CLINTON COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OCTOBER 12, 2015 The Board of Supervisors of Clinton County, Iowa, met. Present were Supervisors Staszewski, Srp and Hamerlinck. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. TRANSFERS General Basic Fund to Secondary Road Fund $112,205.03 Rural Services Fund to Secondary Road Transfer $611,790.44 REPORTS The 1st Quarter FY2016 report of the County Recorders Report of Fees Collected, submitted by Scott Judd, Clinton County Recorder, was presented, approved and filed. The 1st Quarter FY2016 report of the Sheriffs Fees and Expenses, submitted by Rick Lincoln, Clinton County Sheriff, was presented, approved and filed. 9:00 A.M. Review Correspondence and Claims 9:15 A.M. FORMAL ACTION: Resolutions and Motions The following resolution was presented and on motion adopted. RESOLUTION #2015-281 WHEREAS, Clinton County desires to retain outside legal counsel for all purposes in connection with acquisition of land and easements to implement proposed wastewater improvements for Elvira, Iowa, as outlined and designed by French-Reneker-Associates, Inc. (FRA, Inc.); WHEREAS, Clinton County recognizes the possibility of condemnation, due to the public health demands associated with Elvira, Iowas wastewater needs identified by FRA, Inc., and the specialized legal expertise for such an undertaking; WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of Clinton County to receive such assistance from Drew Chambers of Holleran, Shaw, Murphy & Stoutner; BE IT RESOLVED by the Clinton County Board of Supervisors that Clinton County retains Drew Chambers at his standard hourly fee to provide legal assistance to Clinton County, the Clinton County Board of Health and the Clinton County Sanitarian to acquire the property and prepare easements necessary to implement the Elvira, Iowa, wastewater project as outlined by FRA, Inc. Roll Call: Hamerlinck: Yes Srp: Yes Staszewski: Yes John F. Staszewski, Chairman The following resolution was presented and on motion adopted. RESOLUTION #2015-282 WHEREAS, Clinton County, Iowa, filed a claim in 2014 in the amount of $60,545.87 with the Community Care, Inc. Receivership to recover funds paid to the City of Charlotte for a USDA loan for a sewer improvement as per agreement; and WHEREAS, representatives of Morris, Anderson & Associates as Receiver for Community Care, Inc. has submitted a proposed distribution plan in accordance with Code of Iowa, Section 680.7; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Clinton County Board of Supervisors will accept the proposed distribution plan resulting in a payment of $1,251.39 to Clinton County from the Community Care, Inc. Receivership. Roll Call: Hamerlinck: Yes Srp: Yes Staszewski: Yes John F. Staszewski, Chairman Motion was made by Supervisor Srp to authorize the Chairman to sign Utility Permit Number 10-79 for Eastern Iowa Light and Power to install new overhead lines and poles along the north side of 400th Avenue in Section 30 of Elk River Township, T83N-R6E. Roll Call: Hamerlinck: Yes Srp: Yes Staszewski: Yes Motion carried. GENERAL PUBLIC DEPARTMENT HEADS, ELECTED OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES Clinton County Building Maintenance Manager Corey Johnson shared the engineers new drawings for the retaining wall project at the Clinton County Administration Building. He said the County is still waiting for the State Archeological Office to approve the plan. Johnson hopes to hear from the State this week. After the State approval, the Board of Supervisors will be able to make formal approval on the plan. He said the retaining wall project is estimated at $50,000. Clinton County Justice Coordinator Margaret Kuhl said tours of the County law center and jail begin this week to educate the public about the effort to support a jail replacement project. 9:34 A.M. Board of Trustees for Drainage Districts: •Drainage District #17 Awarding Contract for Main Ditch repair Motion was made by Supervisor Srp to recess as Board of Supervisors and convene as Board of Trustees for Drainage District #17. Roll Call: Hamerlinck: Yes Srp: Yes Staszewski: Yes Motion carried. The Board of Supervisors recessed and the Board of Trustees convened at 9:34 a.m. Clinton County Engineer Todd Kinney reviewed the repair work for Drainage District #17 Main. The following resolution was presented and on motion adopted. RESOLUTION #2015-DD17-04 WHEREAS, the Clinton County Board of Supervisors acting as Trustees for Drainage District #17 received a request for repair of the Drainage District 17 (DD 17) main ditch adjacent to the Dean Barber property; and WHEREAS, the Clinton County Board of Supervisors acting as Trustees for Drainage District #17 (DD 17) approved the County Engineer's recommendation for the scope of the repair work in DD17 on July 27, 2015, and authorized the Engineer to solicit quotes for the recommended repairs; and WHEREAS, on September 24, 2015, quotes for the repair work were received as listed below and; Contractor Using concrete Using Class E stone Dexter Dozing & Scraping No quote $8,919.24 Ed Kleinschmidt $12,700 $14,300 A&S Excavating $13,885 $15,650 Rittmer Inc. $17,900 $19,900 WHEREAS, the Clinton County Engineer has reviewed the quotes and recommends the repair project be awarded to Dexter Dozing & Scraping. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Clinton County, Iowa, accept the low quote submitted by Dexter Dozing & Scraping and authorize the execution of the contract. Roll Call: Hamerlinck: Yes Srp: Yes Staszewski: Yes John F. Staszewski, Chairman Motion was made by Supervisor Srp to adjourn as Board of Trustees for Drainage Districts and reconvene as Board of Supervisors. Roll Call: Hamerlinck: Yes Srp: Yes Staszewski: Yes Motion carried. The Board of Supervisors reconvened at 9:37 a.m. 9:37 A.M. Discussion Board of Supervisors Agenda Policy Clinton County Auditor Eric Van Lancker presented and reviewed the updated Board of Supervisors Agenda Policy. He explained the proposed consent agenda. Hamerlinck said this is a great move. Srp suggested the policy be emailed to department heads and elected officials. Hamerlinck also suggested ending the practice of assigning times to discussion items. He suggested a general discussion time and times assigned to specific items the public may be interested in and public hearings. Van Lancker will revise the draft policy and distribute it for review by the Board of Supervisors, department heads and elected officials. 10:30 A.M. Discussion Quarterly Report on the Countys Health Benefits Plan Tim Kearns of RJ Lee & Associates A True North Company Kearns reviewed the Countys quarterly health benefits report which was distributed and filed. The Board of Supervisors approved the following claims be allowed and checks issued on the various funds in payment thereof: 06370 ACCURACY INC, DBA ULTRAMAX AMMUNITION SUPPLIES 484.80 05476 ACKERMAN, RAYMOND B JR MEI TRANSPORT 792.99 00043 AIR CONTROL INC REPAIR SERVICE 1,144.00 03414 ALLIANT ENERGY, INTERSTATE LIGHT/POWER CO SERVICES 2,115.81 04319 ALLIED SERVICES LLC, DBA REPUBLIC SERVICES OUTSIDE SERVICES 1,887.22 06253 ALLTEST INC SAFETY 20.00 03418 ALTORFER INC RENTALS 6,148.85 03435 ANDERSON SAND & GRAVEL CO ROCK 5,308.74 03436 ANDOVER, CITY OF UTILITIES 1,815.51 07499 B2B COMPUTER PRODUCTS LLC, DBA ITSAVVY LLC SUPPLIES 1,026.46 08004 BAHNSEN, ALICIA A MILEAGE REIMB 311.08 07018 BANOWETZ, PAUL J MILEAGE REIMB 28.18 05658 BAY AREA LIVERY SERVICE INC/COMPASSIONATE CARE MEI TRANSPORT 216.96 00202 BECK, SANDRA KAY MILEAGE 100.63 08021 BITUMINOUS MATERIALS & SUPPLY MATERIALS 3,088.80 07218 BLAKE PARKER LAW OFFICE LEGAL SERVICES 515.00 03528 BOSS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 866.09 04579 BRIDGEVIEW COMH CENTER SERVICES 10,223.69 00326 BRINKMAN BUILDING CENTER INC SUPPLIES 75.88 07935 BURMEISTER, GARY L GROUNDS CARE 108.00 07932 C M & M H D S REGISTRATION 60.00 03563 CALAMUS, CITY OF UTILITIES 3,816.99 05585 CASADS ENTERPRISES, CASADS TOWING SERVICES 114.00 00445 CDW LLC, CDW GOVERNMENT LLC EQUIPMENT 2,048.42 06746 CENTER GROVE CEMETERY ASSOC SERVICEMEN'S GRAVE CARE 620.00 02458 CENTURYLINK SERVICE 1,562.35 04840 CENTURYLINK BUSINESS SERVICES SERVICE 848.12 03654 CHARLOTTE PLUMBING HEATING &, AIR INC RENT ASSISTANCE 275.00 03643 CHARLOTTE, CITY OF MAINT. OF CITY FM EXT. 4,234.25 05164 CHARM-TEX INC SUPPLIES 209.50 05093 CHEROKEE COUNTY SHERIFF TRANSPORTATION 26.00 07569 CHIEF SUPPLY CORPORATION INC SUPPLIES 241.44 04294 CITIBANK N A, HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICE SUPPLIES 1,152.33 07537 CITIBANK N A, SHELL FLEET PLUS GASOLINE 17.62 03699 CLINTON CO AREA SOLID WASTE, AGENCY DISPOSAL SERVICES 21.00 00546 CLINTON COUNTY AUDITOR POSTAGE REIMB/SERVICES 1,225.04 00564 CLINTON COUNTY SHERIFF SERVICES 83.80 02103 CLINTON MUNICIPAL TRANSIT ADM TRANSPORTATION 64.00 00495 CLINTON, CITY OF SEWER SERVICE 1,191.68 00497 CLINTON, CITY OF, EMPL. HEALTH INS TRUST HEALTH PREMIUMS 6,032.00 00389 CNH CAPITAL LLC, PRODUCTIVITY PLUS ACCT PARTS 72.22 07751 COAST TO COAST COMPUTER, PRODUCTS EQUIPMENT 461.00 04745 COMMUNITY ACTION OF EASTERN IA EARLY CHILDHOOD 5,166.24 04539 COMPANY ONE FIRE SUPPRESSION REPAIR SERVICE 48.15 06514 CRAMER, JULIE M EXPENSE REIMB 69.96 00689 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO SUPPLIES 227.62 00703 CUSTOM ART & SIGNS LETTERING SERVICES 206.50 05629 DABO LLC RENT 11,127.45 00731 DAU, ERIC M CELL PHONE REIMB 50.00 03797 DAVISSON TILING LLC MATERIALS 2,850.00 00745 DEBOER, MARCIA R MEAL REIMB 56.52 03810 DELMAR, CITY OF UTILITIES 33.08 00760 DELTA DENTAL OF IOWA PREMIUMS 227.00 04792 DEWITT AUTO BODY INC TOWING SERVICE 100.00 03307 DEWITT OBSERVER PUBLISHING CO, DBA THE OBSERVER PUBLICATION 1,886.62 03308 DEWITT OFFICE CENTER, DBA THE OFFICE CENTER SUPPLIES 26.22 03823 DEWITT, CITY OF UTILITIES 119.25 04498 DIESCH, STEPHEN J MEAL REIMB 79.40 00876 EAGLE POINT REALTY, STEINHAUER, KARL RENT ASSISTANCE 200.00 05370 EHREDT, HANDY B MILEAGE REIMB 43.13 04562 ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE, INC SERVICES 3,055.26 08028 ELERT & ASSOCIATES NETWORKING, DIVISION INC STUDY PAYMENT 17,996.59 00924 EMC NATIONAL LIFE CO PREMIUMS 24.80 00927 ENCOMPASS IOWA LLC EQUIPMENT 4,191.12 07743 ERNST, SHONA MEI SERVICES 100.00 05657 F & B COMMUNICATIONS INC SERVICE 329.56 03890 FASTENAL CO SAFETY 107.46 06324 FATCHETT, WILLIAM C REPAIR EXPENSE 55.79 07155 FINISH LINE FUELS LLC, FINISH LINE FLEET DEPT FUEL 6,465.20 01332 FLEUR DE LIS MOTOR INNS INC, HOLIDAY INN - DM AIRPORT LODGING 252.00 06982 FORRET, LORI GROUNDS CARE 440.10 03986 G & K SERVICES SUPPLIES 325.65 02352 G WYLIE PILLERS III PC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 150.00 01080 GARAGE INC, THE VEHICLE MAINT 173.06 03975 GELTZ, JOHN W SAFETY CLOTHES ALLOWANCE 99.99 05129 GENESIS HEALTH SYSTEM, GENESIS MEDICAL CENTER EAP SERVICES 766.80 03110 GENESIS VNA & HOSPICE SERVICES 8,812.38 03983 GERDAU AMERISTEEL US INC MATERIALS 1,491.00 01127 GERDES, LORI OUTSIDE SERVICES 185.00 03998 GOOSE LAKE C STORE FUEL 169.41 03999 GOOSE LAKE, CITY OF UTILITIES 2,879.02 06461 GRAND MOUND COMMUNICATIONS CO SERVICE 1,342.76 01174 GRAND MOUND COOPERATIVE, TELEPHONE ASSOC SERVICE 579.78 04609 GRIEP, CYNTHIA M MILEAGE 104.65 05169 GROWMARK INC, AGVANTAGE FS GREASE 199.20 05967 HAACK LAWN CARE LLC GROUNDS CARE 922.92 03336 HARRY'S FARM TIRE INC, TIRES N' MORE TIRE REPAIR 30.00 04048 HARTZ INC, DBA HARTZ LOCK CO REPAIR SERVICE 461.55 04469 HINKLE ENGINEERING & SURVEYING, LLC OUTSIDE SERVICES 380.00 01325 HINTZ, GARY L., DBA HINTZ LAWN SERVICE GROUNDS CARE 159.15 04084 HIPPLER, CHET A SAFETY CLOTHES ALLOWANCE 129.99 01338 HOLLERAN,SHAW,MURPHY& STOUTNER OUTSIDE SERVICES 750.00 07507 HOLST HARDWARE INC, DBA HOLST RENTAL EQUIPMENT RENTAL 225.00 07376 HOOVER, GREGORY J, HOOVER LAWN & SNOW GROUNDS CARE 1,098.00 07744 HOUZENGA, MARYANN J MEI SERVICES 66.56 07911 HOWARD, DANNIE E CELL PHONE REIMB 50.00 01391 I C I T MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 50.00 04107 IIW PC PROJECT PAYMENT 5,000.00 04118 ILLOWA CULVERT & SUPPLY CO MATERIALS 1,209.60 01440 IOWA AMERICAN WATER CO SERVICE 899.13 02857 IOWA DEPT OF PUBLIC HEALTH, ST MEDICAL EXAMINER MEI SERVICES 1,686.00 01492 IOWA LAW ENFORCEMENT ACADEMY SUPPLIES/REGISTRATION 572.62 01495 IOWA MUNICIPALITIES WORKERS, COMP ASSOC PREMIUMS 11,965.00 01510 IOWA STATE ASSOCIATION OF, COUNTIES REGISTRATION 340.00 05474 JASPER, GREGORY A, MILL CREEK APARTMENTS RENT ASSISTANCE 275.00 06983 JENSEN, MICHAEL, DBA RELIABLE CLEANING GROUNDS CARE 248.56 05774 KANE APPRAISAL & REAL ESTATE, SERVICE INC SERVICES 3,400.00 07768 KEYSTONE INCORPORATED RENT ASSISTANCE 200.00 05234 KNESS, CHANCE CELL PHONE REIMB 50.00 03419 KRIEGER'S OF DEWITT PARTS 77.60 07673 KUHL, MARGARET L MILEAGE/PHONE REIMB 137.95 01750 LANDON, ROBYN S MILEAGE/MEALS 159.12 01770 LAURITZEN AUTOMOTIVE INC VEHICLE MAINT 49.43 03481 LECTRONICS INC ALARM SERVICE/INSPECTIONS 1,102.25 04976 LEDVINA GEURINK, AMBER M MILEAGE 77.63 01792 LEMKE FUNERAL HOMES LLC, SOUTH CHAPEL BURIAL ASSISTANCE 1,700.00 01814 LINN, COUNTY OF, SHERIFF'S OFFICE TRANSPORTATION 16.65 05518 LIPHARDT, MELVIN (MIKE), LIPHARDT LEASING & CONST RENT ASSISTANCE 400.00 07287 LIVESAY, RODNEY MEI SERVICES 247.04 06725 LOGAN CONTRACTORS SUPPLY INC MATERIALS 24.66 03508 LOST NATION, CITY OF MAINT. OF CITY FM EXT 2,892.17 03511 LOST NATION-ELWOOD TELEPHONE SERVICE 1,000.64 01845 LUCKRITZ, BRIAN MILEAGE REIMB 542.23 01850 LUTHERAN SERVICES IN IOWA INC SCHOOL READY 16,630.73 05024 MAIL SERVICES LLC SERVICE 1,684.12 07649 MAQUOKETA FORD INC, WARTHAN BROTHERS VEHICLE MAINT 40.13 06772 MARSHALL, MICHAEL E, MARSHALL FARMS GROUNDS CARE 82.40 01917 MASTERCARD OCT PAYMENT 18.00 02871 MCCULLOUGH, BETTY J MILEAGE/MEAL REIMB 219.41 01945 MCELENEY MOTORS INC VEHICLE MAINT 575.20 01963 MCQUISTION, CHRISTINA MILEAGE 81.65 07279 MEDIACOM COMMUNICATIONS CORP SERVICE 4,100.00 01974 MEIER, CHRISTINE B MILEAGE 28.18 03636 MIDAMERICAN ENERGY COMPANY STREET LIGHTING 269.16 03644 MIDWEST WHEEL COMPANIES INC FILTERS 136.56 02045 MILES CO-OP TELEPHONE ASSN SERVICE 94.13 02079 MORELAND, JOHN S REIMBURSEMENT 501.70 07401 MUELLER, NATHAN M MILEAGE REIMB 133.41 04556 MUSSMANN, MARK C MILEAGE/MEAL REIMB 219.72 03716 NEWSPAPER HOLDING INC, DBA CLINTON HERALD PUBLICATION 6,471.70 08024 NIETFELDT, DANIEL W WELL GRANT 233.00 00440 O'DONNELL ACE HARDWARE SUPPLIES 316.67 05410 OFFICE MACHINE CONSULTANTS INC COPIER MAINT 71.84 05881 OSARO, ODUAH DANIEL MD STIPEND 500.00 06914 P & K MIDWEST INC FILTERS 48.09 06101 PAARMANN, DAVID G GROUNDS CARE 37.08 05820 PAYSEN, HOWARD M ASST RAD OFFICER 60.00 02339 PETERSEN, DR. ERIC S MEI SERVICES 600.00 06294 PLUNKETT'S PEST CONTROL INC PEST CONTROL 54.08 02398 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC WELDING SUPPLIES 124.01 02401 PREMIER LINEN & DRYCLEANING, INC CLEANING SERVICE 53.53 06635 PREMIER PARTS INC, NAPA PARTS PARTS 1,609.14 03950 PRESTON READY MIX CORP MATERIALS 20,167.40 02404 PRESTON TELEPHONE COMPANY SERVICE 93.22 07353 PS3 ENTERPRISES INC, DBA GRASS GROOMERS/ OUTSIDE SERVICES 286.00 02450 QUILL CORPORATION SUPPLIES 533.01 02467 R H A SERVICE INC EQUIPMENT LEASE/SERVICE 320.00 03732 R K DIXON COMPANY, COMMAND BUSINESS SYSTEMS COPIER MAINT 41.86 06656 R K DIXON, COMMAND BUSINESS SYSTEMS COPIER MAINT 38.00 02553 RIVER CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE 65.00 06680 ROCK ISLAND ELECTRIC MOTOR, REPAIR INC REPAIR SERVICE 600.00 04064 ROCK RIVER CONSULTING INC OUTSIDE SERVICES 1,300.00 05704 ROGIS, DAVID GLEN MEI SERVICES 518.98 07321 SCHULTZ, DOUGLAS D MEI TRANSPORT 562.50 02700 SCOTT COUNTY JUVENILE, DETENTION CENTER DETAINMENT 700.00 07095 SHAH, PANKAJ C, DBA TRAVEL INN RENT SUBSIDY 336.00 07564 SHIVE-HATTERY INC SERVICES 5,375.07 07966 SHRED-IT US JV LLC, DBA SHRED-IT USA LLC SERVICES 519.02 02745 SIDWELL COMPANY MAPPING SERVICES 156.00 02749 SIKKEMA, SHANE M MILEAGE 70.73 05625 SIMMONS, BURTON A RAD OFFICER 300.00 07008 SONJON ENTERPRISES INC, DBA ROTO ROOTER SEWER PUMPING SERVICE 260.00 06219 SOUTHPARK PSYCHOLOGY LTD SERVICES 350.00 07373 ST LUKES HEALTH RESOURCES, DBA UNITYPOINT CLINIC OUTSIDE SERVICES 111.00 05466 STANKEE, CHRISTY MEI SERVICES 125.44 04927 STARLING, DENNIS OUTSIDE SERVICES 1,000.00 07825 STODDARD, TAMI K MILEAGE REIMB 40.80 02928 SYSCO IOWA INC PROVISIONS/SUPPLIES 1,249.41 02932 T S SMALL ENGINE REPAIR OUTSIDE LABOR & PARTS 65.30 02942 TANDEM TIRE & AUTO SERVICE INC VEHICLE MAINT 569.80 07483 THE PERFECT ANSWER INC, ANSWERING INNOVATIONS LLC SERVICE 81.48 03312 THEISEN'S OF DE WITT INC SUPPLIES 107.18 08026 THOENI, TODD REPAIR PROJECT MATERIALS 139.48 07238 THOMPSON TRUCK & TRAILER INC, DBA HAWKEYE TRUCKS PARTS 1,139.30 06210 TIETJENS-LOCKHART CONSTRUCTION, INC RENT 50.00 03340 TORONTO, CITY OF MAINT. OF CITY FM EXT. 1,178.97 03001 TRANSLATIONS UNLIMITED INC INTERPRETING 175.78 07691 TRANSUNION RISK & ALTERNATIVE, DATA SOLUTIONS INC SERVICES 8.25 03356 TRUCK COUNTRY OF IOWA PARTS 34.60 04817 ULINE INC SUPPLIES 1,347.99 08027 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE OF, AMERICA INC SHIPPING 118.03 03049 UNITED STATES CELLULAR CORP SERVICE 1,191.91 07905 VAN METER INC PARTS 16.64 05314 VERA FRENCH COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH CTR SERVICES 210.00 03465 VERIZON WIRELESS SERVICES LLC SERVICE 224.34 05547 VETTERS INC, CULLIGAN WATER TECHNOLOGY RENTAL/WATER 24.80 05641 VISUAL IMAGING INC SUPPLIES 25.00 01168 W W GRAINGER INC, GRAINGER PARTS 285.54 07394 WATTS, BENJAMEN G MEAL REIMB 13.16 06305 WELAND CLINIC LABORATORIES P C SERVICES 345.00 07570 WELLS FARGO FINANCIAL LEASING COPIER LEASE 1,025.63 06689 WELTER STORAGE EQUIP CO INC PARTS/EQUIPMENT 2,750.00 03588 WENDLING QUARRIES INC ROCK 199,155.74 08025 WHITMAN, WAYNE M WELL GRANT 172.00 06323 WILDERMUTH, HELEN L., STONEHUGGER CEMETERY SERVICES 38,375.00 05084 WILLIAM A LANSING PC LEGAL SERVICES 180.89 06495 WINDSTREAM IOWA COMMUNICATIONS, INC TELEPHONE SERVICE 2,521.05 03239 WITT'S SMALL ENGINE CLINIC INC PARTS 14.95 03244 WOLFE, JOHN J JR LEGAL SERVICES 102.00 03262 YWCA, CLINTON CHILDRENS' CTR EARLY CHILDHOOD 8,224.16 GRAND TOTAL: 502,052.67 FUND TOTALS RECAP Fund Expended 0001 GENERAL BASIC 97,427.96 0002 GENERAL SUPPLEMENTAL 16,705.34 0010 MH-DD SERVICES FUND 11,288.51 0020 SECONDARY ROADS 260,621.00 0021 PIONEER CEMETERY 41,762.00 0117 DD #17 51.40 4000 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES 2,629.10 4010 E911 21,678.23 4100 COUNTY ASSESSOR 986.57 4110 CITY ASSESSOR 11,556.40 5120 SCHOOL READY 24,384.03 5121 EARLY CHILDHOOD IOWA 12,195.33 8500 CLINTON COUNTY BENEFIT TRUST 766.80 GRAND TOTAL: 502,052.67 The Board of Supervisors adjourned to meet on Monday, October 19, 2015. Eric Van Lancker County Auditor John F. Staszewski Chairman -APPROVED- Published: October 26, 2015. ---- CLINTON COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION Clinton Administration Center OCTOBER 12, 2015 Members Present: Angela Ash, Jenny Green, Jim McGraw, Gregg Obren, Jack Wenzel, Dana Evers, Eric Gettes and Superintendent Deb Olson. Call to Order: Board President Gettes called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M. Preview of the Agenda: Deborah Olson, Superintendent, previewed the agenda for the Board, administration and audience. Approval of Agenda: Motion #351-10-12-15, Obren moved, seconded by Evers, to approve the agenda as presented. The motion was unanimously adopted 7-0. *RECOGNITIONS: Employee Service Recognition Employees with 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 years of service for the district were recognized. Student Presentation Whittier students, Megan Kelly, Jack Pelham, Noah Adrian, Anna Current, Taylor Schmoll, and Ashton Dohrn shared how they help to make decisions that affect Whittier and what students do to set high expectations for themselves. Gold Key Recognition Sheryl Ernst was recognized this month as the Gold Key recipient. We Are Prouds Whittier has been named a 2015 Blue Ribbon School in being designated as one of the best schools in the United States; CMS Josh Dreans Anti Bullying Event had over 100 parents participate; CHS students and marching band were feature on WQADs Good Morning Quad Cities Pep Rally from Coan Field; 2010 CHS Alumni David Johnsons signed NFL jersey and cleats have been placed in the NFL Hall of Fame; Over 155 district employees are graduates of CHS; CHS held a college planning night where 95 families participated; CHS Junior, Jake Luett was not only the Junior Medalist at the Clinton Boys Golf Invitations, but he was also the overall medalist. Jake also took 2nd place in the conference tournament this year and was name to the 1st Team All-Conference Golf Team; Boegels Mens Wear, Sweetheart Bakery/Homers Deli and Clinton Printing have been annual sponsors of the CHS Coronation; CCSD Athletic Trainer and IT Technician Kurt Flathers was awarded the 2015 Iowa High School Athletic Associations Sports Medicine Award; CHS Special Olympians competed in a bowling competition in the Quad Cities and Brandon Messmer and Hope Oderwald took first place and will advance to state. Others participating were Darrian Balk, Riley Gerber, E.J. Layne, Kaylie Maher, Corvin Ruggles, Tiffany Sims, John Smith and Brant Wiesner; Davenport West Student Section work blue at the homecoming football game in support of CHS student, Chris Foster. They also came up with a cheer for Chris and $800 in donations. Consent Agenda: Motion #352-10-12-15, Obren moved, seconded by McGraw, to approve the agenda as presented. The motion was adopted 7-0. Items found in the consent agenda: Minutes from the Regular Board meeting held on September 14, 2015 and the Committee of the Whole meeting held on September 28,2015. -Classified Employee Changes: Hired Twila Koch as Eagle Heights Food Service kitchen helper with a salary of $10.09/hr; Megan Avise-Rouse as Jefferson Paraeducator with a salary of $10.48/hr; Erin Goff as Eagle Heights site facilitator with a salary of $10.30/hr; Patrick Query as CMS assistant drama director with a salary of $1,324; James Vogel as CMS crossing guard with a salary of $11/hr; Andrew Cook as CHS boys basketball coach with a salary of $3,057; Andrea Kasper as YWCA North preschool Paraeducator with a salary of $10.48/hr. Resignations from Phylicia King as Bluff site coordinator effective September 21, 2015; Muriel Harksen as Whittier dishwasher effective 9/18/2015; Susan Funk as Whittier kitchen helper effective 9/16/2015; Jessica Bennett as Whittier Paraeducator effective 10/5/2015; Shaylen Striley as CHS kitchen helper effective 9/23/2015. -Certified Employee Changes: None Financial Report: Motion #353-10-12-15 moved by McGraw, seconded by Green. Motion carried 7-0 to approve the financial reports for September 2015 as presented. Ms. McAleer spoke about the monthly accruals with revenues and expenditures for the month of September. Ms. McAleer also spoke on our certified enrollment and gave an end of the year financial review. Communications from the Public: (none) New Business: 1. Special Education Balance for 14-15: Motion #354-10-12-15 moved by Green, seconded by McGraw. The motion carried 7-0. The board moved to request the allowable growth and supplemental aid for the negative special education balance totaling $1,301,711.75. 2. Final Pay App for CMS: Motion #355-10-12-15, moved by McGraw, seconded by Wenzel. The motion carried 7-0. The board approved the final pay application from Geisler Brothers in the amount of $26,021.01 for completion of their portion of the Clinton Middle School Project. 3. Change Order for CHS Addition Project: Motion #356-10-12-15, moved by Wenzel, seconded by McGraw. The motion carried 7-0. The board approved change order #2 from Westport Pools for a net deduct of $24,835 for the CHS Addition Project. 4. Cooperative Athletic Sharing Agreement with POP for Football: Motion #357-10-12-15, moved by Obren, seconded by Wenzel. The motion carried 7-0. The board moved to approve the cooperative athletic sharing agreement for the 2016-2017 and the 2017-2018 seasons with Prince of Peace for football not provided by their resident school. 5. Chapter 12 General Education Exemption: Motion #358-10-12-15, moved by Evers, seconded by Obren. The motion carried 7-0. The board moved to approve the request of a waiver for Physical Education to the Iowa Department of Education during the 2016-2017 school year. 6. Donation: Motion #359- 10- 12-15, moved by Green, seconded by Obren. The motion carried 7-0. The board approved the donation of $500 from State Farm Insurance to CMS Drama and $100 from Paul Baker and $500 from Bob McNulty for the Cheryl McNulty Memorial Project on the Jefferson walking trail. Committee Reports: (none) Other Pertinent Items: Deb Olson reported to the board on information regarding the traffic light at the middle school. Calendar of Events Mardi Gras Parade, October 26, 2015 State of the District, November 3, 2015 Next Scheduled Meetings: Committee of the Whole meeting, October 19, 2015, 5:30 PM, Clinton Administration Building Regular Board meeting, November 3, 2015, 5:30 PM, Clinton Administration Center Adjournment: The board adjourned at 6:32 PM moved by Obren, seconded by Green. Eric Gettes, Board President Cindy McAleer, Board Secretary Published: October 26, 2015.