAGE 12.80 CDW-G PRINTER 3,491.18 CENTERVILLE MUN WATERWORKS WATER 1,985.46 CITY OF CENTERVILLE RESOURCE OFFICER 4,383.14 CURRICULUM CENTER FOR FAMILY AND SUPPLIES 500.00 CONSUMER SCIENCE - TEXAS TECH UNIVERSI, THE D & T ROOFING & CONSTRUCTION SERVICE 475.00 DANNCO SERVICE 3.90 DEININGER, HARRY MILEAGE 18.72 DESTINATION IMAGINATION, INC SUPPLIES 214.95 ELAN FINANCIAL SERVICES SUPPLIES 1,966.22 ENGEL LAW OFFICE SERVICES 427.50 ESHIPPING, LLC SERVICES 594.42 EWING, DIANA MILEAGE 21.84 EXLINE SIGNAL, LLC. SERVICES 210.00 FAREWAY STORE SUPPLIES 39.99 FATKA, DIANNE MILEAGE 60.48 FREDERICK, MR. MICHAEL BOOKS 70.00 FUN AND 403.81 HENDERSON, LINDA REIMBURSE 144.80 IA ASSN OF SCHOOL BOARDS SERVICES 400.00 IXL LEARNING Site Licenses 1,200.00 JP GASWAY PAPER 0.00 LASERFAX TONER 418.45 LIBRARY WORLD INC Annual Renewal 439.00 LOCKRIDGE, INC SUPPLIES 82.35 MARCO PROMOS SUPPLIES 299.00 MARK'S PLUMBING PARTS SUPPLIES 3,566.11 MARTIN BROS. DISTRIBUTING CO. SUPPLIES 31.94 MC CARTHY TIRE SERVICE REPAIR 70.50 MCGRAW HILL EDUCATION HOLDINGS, SUPPLIES 29.40 LLC NAPA AUTO PARTS SUPPLIES 39.99 OFFICE DEPOT SUPPLIES 409.54 PEPSI-COLA FINNEGAN POP 317.20 PERMA-BOUND BOOKS BOOKS 1,710.39 PESI SEMINAR 0.00 PHILLIPS, NANCY MILEAGE 25.84 PIONEER ATHLETICS FIELD PAINT 660.00 PITNEY BOWES SERVICES 291.00 PMA FINANCIAL NETWORK INC. SERVICES 2,750.00 QUILL CORP. SUPPLIES 946.26 REALLY GOOD STUFF SUPPLIES 185.63 SCHOOL BUS SALES CO. SUPPLIES 279.91 SCHOOL SPECIALTY SUPPLIES 712.98 SCOTT ELECTRIC SUPPLIES 128.96 SEBRING, MARY MILEAGE 83.97 SINK PAPER & PACKAGING SUPPLIES 834.00 SOUTHWEST BINDING & LAMINATING SUPPLIES 60.13 ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH RENT 250.00 STATE OF IOWA REIMBURSE 29,470.41 TIME MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS SERVICE 330.00 TREND FOR KIDS SUPPLIES 23.82 TRUE VALUE HARDWARE SUPPLIES 56.46 U.S. CELLULAR PHONE SERVICE 53.59 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE POSTAGE 1,000.00 VAN DUSSELDORP, MELISSA REIMBURSE 50.00 WINDSTREAM IOWA COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE 1,653.43 XEROX CORPORATION Checking Account Total: COPIER 2,404.47 99,764.11 CAFETERIA FUND AD-EXPRESS/IOWEGIAN ADVERTISING 12.94 EARTHGRAINS BAKING CO., INC SUPPLIES 1,299.65 ELAN FINANCIAL SERVICES SUPPLIES 91.33 KECK, INC. SUPPLIES 4,394.75 KOHL WHOLESALE SUPPLIES 14,144.77 MARTIN BROS. DISTRIBUTING CO. SUPPLIES 9,110.24 Checking Account Total: 29,053.68 ACTIVITY FUND ADAM'S SMOKEHOUSE FFA NATIONAL TRIP 207.84 ADVENTURELAND FESTIVAL OF BANDS REGISTRATION FEE 100.00 AGILE SPORTS TECHNOLOGIES SERVICE 400.00 ALBIA HIGH SCHOOL ENTRY FEE 60.00 BFG SUPPLY COMPANY SUPPLIES 75.15 BRUNKHOUSE, TIM OFFICIAL 150.00 CASEY'S GENERAL STORES, INC SUPPLIES 35.97 CLARK, LARRY OFFICIAL 120.00 COBLER, BONNIE OFFICIAL 265.00 DANNCO SUPPLIES 2,253.30 DES MOINES PERFORMING ARTS ENTRY FEE 85.00 ECKLES, RICK OFFICIAL 125.00 ELAN FINANCIAL SERVICES SUPPLIES 648.44 FAIRPLAY SUPPLIES 885.00 FAREWAY STORE SU PPLIES 792.76 FIRST SUPPLIES 225.00 GEORGE & NICK'S PIZZA & STEAK HOUSE SUPPLIES 144.00 GILL, MICKEY OFFICIAL 195.00 HULL, KIM OFFICIAL 145.00 IA FFA ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP FEES 43.50 J.W. PEPPER & SON INC. SUPPLIES 518.39 JACOBUS, LARRY OFFICIAL 100.00 KNOXVILLE HIGH SCHOOL ENTRY FEE 120.00 KOHL WHOLESALE SUPPLIES 223.72 LINDEMULDER, DANIEL OFFICIAL 240.00 MARTIN BROS. DISTRIBUTING CO. SUPPLIES 278.76 ORIENTAL TRADING CO., INC. SUPPLIES 124.44 PCM HIGH SCHOOL ENTRY FEE 120.00 PEPSI-COLA FINNEGAN POP 2,709.80 PIERSCHBACHER, JAY OFFICIAL 145.00 PRINT SHOP SUPPLIES 110.00 rSCHOOL TODAY (DWC) SERVICES 400.00 RUDACILLE, JAY OFFICIAL 300.00 RUSSELL, ROD OFFICIAL 100.00 SMITH, TIM OFFICIAL 100.00 SPURGEON, BRAD OFFICIAL 235.00 STEWART, TY REIMBURSE 45.00 TROTTER, CLARK OFFICIAL 100.00 TRUE VALUE HARDWARE SUPPLIES 19.35 VALENTINE MUSIC PRODUCTIONS SERVICE 250.00 VEX ROBOTICS INC, SUPPLIES 55.32 WALSWORTH PUBLISHING CO HOWAR YEA BOOK 893.67 WINTERSET COMMUNITY SCHOOLS ENTRY FEE 85.00 YELLAND, JEFF OFFICIAL 225.00 Checking Account Total: 14,454.41 TRUST FUND IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY AND DEVON SCHOLARSHIP 500.00 GLOSSER Checking Account Total: 500.00 Checking SCHOOLHOUSE FUND CDW-G COMPUTER HARDWARE 12,974.73 CHRISTNER CONTRACTING INC. SERVICES 41,385.04 ESTES CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 42,590.00 EVANS-MASON INC SERVICES 138,893.89 FRANK MILLARD & CO. INC. SERVICES 165,338.00 HILLYARD/DES MOINES FLOOR SCRUBBER STRUXTURE ARCHITECTS SERVICES 5,303.48 VARSITY GROUP SCOREBOARD 86,620.00 VEENSTRA CONSTRUCTION INC. SERVICE 800.00 Checking Account Total: 504,695.14 Runs 1x October 23rd, 2015

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