IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF LIMESTONE COUNTY, ALABAMA MARK TRAVIS VINCENT, PLAINTIFF, VS. HOLLY BETH VINCENT, DEFENDANT CASE NUMBER: DR-15-900539 NOTICE HOLLY BETH VINCENT, whose whereabouts are unknown, must answer MARK TRAVIS VINCENTS Complaint for Divorce within thirty (30) days of the last date of publication of this notice, or a judgment by default may be entered against her in the Circuit Court of Limestone County, Alabama. DONE and ORDERED this the 23rd day of December, 2015. Brad Curnutt, Circuit Clerk James D. Moffatt Attorney for Plaintiff Latham, Moffatt & Wise, P.C. 317 W. Market St. Athens, AL 35611 256-232-2510 The News Courier December 26, 2015, January 2, 9 and 16, 2016