(Published in The Norman Transcript November 9, 2015, 1t) Public Notice The City of Norman, Department of Planning and Community Development, Revitalization Division is the designated Collaborative Applicant for the Continuum of Care Program (OK-504) as administered by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. Serving as the Collaborative Applicant, the City of Norman extends an invitation to any individual or organization that is interested in the complex issues of homelessness to participate in the Continuum of Care process. A meeting will be held on November 10, 2015 at 3:00 in the Multi-Purpose Room of Norman Municipal Building located at 201 West Gray. At this meeting the annual election of officers will be held for the Continuum. In addition the proposed renewal projects for the 2015 Continuum of Care Competition will be ranked for submittal by the committee. More information regarding the Continuum of Care can be found at www.hudexchange.info/coc or by contacting Lisa Krieg at the City of Norman. Lisa.krieg@normanok.gov.