SUPREME COURT - COUNTY OF OTSEGO U.S. BANK TRUST, N.A. AS TRUSTEE FOR LSF8 MASTER PARTICIPATION TRUST, Plaintiff against JAMES L. SIMMONS; JASON SIMMONS; LEONA SIMMONS; JACKIE SIMMONS; et al Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered on October 6, 2015. the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the front entrance to the Otsego County Office Building, 197 Main Street, Cooperstown, N.Y. on the 1st day of December, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. premises described as follows: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate in the Town of Edmeston, County of Otsego and State of New York, described as follows: Beginning at a stake 463' from the center line of County Route #18 on the boundary with lands of Pulitzer and Hansel; proceeding thence easterly along said boundary 398' to another stake; proceeding thence southerly 428 to the center of existing gravel road; proceeding thence westerly 398 along center line of said gravel road; proceeding thence northerly 434' to the point of origin. Said premises known as 130 Michael Lane, New Berlin, N.Y. 13411. (Section: 138.00, Block: 1, Lot: 3.02). Approximate amount of lien $ 194,014.38 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed judgment and terms of sale. Index No. 647-13. Kelley M. Eckmair, Esq., Referee. Stern&Eisenberg, PC Attorney(s) for Plaintiff Woodbridge Corporate Plaza 485 B Route 1 South Suite 330 Iselin, NJ 08830 (732) 582-6344