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NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER FORECLOSURE NOTICE Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed by EVA R. COFER AND HUSBAND TOMMY G. COFER, to PEOPLES BANK OF NORTH ALABAMA, on the 6th day of December, 1995, said mortgage recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Cullman County, Alabama, on December 11, 1995, in Deed/Mortgage Book 991, Page 738, Cullman County, Alabama Records, said Mortgage having subsequently been transferred and assigned to Peoples Bank of Alabama, by instrument recorded in the aforesaid Probate Office; notice is hereby given that the undersigned Peoples Bank of Alabama, as Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the main entrance of the Courthouse in Cullman, Cullman County, Alabama, on December 3, 2015, during the legal hours of sale, all of its right, title, and interest in and to the following described real estate, situated in Cullman County, Alabama, to-wit: ALL THAT PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 10 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, CULLMAN COUNTY, ALABAMA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 10 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, THENCE SOUTH 2 DEGREES 14 MINUTES 24 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER A DISTANCE OF 210.9 YARDS (630 FEET); THENCE NORTH 67 DEGREE A 11 MINUTES 29 SECONDS EAST 101.9 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST SIDE OF A PUBLIC ROAD; THENCE SOUTH 15 DEGREES 17 MINUTE 31 SECONDS EAST ALONG SAID PUBLIC ROAD 35 YARDS (105 FEET) TO THE TRUE PLACE OF BEGINNING OF PARCEL I; THENCE FROM SAID TRUE PLACE OF BEGINNING GO SOUTH 3 DEGREES 58 MINUTES 44 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE EAST MARGIN OF PUBLIC ROAD 117.37 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES 56 MINUTES 46 SECONDS EAST 495.68 FEET TO THE CENTER OF A CERTAIN DITCH; THENCE ALONG SAID DITCH BY THE FOLLOWING BEARINGS AND DISTANCES NORTH 37 DEGREES 45 MINUTES 29 SECONDS EAST 56.47 FEET; NORTH 26 DEGREES 48 MINUTES 44 SECONDS EAST 60.11 FEET AND NORTH 14 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 24 SECOND EAST 44.89 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES 24 MINUTES 34 SECONDS WEST 560.21 FEET TO THE TRUE PLACE OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 1.59 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. PARCEL II: ALL THAT PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 10 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, CULLMAN COUNTY, ALABAMA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 10 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST; THENCE SOUTH 2 DEGREES 14 MINUTES 24 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER A DISTANCE OF 210 YARDS (630 FEET); THENCE NORTH 67 DEGREES 11 MINUTES 20 SECONDS EAST 101.9 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST SIDE OF A PUBLIC ROAD; THENCE SOUTH 15 DEGREES 17 MINUTES 31 SECONDS EAST ALONG SAID PUBLIC ROAD 35 YARDS (105 FEET); THENCE CONTINUE ALONG SAID ROAD SOUTH 3 DEGREES 58 MINUTES 44 SECONDS WEST 117.37 FEET TO THE TRUE PLACE OF BEGINNING; THENCE FROM SAID PLACE OF BEGINNING CONTINUE ALONG EAST SIDE OF ROAD SOUTH 16 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 39 SECONDS WEST 105 FEET; THENCE ALONG SAID ROAD SOUTH 0 DEGREES 47 MINUTES 31 SECONDS WEST 105 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES 56 MINUTES 46 SECONDS EAST 467.18 FEET TO A CERTAIN DITCH; THENCE ALONG SAID DITCH GO NORTH 14 DEGREES 11 MINUTES 39 SECONDS EAST 201.46 FEET AND NORTH 37 DEGREES 45 MINUTES 29 SECONDS EAST 12.13 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID TRACT OWNED BY GRANTEE; THENCE NORTH 88 DEGREES 46 MINUTES 46 SECONDS WEST 495.68 FEET TO THE TRUE PLACE OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 2.31 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. Said legal description being controlling, however the property is more commonly known as 161 SCOTT DRIVE, CULLMAN, AL 35055. This property will be sold on an "as is, where is" basis, subject to any easements, encumbrances, and exceptions reflected in the mortgage and those contained in the records of the Office of the Judge of Probate in the county where the above-described property is situated. This property will be sold subject to the right of redemption of all parties entitled thereto and subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, whether or not now due and payable). This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, as well as the expenses of foreclosure. The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves the right to bid for and purchase the real estate and to credit its purchase price against the expenses of sale and the indebtedness secured by the real estate. This sale is subject to postponement or cancellation. Peoples Bank of Alabama, Mortgagee/Transferee THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY BE HELD TO BE ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR, UNDER FEDERAL LAW. IF SO, ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Rubin Lublin, LLC, Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee 100 Concourse Parkway, Suite 125, Birmingham, AL 35244 Telephone Number: (877) 813-0992 Case No. PBOA-15-05301-1 www.rubinlublin.com/property-listings.php Ad #88769: November 4, 11 and 18, 2015

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