____________________________________ LEGAL NOTICE ____________________________________ Byng School Surplus Byng Schools is soliciting bids for the following surplus items. 5-71 passenger school buses: 97(2), 98, 99, Internationals & 1 04 Bluebird). Cosmetology equipment/supplies: 7-2 sided work stations/mirrors, manicure table, styling mannequin heads, 2 dryer chairs, 3 hair rinse sinks/reclining chairs, 2 salon chairs, 2 foot wash-massagers and misc curlers and supplies. To view items at Byng campus contact Bill Nelson @ 580/310-6751 or nelson@byngschools.com. Bid sheets are available at Byng Supt. office 500 S. New Bethel Blvd. or by calling above #. Bids should be submitted by Monday Nov. 23. Winning bidders must pay with cashiers check made out to Byng Schools and remove items by Friday Dec. 4.