Channel: Tribune Democrat: Announcements
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(Published In THE TIMES, Mayes County, Oklahoma December 13, 2015) November 30, 2015 The Board of Mayes County Commissioners met in a regularly scheduled meeting with all members present: Ryan Ball, Chairman, Kevin Whiteside and Darrell Yoder, Members, and Brittany True-Howard, County Clerk. The initial notice of the meeting was received in writing December 15, 2014, and the agenda for this meeting was posted on the lower floor of the Court House at 4:30 p.m., November 24, 2015. Ryan Ball called the meeting to order in compliance with the Open Meeting Law and the following business was done: Commissioner Ball led the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Ball said the Invocation. Motion made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to approve the minutes of November 23, 2015. Ball, Yes; Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. OLD BUSINESS: NONE NEW BUSINESS: NONE Motion was made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to approve the 2016 Holidays as follows: January 18, Martin Luther King Day; February 15, Presidents Day; March 25, Good Friday; May 30, Memorial Day; July 4, Independence Day; September 5, Labor Day; October 10, Columbus Day; November 11, Veterans Day; November 24-25, Thanksgiving; December 23-26, Christmas; January 2, 2017, New Year’s Day. Ball, Yes; Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Yoder, to approve appropriation of $228,515.66 for T-County. Ball, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Whiteside, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to approve the following cash accounts: $307.50 to Assessor’s Revolving Fund; $17,210.29 to CBRI Fund; $937.75 to County Clerk’s Lien Fee; $41,442.85 County Jail Sales Tax Revolving Fund; $519.00 to Drug Court User Fees; $10,609.17 E-911 Funds; $82,856.57 Firefighters Revolving Fund; $2,497.76 to Law Library; $3,187.50 to MCDCT; $6,205.00 to MCSSP; $125,518.38 to Public Facility Authority; $2,405.00 to RMP Fund; $41,473.60 Sales Tax Revolving; $2,834.10 to Sheriff’s Commissary; $9,303.00 to Sheriff Revolving; $26,678.74 to Sheriff’s Service Fee; $585.00 to Treasurer’s Certification Fee;  and $3,949.58 to Wireless E911. Ball, Yes; Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to approve Allison Long and Laura Holden as Requisitioning Officers for Langley Fire Department and William Evans and John Jackson as Receiving Officers for Langley Fire Department. Ball, Yes; Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Whiteside, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to approve application for the 2020 STP Collector No. 4946C in District 1. Ball, Yes; Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. Matt Rollins, CFM with OWRB was present to discuss the evaluation of the Mayes County Flood Plain Program. They routinely go through a community and basically do an audit. They look to see if new stuff has been properly documented including road washouts. There were only around 11 findings 5 or 6 which were County level and more for discussion points. They will meet with Johnny Janzen to go over this further. Dr. Mobley, was present to discuss his previous comments. He presented the Board with a letter requesting they place on the next agenda, a question, to vote regarding the matter of making it mandatory for new school construction to include a certified Storm Shelter as provided for by law. He still believes they have the authority to do this. The Commissioners believe what he is trying to do is great but even if they put this into effect the County does not have building permits or a building inspector to inforce this. Motion was made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Yoder, to approve a land access agreement for District 3 to clear fence row and pile brush on land owner J.E. Mitchell’s property. Ball, Yes; Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to approve the Utility Permit Request from Darrell Bailey to bore under Earbob Road for a water line in District 3. Ball, Yes; Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. The following claims were allowed or disallowed as the case may be: 2015-16 GEN-SHERIFF-W/H: 1145, EGID, 27571.56; 1149, OPERS, 42634.56; 1152, RCB, 51961.43. GEN-SHERIFF: 1155, MUSKOGEE COMMUN, 2692.75, PARTS/LABOR; 1156, APCO AFC, 253.59, TRAINING; 1157, ADVANTAGE TESTING, 40.00, SERV; 1158, G&M AUTO & WRECKER, 54.56, SERV; 1159, SUBURBAN CHEVROLET, 179.95, SERV; 1160-244.52, 1161-319.52, 1162-146.12, VISUAL FORCE, SERV; 1163, SUBURBAN CHEVROLET, 976.40, PARTS/LABOR; 1164, G&M AUTO & WRECKER, 180.97, SERV; 1165, LAKELAND OFC SYS, 304.15, FEE; CO CLERK: 1166, OFC DEPOT, 321.48, SUPS; 1167, QUILL, 27.67, SUPS; 1168, OFC EVERYTHING, 9.04, SUPS; VIS INSP: 1169, INDOFF, 300.74, SUPS; GEN: 1170, AGES, 189.98, SOFTWARE; 1171-21.57, 1172-28.90, OFC EVERYTHING, SUPS; 1173, CLARKS WRECKER BODY SHOP, 250.00, SERV; HWY: 1174, TULSA ASPHALT, 2473.06, ASPHALT; 1175, B&J OIL, 3286.00, FUEL. T CO HWY: 1008, WINZER, 353.62, SUPS; 1009, RUDD, SCOTT, 1800.00, CONTRACT LABOR; 1010, JODY TRIPP, 1800.00, CONTRACT LABOR; 1011, PRYOR WASTE & RECYCLING, 300.00, SERV; 1012-35.00, 1013-130.00, SO TIRE MART, TIRES; 1014, SUPPLYWORKS, INTERLINE BRANDS, 490.00, SUPS; 1015, ZEE MED SERV, 111.85, MED SUPS; 1016, OFC EVERYTHING, 11.23, SUPS; 1017, CABIN DIESEL, 205.98, PARTS; 1018, AT&T, 150.05, UTILITIES. MD: 86, OSDH, 37916.67, WAGES; 87, MUB, 731.64, UTILITIES; 88, AT&T, 42.42, SERV. SSFCA-W/H: 235, EGID, 535.42; 236, OPERS, 774.00; 237, OTC, 171.00; 238, RCB, 1280.51. SSFCA: 239, ADVANTAGE TESTING, 40.00, SERV; 240, MUSKOGEE COMMUN, 2692.75, PARTS/LABOR. SRCA: 21, MUSKOGEE COMMUN, 2657.75, SUPS/SERV. TCFA: 21, OFC EVERYTHING, 761.65, SUPS. RES-W/H: 33, EGID, 38.14; 34, OPERS, 928.68; 36, RCB, 1108.59. SCA-W/H: 2, EGID, 598.82; 4, OPERS, 705.81; 6, RCB, 778.38. CJSTR-W/H: 122, EGID, 5097.14; 5; 125, OPERS, 6402.69; 127, RCB, 6683.29. LL-W/H: 12, OTC, 10.00; 13, RCB, 22.96. MCSSP-W/H: 37, EGID, 823.88; 39, OPERS, 580.00; 41, RCB, 614.30. E911-W/H: 109, EGID, 1129.84; 110, OPERS, 1090.93; 112, RCB, 1297.33. SCS-W/H: 26, RCB, 212.69. PFA: 54, TRANE, 673.00, SERV; 55, AZTEC LOCKSMITH, 241.45, SUPS; 56, AGES, 78.99, SERV; 57, SCHINDLER ELEVATOR, 659.11, SERV. FF: 298, CABIN DIESEL, 37870.86, SERV; 299, AIRGAS, 60.79, SERV; 300, NEO ELECT, 169.00, UTILITIES; 301, MEDTECH RESOURCE, 1289.38, EQ; 302, NEO ELECT, 399.00, UTILITIES; 303, CONRAD FIRE EQ, 499.02, TOOLS; 304, BURROWS AGENCY, 244.00, INS; 305, GALLS, 945.54, MED SUPS; 306, LIFE ASSIST, 317.15, MED SUPS; 307, PSO, 351.00, SERV; 308, AGES, 2692.96, PC; 309, BOUND TREE MED, 159.89, MED SUPS; 310, PSO, 118.83, UTILITIES; 311, COMDATA, 86.83, FUEL; 312, WEIS FIRE & SAFETY, 4763.40, SUPS; 313, VAUGHNS AUTO PARTS, 100.00, SERV; 314, ROBERTS AUTO CNTR, 1482.55, SERV. CFP-W/H: 62, EGID, 2734.70; 63, OPERS, 2692.42; 65, RCB, 3359.14. WE911-W/H: 89, EGID, 577.42; 90, OPERS, 1282.36; 92, RCB, 1495.79. WE911:  93, OK COMMUN SYS, 261.21, UTILITIES; 94, MESTA, 340.70, UTILITIES. STR-W/H: 118, EGID, 868.54; 119, OPERS, 2193.01; 121, RCB, 3186.08. STR: 122, ADVANTAGE TESTING, 40.00, SERV; 123, ADVANCED MICROBIAL SERV, 250.00, SERV; 124, ULINE, 958.31, SUPS; 125, JD YOUNG, 644.97, SERV. Motion made by Commissioner Whiteside, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to table Purchase Order 2389. Ball, Yes; Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. Motion made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to approve all other claims as submitted. Ball, Yes; Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. Motion made by Commissioner Whiteside, seconded by Commissioner Yoder, to Adjourn. Ball, Yes; Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. Approved this December 7, 2015 (SEAL)   BOARD OF MAYES COUNTY COMMISSIONERS S/RYAN BALL CHAIRMAN S/KEVIN WHITESIDE MEMBER S/DARRELL YODER MEMBER ATTEST:  S/BRITTANY TRUE-HOWARD COUNTY CLERK Mayes County does not discriminate on the basis of handicapped status in its admission to, or access to, or treatment in or employment in its programs or activities.

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