(Published in The Norman Transcript December 23, 2015, 1t) REQUEST FOR PUD AMENDMENT NOTICE is hereby given that a proposed Ordinance will be considered at a Public Hearing at the Planning Commission meeting on the ??14th day of January, 2016, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Norman Municipal Building, 201 West Gray Street, Norman, Oklahoma. At that meeting, any and all persons may appear and protest or support the passage of said Ordinance. Any protest must be in writing and filed with the City Clerk prior to 5:00 p.m. on Monday, January 11, 2016, in order to be reported to the Planning Commission. Any protests received after that deadline will be reported to the City Council. Please be advised that e-mail transmissions cannot be considered as legal protest or support. The proposed Ordinance will amend the existing Planned Unit Development to allow multi-generational units within the single-family residential area, to wit: A tract of land lying in the Southeast Quarter (S.E. 1/4) of Section Eight (8), Township Nine (9) North, Range Two (2) West of the Indian Meridian, Cleveland County, Oklahoma being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southeast Corner of said S.E. 1/4; THENCE North 00º0016 East, along the East line of said Southeast Quarter, a distance of 115.00 feet to a point on the Northerly Right-of-Way line of Tecumseh Road as set out in GRANT OF EASEMENT, recorded in Book 3381, Page 345 and the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE along said northerly Right-of-Way line the following five (5) calls: (1) North 89º5213 West a distance of 65.00 feet; (2) South 45º0050 West a distance of 35.35 feet; (3) South 89º5708 West a distance of 95.03 feet; (4) South 88º1822 West a distance of 500.22 feet; (5) North 86º2357 West a distance of 156.03 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 9, Block 3 of the filed final plat of RED CANYON RANCH ADDITION SECTION 1 (as filed in Book 22 of Plats, Page 113); THENCE along the property line of said final plat the following three (3) courses: (1) THENCE North 08º1235 West a distance of 245.15 feet; (2) THENCE North 10º2101 West a distance of 252.63 feet; (3) THENCE North 14º4056 West a distance of 157.47 feet to a point, said point being the Southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 1 of the filed final plat of RED CANYON RANCH ADDITION SECTION 2 (as filed in Book 22 of Plats, Page 214); THENCE along the property line of said final plat the following six (6) courses: (1) THENCE continuing North 14º4056 West a distance of 216.82 feet; (2) THENCE North 25º0320 West a distance of 541.42 feet; (3) THENCE North 21º3929 West a distance of 169.80 feet; (4) THENCE North 35º0304 West a distance of 50.00 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve; (5) THENCE along a curve to the left having a radius of 215.00 feet (said curve subtended by a chord which bears North 59º2712 East a distance of 33.77 feet) with an arc length of 33.81 feet; (6) THENCE North 25º0320 West a distance of 718.34 feet to a point on the South property line of WILDWOOD HILLS ESTATES (as filed in Book 10 Page 93); THENCE along the property line of said final plat the following three (3) courses: (1) THENCE North 56º4356 East a distance of 612.33 feet; (2) THENCE South 40º3258 East a distance of 461.46 feet; (3) THENCE South 90º0000 East a distance of 800.00 feet to a point on the East line of said S.E. 1/4; THENCE South 00º0016 West along said East line a distance of 2165.68 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said tract contains 2,686,581 square feet, or 61.675 acres, more or less. Said proposed Ordinance will be brought up for hearing and final passage at a City Council meeting subsequent to the Planning Commission action on said Proposed Land Use Plan Amendment and Ordinance and may be continued from time to time. WITNESS my hand this 23rd day of December, 2015. Secretary, Norman Planning Commission 201 W. Gray (P.O. Box 370) Norman, Oklahoma 73069 Telephone: 307-7112 1. Applicant: Red Rock Land Fund, L.L.C. 2. Location: Northwest corner of 12th Avenue N.E. and Tecumseh Road Display Ad