(Published in The Norman Transcript June 26, 2015, 1t) The Honorable Board of Cleveland County Commissioners meeting was called to order this 8th day of June 2015 in the meeting Room 200 of the Cleveland County Office Building by Chairman Darry Stacy. After the reading of the minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 1, 2015 and there being no additions or corrections, Harold Haralson moved that the minutes be approved. Rod Cleveland seconded the motion. The vote was: Darry Stacy, yes; Rod Cleveland, yes; Harold Haralson, yes. Motion carried. Darry Stacy moved, seconded by Harold Haralson, to accept the bids and to table the awarding and/or rejecting of the bids until a later date due to so many line items on the bid summary for Bid#BE-1719 One Year (1) Non-Encumbered Contract for Building Maintenance Supplies for Cleveland County. The bid term will be from July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. The vote was: Rod Cleveland, yes; Harold Haralson, yes; Darry Stacy, yes. Motion carried. Darry Stacy moved, seconded by Rod Cleveland, to award to the only bidder, Norman Transcript, as per bid summary for Bid#COM-1720 One-Year (1) Non-Encumbered Contract for the Publication of Commissioners Proceedings and any Legal Notices required by law per the Oklahoma Statutes. The bid term will be from July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. The vote was: Harold Haralson, yes; Darry Stacy, yes; Rod Cleveland, yes. Motion carried. Darry Stacy moved, seconded by Harold Haralson, to accept the bids and to table the awarding and/or rejecting of the bids until a later date due to so many line items on the bid summary for Bid#EB-1721 One-Year (1) Non-Encumbered Contract for the printing of Election Ballots for the Cleveland County Election Board. The bid term will be from July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 with the option to renew one (1) more year. The vote was: Darry Stacy, yes; Rod Cleveland, yes; Harold Haralson, yes. Motion carried. Darry Stacy moved, seconded by Harold Haralson, to table the awarding and/or rejecting of the bids until later in the meeting to compare bid quotes for Bid#COM3-1722 The purchase of new GIS Handheld Equipment for Cleveland County. The vote was: Rod Cleveland, yes; Harold Haralson, yes; Darry Stacy, yes. Motion carried. Darry Stacy moved, seconded by Rod Cleveland, to table the approval of Contract for Services between Cleveland County Health Department and Ozarka Water Company for Dispenser and Water. The contract will run for twelve (12) months from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 for $6.45 per 5-gallon bottle of water, $7.00 refundable bottle deposit on each bottle, and $12.50 monthly lease per cooler. The vote was: Harold Haralson, yes; Darry Stacy, yes; Rod Cleveland, yes. Motion carried. Rod Cleveland moved, seconded by Darry Stacy, to approve the Resolution of the Board of Cleveland County Commissioners establishing the 911 Emergency Telephone Fee Rates for the calendar year 2016. The vote was: Darry Stacy, yes; Rod Cleveland, yes; Harold Haralson, yes. Motion carried. Rod Cleveland moved, seconded by Harold Haralson, to approve the subscription/License Renewal between Cleveland County IT and LogMeIn in the amount of $2,276.00 annually. Terms are for 12 months expiring June 30, 2016. The vote was: Rod Cleveland, yes; Harold Haralson, yes; Darry Stacy, yes. Motion carried. Rod Cleveland moved, seconded by Harold Haralson, to approve the Renewal of Agreement between Cleveland County Commissioners on behalf of Cleveland County IT and OneSource for maintenance of one (1) Bizhub C360 ID#35780 at a rate of $0.0071 for black and white copies and $0.049 for color copies. The term is for the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. The vote was: Harold Haralson, yes; Darry Stacy, yes; Rod Cleveland, yes. Motion carried. Harold Haralson moved, seconded by Rod Cleveland, to approve the Agreement between Cleveland County Commissioners Office and Thomson Reuters/Clear for subscription service during the period of July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 in the amount of $5,138.67. The vote was: Darry Stacy, yes; Rod Cleveland, yes; Harold Haralson, yes. Motion carried. Rod Cleveland moved, seconded by Harold Haralson, to approve the Contract between Cleveland County IT and TechRadium, IRIS software in the amount of $485.00 annually. The term of the agreement is from July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. The vote was: Rod Cleveland, yes; Harold Haralson, yes; Darry Stacy, yes. Motion carried. Harold Haralson moved, seconded by Darry Stacy, to approve the Service Agreement between Cleveland County Sheriffs Office and Rods Pest Control to provide pest control in 1/3 of the complex at the F. DeWayne Beggs Detention Center at 2550 W. Franklin Rd. Norman, OK at the rate of $256.00 every four (4) months for the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. The vote was: Harold Haralson, yes; Darry Stacy, yes; Rod Cleveland, yes. Motion carried. Rod Cleveland moved, seconded by Harold Haralson, to approve the Service Agreement between the Cleveland County Sheriffs Office and Rods Pest Control to provide monthly pest control service at the F. DeWayne Beggs Detention Center at 2550 W. Franklin Rd. Norman, OK at $85.00 per month for areas to be treated in the kitchen, laundry, and storage room for the period of July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. The vote was: Darry Stacy, yes; Rod Cleveland, yes; Harold Haralson, yes. Motion carried. Harold Haralson moved, seconded by Rod Cleveland, to approve the Service Agreement between Cleveland County Sheriffs Office and Rods Pest Control to provide monthly pest control service at the Administrative Offices in the Chase Bank Building in the amount of $35.00 per month and at Operations/Field Office at 10501 HWY 77 in Slaughterville, Ok. in the amount of $30.00 per month for the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. The vote was: Rod Cleveland, yes; Harold Haralson, yes; Darry Stacy, yes. Motion carried. Rod Cleveland moved, seconded by Harold Haralson, to approve the Contract between Cleveland County Health Department and Joyce Clement to provide Directly Observed Therapy (DOT) and related services to tuberculosis (TB) from July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 at a rate of $6.00 per visit and mileage in accordance with State Travel Reimbursement Act (STRA) which is currently $.575 per mile for a maximum reimbursement of $7,485.00. The vote was: Harold Haralson, yes; Darry Stacy, yes; Rod Cleveland, yes. Motion carried. Harold Haralson moved, seconded by Rod Cleveland, to approve the Contract between Cleveland County Health Department and Vivian Gibson to provide Directly Observed Therapy (DOT) and related services to tuberculosis (TB) from July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 at a rate of $6.00 per visit and mileage in accordance with State Travel Reimbursement Act (STRA) which is currently $.575 per mile for a maximum reimbursement of $7,485.00. The vote was: Darry Stacy, yes; Rod Cleveland, yes; Harold Haralson, yes. Motion carried. Darry Stacy moved, seconded by Harold Haralson, to table until a later date the Maintenance Agreement renewal between Cleveland County Health Department and Air Comfort Solutions for HVAC services for the Moore office located at 424 S. Eastern. The agreement is for the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 in the amount of $2,350.00 for spring maintenance service and $2,350.00 for winter maintenance service not to exceed $4,700.00 per year. Equipment to be serviced includes 16 Various Ton Package Units and 2 Mini Split Systems and 1 yearly Hepa Filter. The vote was: Rod Cleveland, yes; Harold Haralson, yes; Darry Stacy, yes. Motion carried. Rod Cleveland moved, seconded by Harold Haralson, to approve the following Blanket Purchase Orders submitted for the following Departments: District #3 15-5338-T2A Warren Cat $2,000.00 15-5388-T2A UniFirst $850.00 15-5422-T2A Alfred and Coy A. Keesee $500.00 Sheriff Dept. 15-5320-CFBJ2 Hobart Corporation $400.00 15-5322-CFBC2 Aramark Correctional Services $9,000.00 15-5323-CFB2 OReilly Automotive $500.00 15-5324-CFB2 Palace Auto Supply $500.00 15-5326-CFB2 Dons Mobil Lock Shop $200.00 15-5405-CFBJ2 Forest Lumber Co. $400.00 15-5406-CFB2 Natural Water Co. $75.00 15-5407-CFBC2 Aramark Correctional Services $35,000.00 15-5444-CFB2 UniFirst $25.00 15-5445-CFB2 Chickasaw Telecom, Inc. $1,492.50 15-5446-CFBJ2 Occupational Health Centers SW $300.00 The vote was: Harold Haralson, yes; Darry Stacy, yes; Rod Cleveland, yes. Motion carried. Harold Haralson moved, seconded by Rod Cleveland, to approve the Certificate of Requesting Officers on Blanket Purchase Order Numbers: FY 14/15 General: 15-0010-F2; 15-0030-H2; 15-0264-SM2; 15-1425-B2A; 15-1629-CCJC2; 15-2229-SM2; 15-3098-CCJC2; 15-3601-PR2 Highway: 15-0475-T2A; 15-0483-T2A; 15-0484-T2A; 15-0489-T2A; 15-0491-T2A; 15-0495-T2A; 15-1529-T2A; 15-2601-T2A; 15-4161-T2A; 15-4894-T2A; 15-5147-T2A Health: 15-0327-MD2; 15-3921-MD1C; 15-4532-MD1C Sheriff Jail: 15-4925-CFBJ2 Sheriff Commissary: 15-3918-CFBC2 Fair Board: 15-0282-FF2; 15-0989-FF2 The vote was: Darry Stacy, yes; Rod Cleveland, yes; Harold Haralson, yes. Motion carried. Rod Cleveland moved, seconded by Harold Haralson, to approve the Purchase Orders for Payment of Personal Services, Travel, Maintenance & Operations, and Capital Outlay from: FY 14/15 a. General Fund $356,160.74 3904 Cleveland County Treasurer's Office, Payroll $1,920.75 Payroll for 2015/06/15 3905 Cleveland County Treasurer's Office, Payroll $4,496.13 Payroll for 2015/06/15 3906 Cleveland County Treasurer's Office, Payroll $215.30 Payroll for 2015/06/15 3907 Cleveland County Treasurer's Office, Payroll $22,906.37 Payroll for 2015/06/15 3908 Cleveland County Treasurer's Office, Payroll $968.85 Payroll for 2015/06/15 3909 Cleveland County Treasurer's Office, Payroll $54,325.87 Payroll for 2015/06/15 3910 Cleveland County Treasurer's Office, Payroll $215.30 Payroll for 2015/06/15 3911 Cleveland County Treasurer's Office, Payroll $31,055.30 Payroll for 2015/06/15 3912 Cleveland County Treasurer's Office, Payroll $269.13 Payroll for 2015/06/15 3913 Cleveland County Treasurer's Office, Payroll $28,952.15 Payroll for 2015/06/15 3914 Cleveland County Treasurer's Office, Payroll $63,439.27 Payroll for 2015/06/15 3915 Cleveland County Treasurer's Office, Payroll $215.30 Payroll for 2015/06/15 3916 Cleveland County Treasurer's Office, Payroll $6,581.10 Payroll for 2015/06/15 3917 Cleveland County Treasurer's Office, Payroll $13,329.64 Payroll for 2015/06/15 3918 Cleveland County Treasurer's Office, Payroll $20,456.82 Payroll for 2015/06/15 3919 Cleveland County Treasurer's Office, Payroll $20,353.94 Payroll for 2015/06/15 3920 Cleveland County Treasurer's Office, Payroll $5,543.38 Payroll for 2015/06/15 3921 Cleveland County Treasurer's Office, Payroll $30,930.39 Payroll for 2015/06/15 3922 Cleveland County Treasurer's Office, Payroll $10,218.24 Payroll for 2015/06/15 3923 Cleveland County Treasurer's Office, Payroll $6,592.60 Payroll for 2015/06/15 3924 Cox Communications, Inc. $149.95 Internet Service 3925 Oracle America, Inc. $200.92 Ed License 3926 A.T.&T. Mobility (63) $206.97 Wireless Charges 3927 OneSource Managed Services $13.29 Supplies/Copies/Labor 3928 United Refrigeration, Inc. $83.76 Parts/Supplies 3929 Cox Communications, Inc. $95.79 Parts/Supplies 3930 Sooner Copy Machines $400.52 Copies 3931 Alameda Animal Hospital, Inc. $95.79 Parts/Supplies 3932 Hobart Corporation $155.83 Parts, Supplies, Services 3933 Oklahoma Department Of Labor (3017) $250.00 Elevator Inspections 3934 Hy-Pride Janitorial Supply $197.36 Supplies, Parts 3935 Copelin's Office Center $22.80 Supplies 3936 Locke Supply Company $38.45 Parts, Supplies 3937 The Norman Transcript $21.90 Publications, Bids, Meetings 3938 United Refrigeration, Inc. $33.80 Supplies, Parts 3939 Oklahoma Copier Solutions LLC $113.98 Copies, Parts, Supplies 3940 Forest Lumber Company Inc. $16.12 Tools, Supplies 3941 Fastenal Industrial & Construction Supplies $21.46 Tools/Supplies 3942 Northwest Controls Systems, Inc. $985.00 Damper Addition 3943 MTM Recognition Corporation $100.00 Eppalettes 3944 Factory Express, Inc. $185.13 Laminating Film 3945 Dolese Brothers Company Inc $677.33 Washed Chips 3946 Batteries Plus $200.10 Bulbs 3947 Thomson West $772.00 Searches 3948 Dell Marketing, L.P. $42.34 Latitude BTX 3949 CDW Government LLC $328.12 Battery 3950 United Refrigeration, Inc. $282.99 Time Clock 3951 Norman Stamp & Seal Company $92.20 Stamps 3952 Copelin's Office Center $834.76 Furniture 3953 Copelin's Office Center $446.41 Supplies 3954 GT Distributors, Inc. $308.60 Gun 3955 City Of Norman (99) $7.50 Utility 3956 Karin Leimbach, C/o $284.68 Travel 3957 Oklahoma Natural Gas Company (296) $108.23 Utility 3958 Oklahoma Electric Cooperative (54) $566.00 Utility 3959 U.S. Postmaster (Norman) $98.00 Stamps 3960 Tri-Tech Forensics, Inc. $228.96 Barrier Tape 3961 Jessica K. Tevebaugh, C/o $322.55 Travel 3962 Susan Moffat, c/o $763.77 Travel 3963 Lisa D Windle $103.50 Travel 3964 Jannis L. Allen $196.65 Travel 3965 Oklahoma Copier Solutions LLC $74.52 Copies 3966 Michael L Jones $151.23 Travel 3967 Shena R. Jones $202.98 Travel 3968 Sonja R Downs $131.10 Travel 3969 Lisa D Windle $48.30 Travel 3970 Joy C Cero $84.53 Travel 3971 Victor W Butler $112.13 Travel 3972 Russell A Chronister $337.53 Travel 3973 Karin Leimbach, C/o $556.78 Travel 3974 City Of Norman (99) $167.91 Utility 3975 Oklahoma Gas & Electric Services (990) $975.04 Utility 3976 Oklahoma Gas & Electric Services (990) $18.324.38 Utilities 3977 A.T.&T. (11) $702.05 Monthly Circuit 3978 Eureka Water Company $48.65 Water 3979 Oklahoma Gas & Electric Services (990) $1,224.64 Utility Account Total: $356,160.74 b. Highway Fund $119,646.63 2007 Cleveland County Treasurer's Office, Payroll $103,820.43 Payroll for 2015/06/15 2008 ATC Freightliner Group - Oklahoma City $132.27 Parts/Supplies 2009 O'Reilly Automotive $210.99 Parts/Supplies 2010 UniFirst $125.83 Uniforms, Rags, Towels 2011 James Supplies & Rental Company $280.50 Welding Supplies/Gases 2012 Pearson Lumber & Home Care Center $7.00 Parts, Supplies 2013 Noble Hardware $39.05 Parts, Supplies 2014 UniFirst $152.42 Uniforms, Mats, Towels 2015 Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation $1,630.59 Motor Grader Payment 2016 O'Reilly Automotive $132.61 Parts, Supplies 2017 Copelin's Office Center $46.08 Office Supplies 2018 Fleet Pride $48.48 Supplies 2019 Noble Tag Agency $25.00 Tag & Title 2020 ATC Freightliner Group - Oklahoma City $380.48 Parts, Supplies 2021 Performance Muffler $200.00 Replace Exhaust 2022 Oklahoma Gas & Electric Services (990) $240.79 Utility 2023 Oklahoma Gas & Electric Services (990) $297.30 Utility 2024 Oklahoma Natural Gas Company (296) $91.45 Utility 2025 Oklahoma Electric Cooperative (54) $788.19 Utilities 2026 Oklahoma Electric Cooperative (54) $10.00 Utility 2027 Oklahoma Electric Cooperative (54) $280.00 Utility 2028 Oklahoma Electric Cooperative (54) $356.00 Utility 2029 Oklahoma Electric Cooperative (54) $10.00 Utility 2030 Oklahoma Public Employee Retirement System $10,341.17 Unused Sick Leave Account Total: $119,646.63 c. Health Fund $13,485.43 960 Joyce Clement $102.65 Mileage/Service 961 Oklahoma Gas & Electric Services (990) $242.35 Utilities 962 Terminix International, Inc. #2126 $148.00 Pest Control 963 Wal-Mart Community $17.52 Supplies 964 Vivian Gibson $570.93 Service/Travel 965 Mary Ann Boersma, c/o $36.80 Travel 966 Facility Care Inc. $3,790.00 Janitorial Services 967 Rachelle Samara, c/o $41.40 Travel 968 Copelin's Office Center $6,647.00 Furniture 969 Copelin's Office Center $632.09 Office Supplies 970 Eureka Water Company $19.35 Monthly Lease/water 971 CDW Government LLC $57.26 Computer Supplies 972 RaeAnna Nicole Means $126.50 Travel 973 OSU - Oklahoma City $31.47 Trailer Ball, Hitchpin 974 Copelin's Office Center $858.58 Office Supplies 975 Lowe's Companies, Inc. $95.68 Supplies 976 Mizia N. Alvarez $10.35 Travel 977 Edith Arp, C/o $57.50 Travel Account Total: $13,485.43 d. Sheriff Service Fee Fund $163,640.78 35 Cleveland County Treasurer's Office, Payroll $161,298.23 Payroll for 2015/06/15 36 Cleveland County Treasurer's Office, Payroll $322.95 Payroll for 2015/06/15 37 Don's Mobil Lock Shop Inc. $194.60 Supplies, Services 38 Jim Johnson Oil Company $1,825.00 Motor Oil Account Total: $163,640.78 e. Sheriff Commissary Fund $7,591.08 41 Aramark Correctional Services, LLC $4,543.29 Inmate Commissary 42 Aramark Correctional Services, LLC $3,047.79 Inmate Commissary Account Total: $7,591.08 f. Sheriff Courthouse Security Fund $20,055.49 2 Cleveland County Treasurer's Office, Payroll $20,055.49 Payroll for 2015/06/15 Account Total: $20,055.49 g. Sheriff Jail Fund $409.60 11 Don's Mobil Lock Shop Inc. $199.60 Supplies, Services 12 Robert Kramer $210.00 Training Account Total: $409.60 h. Sheriff Revolving Fund $53,927,21 49 Cleveland County Treasurer's Office, Payroll $11,660.42 Payroll for 2015/06/15 50 Cleveland County Treasurer's Office, Payroll $41,644.18 Payroll for 2015/06/15 51 Air Products Supply $622.61 Storm Damage Repairs Account Total: $53,927.21 i. Treasurer Sales Tax Fund $754,863.94 21 Gross Revenue Fund/Capital Bond Acct. $714,813.54 Use Tax 22 Cleveland County Industrial Authority $40,050.40 Sales Tax Account Total: $754,863.94 j. Early Settlement Central Cleve. Co. Fund $1,600.00 9 Marissa Fairbanks $1,600.00 Mediation Cordination Services Account Total: $1,600.00 k. Fair Board Fund $4,804.22 355 Cleveland County Treasurer's Office, Payroll $417.14 Payroll for 2015/06/15 356 A.T.&T. Mobility (63) $61.22 Wireless Service 357 Locke Supply Company $360.98 Supplies 358 UniFirst $33.12 Uniforms, Mops, Frames 359 Oklahoma Gas & Electric Services $270.65 Utilities 360 Oklahoma Gas & Electric Services $703.19 Utilities 361 Oklahoma Gas & Electric Services $690.84 Utilities 362 Oklahoma Gas & Electric Services $1,624.70 Utilities 363 Oklahoma Gas & Electric Services $374.32 Utilities 364 A.T.&T. (414) $268.06 Monthly Service Account Total: $4,804.22 l. Sheriff Cleveland County Justice Center Fund $156,551.94 16 Cleveland County Treasurer's Office, Payroll $156,551.94 Payroll for 2015/06/15 Account Total: $156,551.94 The vote was: Rod Cleveland, yes; Harold Haralson, yes; Darry Stacy, yes. Motion carried. Chairman Stacy called for a return to Item D. Bid Openings, Item No. 4: Harold Haralson moved to award to the low bid of Benchmark GPS, LLC, on options 1, 2 and 3 in the amount of $1,999.00 for Bid#COM3-1722 The purchase of new GIS Handheld Equipment for Cleveland County. Rod Cleveland seconded the motion. The vote was: Rod Cleveland, yes; Harold Haralson, yes; Darry Stacy, yes. Motion carried. Harold Haralson moved that the meeting be adjourned. Rod Cleveland seconded the motion. The vote was: Harold Haralson, yes; Darry Stacy, yes; Rod Cleveland, yes. Motion carried.