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November 9, 2015 The public hearing on the Instructional Support Levy and regular meeting of the Board of Education of the Centerville Community School District was held November 9, 2015 at 6:30 P.M. in the board room of the Administration Office, 634 North Main, Centerville. Public Hearing on the Instructional Support Levy Call to order and roll call President Marty Braster called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. Roll call to determine quorum was taken as follows: Present: Brooke Johnson, Angela Ocker, Travis Yeomans, Marty Braster, Larry Heffron, and Steve Hoch. Absent: Joe Sharp (entered meeting at 6:32 P.M.). Also present were Superintendent Tony Ryan and Board Secretary Linda Henderson. Approve Agenda It was moved by Travis Yeomans and seconded by Brooke Johnson to approve the agenda as stated. Motion carried unanimously. Presentation of Proposal Review Proposed Instructional Support Levy Mr. Ryan stated the Instructional Support Levy was re-published in the paper with the updated information as a two-year period instead of a five-year period. This levy would increase spending authority and cash. Joe Sharp entered meeting at 6:32 P.M. 1) Open discussion/presentation from interested visitors on the proposal There were no objections from visitors on the proposed Instructional Support Levy as published. 2) Board discussion on the proposal The board reviewed the proposed Instructional Support Levy. Adjourn to regular meeting It was moved by Brooke Johnson and seconded by Larry Heffron to adjourn to the regular meeting at 6:33 P.M. Motion carried unanimously. Regular Meeting Call to order and roll call President Marty Braster called the meeting to order at 6:33 P.M. Roll call to determine quorum was taken as follows: Present: Angela Ocker, Joe Sharp, Travis Yeomans, Marty Braster, Larry Heffron, Steve Hoch and Brooke Johnson. Absent: none. Also present were Superintendent Tony Ryan and Board Secretary Linda Henderson. Welcome Visitors Mr. Braster welcomed visitors. Approve Agenda Mr. Ryan stated item “H. Approve Consortium Contract for Apex Program” needed to be tabled until Department of Education has approved the consortium contract for Apex Program with Glenwood Schools. It was moved by Steve Hoch and seconded by Travis Yeomans to approve the agenda as stated with tabling item H. Motion carried unanimously. Page 2 November 10, 2015 Approve Minutes of Previous Meetings Marty Braster stated the September 28 minutes as amended in October 12 minutes needed amended a second time on “Discuss Policy 204” on last sentence after “interpret the policy..” to add as consistent with state law. Angela Ocker stated the October 12 board minutes on approved volunteer agreement needed corrected on name “Carl Underwood” to Carla Underwood. It was moved by Brooke Johnson and seconded by Angela Ocker to approve September 28 minutes as amended, October 12 minutes as amended and November 2 minutes as stated. Motion carried unanimously. Old Business Discuss Updates on Exterior Construction Summer Project Estes Construction Project Manager Jeff Michels stated all projects and contractors are done. A walk through will be completed November 23 for final review of the 2015 Exterior Construction Summer Projects with StruXture architects, Estes project managers, Tim and Tony. New Business Approve Personnel Business Procedures It was moved by Larry Heffron and seconded by Joe Sharp to approve the resignations, transfers, employment contracts, lane change, and volunteer agreements as stated: 1. Resignations Joy Jones – 8th grade Volleyball effective at the end of the 2015-16 season; Brandy Bauer – H.S. Special Education Aide Specific effective October 23; Mark Femali – Bus Driver effective October 30; Wendy Studer – contract terminated as Lincoln Special Education Aide Specific effective October 10 due to the student no longer needing aide services; DeJanee Kletke – contract terminated as Lincoln Special Education Aide Specific effective October 17 due to the student no longer needing aide services; 2. Transfers Becky Bills – Cafeteria Production Worker to Kitchen Manager effective November 10, replacing Rita Susin; Justin Doll – Bus Driver at 4 hours per day to 6.5 hours per day, effective November 10, replacing Mark Femali; Carol Jeanie McClurg – Lakeview Special Education Aide 2.5 hours per day, Secretary 2.5 hours per day, and Library Secretary 2.0 hours per day to Lakeview Secretary 4.5 hours per day and Library Secretary 2.5 hours per day, Level II Secretary, step >6, $10.76 per hour, effective November 10; Mindala Litherland – Preschool Special Education Aide Specific 5.5 hours per day M/T/TH/F to 7 hours per day M/T/TH/F, effective November 10; and Rita Shawn Dyke - Preschool Special Education Aide Specific 4.0 hours per day M/T/TH/F to 7 hours per day M/T/TH/F, effective November 10. 3. Employment/Contracts Brittany Exline – Preschool Special Education Aide Specific, Level II, step 1, $8.45 per hour, 5 hours per day, M/T/TH/F, effective October 20, new position; Amy Clinkenbeard – Bus Driver, Level III, step 1, $10.85 per hour, 4 hours per day, effective November 10, replacing Justin Doll; Ryan Hodges – Bowling Coach, step 1, salary $1,705.53, effective October 21, new position; and Bob Gray – 9th Girls’ Basketball, step 1, $7.25 per hour, total wage $3,512.29, replacing Tino Terrones. 4. Lane Change Lindsey Pettibone BA+24, step 8, $47,034 to MA, step 8, $48,261 5. Volunteer Agreements Karla Rupalo – FFA Volunteer Edward Cox – K-2 Watchdog Volunteer Jeremy Lawhorn – K-2 Volunteer Kevin Bradley – K-2 Volunteer Linsey Rouse – K-2 Volunteer Motion carried unanimously. Approve Payment for Summer Facility Construction Project It was moved by Brooke Johnson and seconded by Travis Yeomans to approve payment for summer facility construction project to: StruXture Architect Oct. 2015 Fixed Fee $ 1,429.89 StruXture Architect Oct. 2015 Architect Hourly Fee-Evans Mason Alt #1 $ 1,375.00 Evans-Mason, Inc. Masonry #5 $111,052.79 Christner Contracting Inc. Doors #3 $ 51,083.21 Estes Construction Project Manager #7 $ 44,234.00 TK Concrete Waterproofing #3 $ 39,303.11 TK Concrete Waterproofing #4 $ 6,721.77 TK Concrete Waterproofing #5 $ 333.21 $255,532.98 Motion carried unanimously. Discuss Differentiated Accountability Visit Pk-6 teachers discussed the new statewide school improvement process called Differentiated Accountability Program visit on October 27-30 by the Department of Education. A video from Department of Education staff who participated was reviewed. Centerville CSD volunteered to be one of forty-eight pilot aea/schools for the initiation of the Differentiated Accountability Program. Centerville was the first district to experience this process. The information reviewed was on literacy. Discuss Legislator Dinner Meeting Mr. Ryan stated the legislator dinner meeting with legislators and area school boards is December 2 at 6:00 P.M. at Lakeview Cafeteria. Suggested topics to be discussed are SAVE, funding for Smarter Balance testing, supplemental state aid and home schooling. Discuss and Approve Instructional Support Levy Continued Participation It was moved by Larry Heffron and seconded by Travis Yeomans to approve the Instructional Support levy resolution and continued participation. Roll call vote: Ayes: Joe Sharp, Travis Yeomans, Marty Braster, Larry Heffron, Steve Hoch, Brooke Johnson, and Angela Ocker. Nays: none. Motion carried unanimously. Discuss Junior High Activities Director Position Mr. Karpen stated the current J.H. Athletic Director position is not an activities director position. The J.H. Athletic Director position has worked previously due to the employee being around students in the junior high classroom. Due to the resignation of Rich Parker for the 2016-17 school year, Mr. Karpen encouraged the board to keep the position as is: J.H. Athletic Director for the success of the students. Mr. Ryan stated the position has not been advertised and asking the board for guidelines. The board and administrators discussed different options: combining the 7-8 and 9-12 Athletic Director positions into one 7-12 Athletic/Activities Director; or leave as is and work for a more collaborative environment and communication between the two directors and coaches in order to build a system-wide program. Different options were discussed: if the position were combined into one, adding an administrative position at high school for assistant principal or addition of an activities director. Mr. Fisher will explore how other districts structure their athletic/activities program. The board directed the superintendent to review: 1) Increase collaboration for JH coaches and HS coaches for consistent programs. 2) Change of a position could ultimately change the culture. 3) What does the community want for a high quality program? Discuss Support Staff Salary Committee Mr. Ryan stated the board sub-committee met October 23. Approve Consortium Contract for Apex Program- This item was tabled. Approve Technology Purchase Mr. Kaput presented hardware needs for fall 2015: District Office CDW-G Access Points (2) $ 850.73=$ 1,701.46 District Office CDW-G Power Injectors (2) $ 81.03=$ 162.06 District Office CDW-G H.P. Server-Software Unlimited (1) $6,587.60=$ 6,587.60 District office CDW-G H.P. Server-District Backup (1) $6,587.60=$ 6,587.60 Junior High CDW-G Lenovo Desktops – J.H. Lab (25) $ 612.68=$15,317.00 High School CDW-G Lenovo Laptops – H.S. Staff (45) $ 515.00=$23,175.00 $53,530.72 Mr. Braster stated the Technology Plan is not complete. Mr. Braster is requesting a time-frame and budget because of the amount of monies spent on technology. Mr. Ryan and board discussed Technology Committee, reviewing PPEL report and future purchases from PPEL. It was moved by Larry Heffron and seconded by Joe Sharp to approve the Technology purchases as presented to the board. Motion carried with Marty Braster voting nay. Discuss and Approve First Reading of Policy Series 300 for Review Cycle Mr. Ryan stated the administrative team has reviewed the 300 series and edited for board approval. Mr. Braster stated he had suggestions to bring to the board on the 300 board policy series, however, had not brought them. Mr. Braster requested this item be tabled. Mr. Ryan stated the next meeting will be Dec. 14 for first reading of series 300 along with series 800 board policies. Mr. Braster asked board members to review the 300 series and 800 series prior to the meeting. Discuss Long Term Facility Planning Mr. Ryan stated the Long Term Facility Planning Committee meeting is scheduled for November 23 with Jesse, representative at StruXture Architect, and committee members involved in the initial planning. StruXture Architect personnel will bring suggestions for the committee to review. After the planning meeting the committee representatives and StruXture Architect will bring information to the board. Discuss and Approve School Finance Direction from Work Session Mr. Ryan handed out an IASB booklet on finances to the board. Board members discussed what impact there would be if: support staff salary schedule adjustments are made; reduce tax asking without cutting programs, and authorize expenditures for a carryover of $2 million. Mr. Ryan stated measurements are cash balance, unspent balances, and tax rates. It was moved by Joe Sharp and seconded by Larry Heffron to approve school finance guidelines for projected goals over next five years: 1) Stay just above recent target solvency ratio at 12% 2) Authorized Budget authority carryover stability at 12% ratio or slightly over (IASB indicated between 5-10%) 3) Future expenditures on a 5-year plan. Motion carried unanimously. Approve Committee to Research Staff and Public Input Methods for Board Decision Making Mr. Ryan stated this topic was a requested agenda item. Mr. Braster Approve Submitting Request for Allowable Growth for Late Open Enrollment Students and LEP It was moved by Larry Heffron and seconded by Steve Hoch to approve submitting a request to SBRC for allowable growth for late open enrollment out students in the amount of $78,938.00 and LEP instruction beyond five years in the amount of $1,431.00. Motion carried unanimously. Discuss Purchase of School Bus Mr. Kaster presented two quotes to purchase a 77-passenger school bus: School Bus Sales Bluebird bus $86,358.00 and $96,158.00 with air conditioning Thomas Bus Sales Thomas built bus $102,362.60 with air conditioning Mr. Kaster stated this request is for a route bus and summer field trips. Mr. Kaster reviewed present fleet quantity and current miles. Mr. Ryan stated the purchase will be from the PPEL fund and will be on the December board agenda for board approval. Approve, Review and Record Bids for Snow Removal during 2015-2016 Winter One bid was received from J.R. Cicco in the amount of $595 per occurrence at High School, Junior High, and Lakeview parking lots. It was moved by Steve Hoch and seconded by Travis Yeomans to approve the snow removal bid from J.R. Cicco in the amount of $595 per occurrence. Motion carried unanimously. Approve Participation in Home Base Iowa Program Mr. Ryan stated the school was approached by A.E.D.C. to support the Home Base Iowa Program. This is a program that emphasizes hiring veterans and Centerville receives recognition for having this status of supporting veterans. It was moved by Travis Yeomans and seconded by Joe Sharp to approve participating in Home Base Program with a set goal of hiring two veterans by December 31, 2018. Motion carried unanimously. Approve adding Bowling Sponsor to Schedule D in the Master Agreement Mr. Fisher stated 31 students have signed up to participate in bowling. It was moved by Larry Heffron and seconded by Travis Yeomans to approve adding bowling sponsor to Schedule D in the Master Agreement at a base rate of 5.56%. Motion carried unanimously. Approve Handbook Updates (Faculty, Substitute Teacher) It was suggested to change in Faculty Handbook: Accident Reports: Brad Jones/Linda Henderson’s name to Business Manager and Resolution Facilitator process and Pre-appeal Conference: correct phone number from 641-856-0617 to 641-856-0760. It was moved by Brooke Johnson and seconded by Angela Ocker to approve the 2015-16 Faculty Handbook changes as noted. Motion carried unanimously. The Substitute Teacher handbook was tabled for administrative team to review. Approve Changes in School Food Service Manager Job Description It was suggested in line #11 of Food Service Manager job description after “preparation of” to add foods. It was moved by Angela Ocker and seconded by Joe Sharp to approve the School Food Service Manager job description as edited. Motion carried unanimously. Approval of Sports Official’s Contracts It was moved by Brooke Johnson and seconded by Travis Yeomans to approve the sports officials’ contracts as stated. Motion carried unanimously. Reports Mr. Fisher handed out pictures of an Indian Head with “Home of Reds & Redettes” and a “C” with “Home of Reds and Redettes”. Mr. Fisher would like to place the picture on Lakeview gymnasium wall. After meeting with administrators last week it was noted in a prior Department of Education site review the Indian Head pictures on school building walls were prohibited. Mr. Fisher did contact Department of Education and I.H.S.A.A. and was told they could not give any guidance on posting a mural of an Indian head. The board reviewed the two pictures and liked the picture of the Indian head. The cost to paint the mural is estimated at $2,250. Presentation of Invoices and Approval of Payment Linda Henderson requested invoices to Glenwood Schools for the Apex program not be approved at this time. It was moved by Brooke Johnson and seconded by Travis Yeomans to approve the invoices excluding Glenwood invoices and salary per diem as presented. Motion carried with Marty Braster voting nay. Adjourn It was moved by Brooke Johnson and seconded by Steve Hoch to adjourn at 10:50 P.M. Motion carried unanimously. GENERAL FUND ACCELERATIONS EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARESUPPLIES 89.10 AD-EXPRESS/IOWEGIAN ADVERTISING 698.39 ALBIA COMMUNITY SCHOOL DIST. TUITION 1,591.50 ALL AMERICAN TURF BEAUTY, INC. SERVICE 211.50 ALLIANT ENERGY UTILITIES 19,781.45 APP. CO. DAY CARE TUTION 6,080.00 ARAMARK SERVICE 212.90 ATOMIC TERMITE AND PEST CONTROL SERVICE 200.00 BOUND TO STAY BOUND BOOKS, INC SUPPLIES 284.40 BROWN, NATALIE MILEAGE 23.40 CAPITAL SANITARY SUPPLY CO. SUPPLIES 2,587.90 CARQUEST OF CENTERVILLE SUPPLIES 2,144.82 CARSON, SONJA MILEAGE16.64 CAYLOR, KYM MILEAGE 16.80 CDW-G SERVERS/SUPPLIES 6,628.19 CEDAR RAPIDS COMMUNITY SCHOOLS TUITION 35.37 CENTERVILLE MUN WATERWORKS WATER 2,183.15 CENTERVILLE ROTARY CLUB FEES 165.00 CEV MULTIMEDIA LTD. SUPPLIES 64.90 CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT AND SUPPLIES 1,926.00 LEADERSHIP CITY OF CENTERVILLERESOURCE OFFICER 4,383.14 CLAYTON RIDGE COMMUNITY SCHOOL TUITION 1,591.50 DISTRICT CORNERHART ELECTRIC L.L.C SERVICE 1,117.75 COSSOLOTTO READY-MIX CO. SERVICE 125.00 CR SERVICES SUPPLIES 617.22 CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING SUPPLIES 219.00 DEANO'S BODY SHOP SERVICE 241.57 DECKER EQUIPMENT SIGNS 454.02 DEININGER, HARRY MILEAGE 16.56 DOORS INC. SERVICE 25.33 ELAN FINANCIAL SERVICES SUPPLIES 2,425.49 ENGEL LAW OFFICE LEGAL SERVICE 967.50 ESHIPPING, LLC SERVICE 338.10 EWING, DIANA MILEAGE 22.88 EXLINE SIGNAL, LLC. SERVICE 240.00 FAREWAY STORE SUPPLIES 67.23 FATKA, DIANNE MILEAGE 81.48 FEDERAL PUBLISHING SUPPLIES 198.50 FOGLE TRUE VALUE SUPPLIES 578.63 FREEBERN, HEATHER SERVICE 1,800.00 GEMTAR INC. BOOKS 480.49 GREAT PRAIRIE AEA PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 1,105.51 HALVORSON TRANE SERVICE 6,176.84 HARTFORD, THE INSURANCE 1,357.34 HENDERSON, LINDA MILEAGE 72.32 HILL'S SANITARY SERVICE GARBAGE 5,343.00 HY-VEE FOOD STORE SUPPLIES 130.89 IA ASSN OF SCHOOL BOARDS SERVICE 392.00 IA COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK SERVICE 2,861.52 IA DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICE INSURANCE 61,092.53 IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY AMERICORPS SERVICE 11,900.00 JONES, JOY MILEAGE 76.80 KEILIG, RICHARD MILEAGE 51.20 KIRKLAND, MEGAN MILEAGE 68.00 LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS SUPPLIES 459.08 LASERFAX SUPPLIES 765.98 LAWTON PRINTING, INC. SUPPLIES 140.00 LEWELLEN, SHAWNA MILEAGE 14.04 LOCKRIDGE, INC SUPPLIES 510.60 MAHASKA BOTTLING COMPANY POP 122.00 MARK'S PLUMBING PARTS PLUMBING SUPPLIES 527.04 MC CARTHY TIRE SERVICE SERVICE 46.41 MCMURRYS CUSTOM INTERIORS SERVICE 50.00 MFA FUEL 5,224.63 MOORE, JEFF MILEAGE 39.52 MORAVIA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS TUITION 58,885.50 NAPA AUTO PARTS CREDIT 60.04 NAT'L SCHOOL BOARDS ASSN FEE 2,675.00 NATEL PHONE SERVICE 2,679.74 ODYSSEY WARE RENEWAL 9,500.00 OFFICE DEPOT SUPPLIES 13.79 ORKIN, INC SERVICE 440.10 PERMA-BOUND BOOKS BOOKS 74.94 PHILLIPS, NANCY MILEAGE 25.84 PLIC-SBD GRAND ISLAND INSURANCE 4,904.11 PPG ARCHITECTURAL FINISHES PAINT 159.75 PRAIRIE LAKES AEA 8 SERVICE 430.00 QUILL CORP. SUPPLIES 1,242.89 REALLY GOOD STUFF SUPPLIES 354.19 REALLY GREAT READING SUPPLIES 95.00 SCHOFIELD, TERRI REIMBURSEMENT 406.53 SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS OF IOWA SERVICE 105.00 SCHOOL BUS SALES CO. SERVICE 551.54 SCHOOL OUTLET SUPPLIES 1,715.53 SCHOOL SPECIALTY/CLASSROOM DIRECT SUPPLIES 346.47 SCHOOL SPECIALTY SUPPLIES 2,683.64 SCOTT ELECTRIC SUPPLIES 191.00 SEBRING, MARY MILEAGE 220.42 SEYMOUR COMMUNITY SCHOOLS TUITION 14,323.50 SINK PAPER & PACKAGING SUPPLIES 1,348.00 SMITH WELDING SUPPLY, S. J. SUPPLIES 1,096.98 SMITH, MARY CAROL REIMBURSE 78.71 SOFTWARE UNLIMITED SERVICE 50.00 ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH RENT 250.00 THERAPY SHOPPE, INC SUPPLIES 41.94 TIERNEY BROTHERS, INC SUPPLIES 7,128.00 TIME MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS SERVICE 1,485.00 TYCO INTEGRATED SECURITY SERVICES 387.40 U.S. CELLULAR SERVICE 54.72 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE POSTAGE 1,000.00 VIRCO SUPPLIES 8,226.90 WAYNE CO. COMMUNITY SCHOOLS TUITION 6,366.00 WELLMARK BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD-IOWA INSURANCE 132,234.75 WEST MUSIC COMPANY SUPPLIES 13,548.02 WINDSTREAM IOWA COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE 1,638.90 WINGER SERVICE SERVICE 210.00 XEROX CORPORATION COPIER 2,404.47 XEROX CORP SUPPLIES 409.98 Checking Account Total: 439,504.34 CAFETERIA FUND ANDERSON ERICKSON DAIRY CO. MILK 6,144.96 CDW-G SUPPLIES 0.00 EARTHGRAINS BAKING CO., INC SUPPLIES 2,059.04 ELAN FINANCIAL SERVICES SUPPLIES 21.96 EMS DETERGENT SERVICES SUPPLIES 711.30 HARTFORD, THE INSURANCE 22.86 KOHL WHOLESALE SUPPLIES 10,227.05 LARUE COFFEE SUPPLIES 52.99 MARTIN BROS. DISTRIBUTING CO. CREDIT 11,510.52 NATEL PHONE SERVICE 26.26 PLIC-SBD GRAND ISLAND INSURANCE 84.26 SUSIN, RITA MILEAGE 13.72 WELLMARK BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD-IOWA INSURANCE 2,875.70 WINGER SERVICE SERVICE 916.80 Checking Account Total: 34,667.42 ACTIVITY FUND ALBIA COMMUNITY SCHOOL DIST. ENTRY FEE 120.00 ALBIA HIGH SCHOOL ENTRY FEES 50.00 AMERICAN BASEBALL COACHES FEES 115.00 ASSOCIATION BAUGHMAN, PHILIP OFFICIAL 100.00 CASEY'S GENERAL STORES, INC SUPPLIES 197.65 CENTERVILLE GREENHOUSES, INC. SUPPLIES 63.00 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SUPPLIES 110.00 CHARITON HIGH SCHOOL ENTRY FEE 50.00 CHOPONIS, RICH OFFICIAL 150.00 CHS CLASS OF 2017 JUNIOR CLASS SERVICE 3,100.00 PARENTS DANNCO SUPPLIES 965.75 DAVIS COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL ENTRY FEES 70.00 DENTON, BRETT OFFICIAL 155.00 DON'S JONS SERVICES 450.00 ELAN FINANCIAL SERVICES SUPPLIES 2,569.91 FAIRFIELD HIGH SCHOOL ENTRY FEE 65.00 FAREWAY STORE SUPPLIES 277.48 FFA ASSOCIATION FFA MEMBERSHIP FEES 872.00 FLOWER TIQUE SUPPLIES 394.14 FOLLETT, JOE OFFICIAL 100.00 GILL, MICKEY OFFICIAL 100.00 GREAT AMERICAN OPPORTUNITIES, INC SUPPLIES 3,859.60 GREAT PRAIRIE AEA SUPPLIES 39.82 HAND, JENNIFER REIMBURSEMENT 131.05 HATTING, NATE OFFICIAL 100.00 HEEMSTRA, JEFF OFFICIAL 100.00 HUISMAN, ALAN OFFICIAL 70.00 HY-VEE FOOD STORE SUPPLIES 2,966.25 IGHSAU Gate 4,050.00 IOWA ASSOCIATION OF STUDENT REGISTRATION FEES 465.00 COUNCILS J.A. KING & COMPANY SUPPLIES 190.00 KELLY, GRANT REIMBURSEMENT 8.64 KENT, PATRICK OFFICIAL 100.00 KOESTNER, COURTNEY PETTY CASH 850.00 KOHL WHOLESALE SUPPLIES 46.68 KOPECKY, JACK OFFICIAL 100.00 LECHTENBERG, CATHERINE REIMBURSE 394.92 LOCKRIDGE, INC SUPPLIES 413.08 LOGSDON, ELIZEBETH REIMBURSEMENT 102.35 MAHASKA BOTTLING COMPANY CREDIT 201.22 MARTIN BROS. DISTRIBUTING CO. SUPPLIES 288.79 NAT'L FFA ORGANIZATION SUPPLIES 69.50 NOWASELL, JAMES OFFICIAL 100.00 OPEN ROAD CHIP TIMING, LLC, THE SERVICE600.00 PRESNALL, CRAIG OFFICIAL 155.00 PRINT SHOP SUPPLIES 80.00 ROBOTEVENTS.COM, SUPPLIES 200.00 ROSE, DOUG OFFICIAL 100.00 ROYER, BRENDA SERVICE 210.00 RUDACILLE, JAY OFFICIAL 235.00 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS-8 BOOKS 4,690.65 SCIBA FEES 44.00 SPURGEON, BRAD OFFICIAL 200.00 VEX ROBOTICS INC, SUPPLIES 304.30 WACO COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT FEES 70.00 WALSWORTH PUBLISHING CO YEARBOOKS 5,716.08 WEST MUSIC COMPANY SUPPLIES 1,136.91 WOODWARD GRANGER SCHOOL DISTRICT ENTRY FEE 60.00 YELLAND, JEFF OFFICIAL 100.00 Checking Account Total: 38,623.77 SCHOOLHOUSE FUND CDW-G SERVERS/SUPPLIES 18,165.37 CHRISTNER CONTRACTING INC. SERVICE 51,083.21 CORNERHART ELECTRIC L.L.C SERVICE 3,210.56 ESTES CONSTRUCTION SERVICE 44,234.00 EVANS-MASON INC SERVICE 111,052.79 STRUXTURE ARCHITECTS SERVICE 2,804.89 TK CONCRETE INC SERVICE 46,358.09 WALKER WELDING SERVICE 3,914.66 Checking Account Total: 280,823.57 Runs 1x December 1st, 2015

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