Notice Seasonal Roads: The Town of Worcester Highway Superintendent , Roger Butler, has designated the following roads located in the Town of Worcester as seasonal and will not be maintained from December 1, 2015 through April 1, 2016: Duck Farm Road, the upper end of Trainor Road, the upper end of Algerine Hill Road and 1 mile of Alvord Road. Snow Plowing Obstructions: Any obstructions located ion the Town of Worcester's righ-of-ways, may hinder the ability to remove and store the snow. Therefore, there will be no parking on all streets and roadways in the Town of Worcester from 9 pm until 6 am from December 1st through April 1st. Vehicles left on the roadways, can be towed at the discretion of the highway superintendent and will be at the owner's expense. Repairs will be at the property owner's expense for any damage which may be done to mailboxes and fences in the town's right-of-way while the Town Highway Department is trying to maintain the roads during the winter. Roger Butler Highway Superintendent Town of Worcester