Channel: Tribune Democrat: Announcements
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(Published In THE TIMES, Mayes County, Oklahoma November 17, 2015) ORDINANCE 2015-4 TOWN OF SALINA COUNTY OF MAYES BOARD OF TRUSTEES 19 NOVEMBER 2015 NOW ON THIS 19th day of November, 2015 there came on for consideration before the Board of Trustees of the Town of Salina consideration of an Ordinance prohibiting the operation of a handheld communication device for the purpose of manually composing, sending, or reading a text message while operating a motor vehicle on the streets or highways of the Town of Salina, Oklahoma. The penalty for using a handheld electronic device for such purpose at any time the motor vehicle is in motion shall be a fine in the amount of one hundred dollars ($100.00), in conformity with Oklahoma statute as codified in 47 OS 11-901. There shall specifically exist an exception to such ordinance allowing the operation of such a handheld electronic communication device at any time when an emergency situation exists whereby it would be necessary for the operator of a motor vehicle to manually text, compose, send or read a text message in any emergency situation for the purpose of contacting an emergency response operator, 911 operator, medical provider, physician, hospital, ambulance, fire department or law enforcement agency, where such contact is for the sole emergency purpose stated herein. Specifically excepted from the provisions of this ordinance is the operation of any electronic device that allows the transmission of such message by means of a totally hands free device. Following proper discussion it was determined that the Salina Code of Ordinances, Part 15, TRAFFIC AND VEHICLES, be so amended by adding Section 15-220, TEXTING WHILE DRIVING, as set forth as herein above stated. ORDAINED UPON PROPER MOTION, SECOND AND VOTE BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF SALINA, OKLAHOMA THE DAY AND YEAR LAST ABOVE WRITTEN. In order that said Ordinance may go into place immediately upon publication, an emergency is hereby declared for the welfare and wellbeing of said community, and upon declaration, the Emergency Clause is hereby individually voted on and approved. s/Michael O’Rourke Mayor ATTEST: s/Phyllis Pape City Clerk (Seal)

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